Manchester City vs Liverpool Pre Match Thread.

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cibaman said:
I hope to see Yaya, Fernando & Fernandhino play together a few times this season. Especially tough away games and the some CL home games.

I'm not sure that this is the game to give it the first full airing. We're not really used to playing that set up at home. Liverpool are not the same standard as Bayern, Barca or Madrid so I think it would be showing them too much respect. I know that playing a single striker can be just as attacking as a pair, but we haven't yet developed that style of play, not at the Etihad. Give it a few outings in away games first. I think if we do play that system against Liverpool the game could quickly become a stalemate and its a game we should be trying to win.

Clearly we need to respect Liverpool's ability on the break, but I don't think we need to re-shape our team to do that. Just play it as we did the united and arsenal games last season

Totally agree.

We should go for the throat in this match.

proy said:
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
but I'm sure our manager will set up accordingly to nullify that threat.

If I could find a fault in pelligrini (needle/haystack) then it's this. He is very assured about the way we play, and will not alter. This is a process I agree with, completely. If we want to become a Barcelona, then we have to stick with it. I mean, when do barca ever change how they play? We are trying to build a dynasty but while the system is in it's infancy we are getting caught out by being so stubborn. I'm not sure if I can level that as a fault for pellers, just in the short term it can kill us, remember barca last year? Eventually it will swing for us, for example Liverpool would be coming to us and changing how they play on Monday. ATM they still come and play the way they play, so it's just a case of who is better on the day.

I agree with much of what you say, but is Pellegrini actually in the right to be so "stubborn".

Yes, 4-4-2 is fine against weaker sides and especially at home. But how many of the very top teams play an orthodox 4-4-2 these days? Most play 5 in the middle and when we face sides as good or better than us, set up like that, we are going to struggle, (I do not for one moment put the Victims in that category by the way).

If we play a striker who can drop deep and help out, then fine - although that's effectively 4-5-1 anyway. And I am not sure we have the personnel for that. I don't want Aguero doing it, and Dzeko and Negredo can't do it well. Maybe Jovetic, but he is too direct and gives the ball away too often.

I'd rather we "promoted" a midfield player to an attacking role, than "demoted" a striker, if that makes sense? And we have a plenty of midfield players who can do that. Yaya is the obvious choice, but Silva and Nasri - probably the latter - would be great behind the striker in a 4-4-1-1 or 4-5-1.

I think that's how we should set up on Monday... But I don't expect we will.
Should be a good game this, probably better to get this game early when both teams are a bit pants in terms of fitness and form.

I'm quietly confident...

1-3 to us.
LFC-Fans said:
Should be a good game this, probably better to get this game early when both teams are a bit pants in terms of fitness and form.

I'm quietly confident...

1-3 to us.

is that on a whim mate? or have you got some reasoning for that prediction?

being as you say we a both similar in form and fitness, although i would say our result at the weekend was the better of the two.
LFC-Fans said:
Should be a good game this, probably better to get this game early when both teams are a bit pants in terms of fitness and form.

I'm quietly confident...

1-3 to us.

Have you seen our home form over the last 3 years ? No way will you get 3. Obviously you're biased and I understand
that, but I think you will see a different City from last weekend. Surprising what a week in training can achieve.
Given that, you'll be fitter too, just we are better in all departments than you. IMO.
Boo their players?

What a pathetic suggestion.

Next you will want to "brick" their supporters' coaches with women and children on board.

I suggest that we solidly and continuously support our lads and celebrate another 3 points.

That's the way to do it...

I don't think Liverpool were particularly good at the weekend and Southampton had a lot of the ball. They didn't have that same zip on the counter but Saints were set up very well to contain it. I think we need to play the same way, we are better than Southampton when we have the ball and will create chances. I think we need the extra man in midfield. With Fernando/Fernandinho we have players capable of starting attacks, they aren't just redundant when we have the ball. That way we can contain their counter attacks - particularly Sterling, and keep the ball and grind them down. I don't think we need to go toe to toe and try to just out attack them. We are better than them man for man so if we match their style of play we will beat them.

Hart, Kolarov, Demichelis, Kompany, Clichy/Zab/Sagna, Fernando, Fernandinho, Yaya, Silva, Nasri, Dzeko.

Bring Jovetic and Aguero on for Nasri/Dzeko if required.

That way we can pressure their midfield without allowing them to draw us out of position and release Sterling/Sturridge. The key will be learning from the game last season at Anfield and getting Silva on the ball dictating play.
supercity88 said:
I don't think Liverpool were particularly good at the weekend and Southampton had a lot of the ball. They didn't have that same zip on the counter but Saints were set up very well to contain it. I think we need to play the same way, we are better than Southampton when we have the ball and will create chances. I think we need the extra man in midfield. With Fernando/Fernandinho we have players capable of starting attacks, they aren't just redundant when we have the ball. That way we can contain their counter attacks - particularly Sterling, and keep the ball and grind them down. I don't think we need to go toe to toe and try to just out attack them. We are better than them man for man so if we match their style of play we will beat them.

Hart, Kolarov, Demichelis, Kompany, Clichy/Zab/Sagna, Fernando, Fernandinho, Yaya, Silva, Nasri, Dzeko.

Bring Jovetic and Aguero on for Nasri/Dzeko if required.

That way we can pressure their midfield without allowing them to draw us out of position and release Sterling/Sturridge. The key will be learning from the game last season at Anfield and getting Silva on the ball dictating play.
You mean letting Lucas kick the shit out of him like he normally does?
LFC-Fans said:
Should be a good game this, probably better to get this game early when both teams are a bit pants in terms of fitness and form.

I'm quietly confident...

1-3 to us.

Pretty much any team can beat any other in this league if/when freaky things happen. But on balance of probability, bearing in mind both squads and that we are at home and considering our home record, I would say your "quiet confidence" is wildly unjustified. You should be expecting to lose and very likely you will. You've taken 1 point off us at the Etihad in the last 6 years.
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