Manchester City vs Liverpool pre-match thread

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jonmcity said:
Troubadour said:
I have got a bad, bad feeling about this game and have for weeks.
3-1 to the scousers.

To balance that I think it will be 1-4 to City
I think it's gonna be 6-1 to City, no reason, just my favourite scoreline.
So the dippers are bigging it up saying win it for the 96, well we've pissed on chips before at the swamp at the Munich anniversary so let's let's win it for the 39...
I won't lie. As excited as I am about this match, equally I'm shitting bricks about it. However, I don't buy the opinion of some Liverpool fans that our players will wilt because of the atmosphere. The crowd may well play a part but it will be more in terms of giving their own players a lift rather than getting to ours.

But to counter that, we need to play our part off the pitch too. Every single one of us in that away end needs to get behind the team from the off. Unlike many previous Anfield visits, It won't be easy being heard because the whole ground will be in full voice this time round but I'm sure if the players get off to a good start and begin to control proceedings the crescendo from the home fans will subside somewhat.

If we get a result, the walk back to Lime Street could be interesting.......
Its not the first time they have been in with a shout of winning the title since the last time they won it.

I wonder if they were shouting about Hillsborough then.

You never forget but you have to move on and be positive , those lost at Hillsborough wouldn't want to be remembered as being a spur for success in better times for the club on the field.

Those that live in the past stay in the past.
Liverpool claiming to have 'no pressure' on them gives me confidence personally. They HAVE to beat us. A draw is no good for them as it takes the title race out of their hands. Obviously, a win would be great for us and would then make it ours to lose, but a draw is not bad for us at all. It means that Liverpool have to win all of their remaining games, whereas we could realistically afford to draw at Everton and still win the league.

Yes, Liverpool have won their last 9, but we have lost 1 since November, and haven't lost away since then! There is no reason why we can't go there and get a result, seeing as most people seem to be writing us off.

I would personally go for:

Clichy - for pace, more than anything

Aguero has to start, their shaky defence will struggle against his movement. Think Gerrard in his deeper position will find it difficult to cope against Silva and Nasri. My only dilemma in that team is who plays on the right. Id go for Milner simply for his engine in going back as well as forward. Navas could be crucial off the bench using his pace against Flanagan, but I have a feeling that Jovetic could win us this game. Nobody has seen much of him so Liverpool won't be able to have a specific plan to deal with him. Think it'll be a draw, which will propel us on to win the league.
They are overdue to drop points so I could not think of a better side to start that ball rolling.
Liverpool haven't quite looked as good over the last couple of games. In the first 25-30 mins of the game they are usually very good at closing players down to gain possession, although recently that hasn't happened with the same intense.
Hihosilva said:
Liverpool haven't quite looked as good over the last couple of games. In the first 25-30 mins of the game they are usually very good at closing players down to gain possession, although recently that hasn't happened with the same intense.

Agreed. Wet Spam were unlucky not to get something from the game yesterday and let's face it they are tripe. If we play anything like our best, we will beat Liverpool. We are a better team than them and we have more big time players. There's no reason we can't get a result there.

I just hope and pray we don't get any unexpected injuries in training this week or other such shite. Losing Fern just before the Chelsea game was a disaster and we don't want any more bad luck like that.
I can honestly say I am comfortable with this match. The media hysteria surrounding Liverpool, just like the rags in 2012, plays into our hands. Rogers says the pressure is all on City...well he didn't convince me. He knows that the pressure will be on them. They are at home and four points clear of us. They can almost taste it..but the last lap is the toughest. I believe we are stronger mentally than Liverpool. Our team has been the distance. Silva and Navas have won World Cups, Euro titles with Spain and trophies with us, Ya Ya is a Champions League winner who thrives in the biggest games. Vinny is a rock and Sergio is back. I am getting there early to savour the atmosphere. It will be fantastic and will help to inspire us. It's a Cup Final and we will win and then take the title. I am more worried about Palace away!
I thought it was quite amusing to hear Rogers AGAIN saying what a geat performance it was by them yesterday, because, if that's 'great,' he's very easily satisfied.
Liverpool have had 3 very easy games of late. They rarely looked like scoring yesterday, and if West Ham had had a little more about them,or if they had managed to get in front, it would have been very interesting to see how Liverpool coped.
We've just come off the back of 3 of the toughest fixtures we could have wanted, and got 7 points out of 9.
Next Sunday, the pressure is right on them, no matter what Mourinho style bullshit Rogers comes out with. They have to win every game and the first of the big tests is coming. They are on a run of 9 wins which will end eventually, and I'm confident going into it, that next Sunday we'll get at least a point - provided Yaya's up for it - and he usually is in the big games.
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