Manchester City vs Liverpool Pre Match Thread.

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DeidreBarlow69 said:
squirtyflower said:
DeidreBarlow69 said:
I said 'fuck all' in Europe...
you need to check your 'istry that you victims are always banging on about

Manchester City won a European trophy before youse (sic) did
Cup Winners Cup - The least prestigious of the European Cups...Congrats.
Twat. You had a one off last season, white fang knew it and that's why he fucked off, you'll be fourth at best this season and not even that if Spurs pull their finger out. Cry me a fucking river.
George Hannah said:
hopperjack said:
George Hannah said:
from Flagpole corner:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... c=315760.0</a>

quite amusing really
Another one quite funny from the site
How to Beat man City
Two Hail Mary's and an Our Father..

at least they're honest about it.
they're getting the serious analysts out now
A couple of points that I've noticed at a quick glance (and from what I remember from watching the game):

- Their fullbacks alternate being attacking/defensive about every 15-20mins or so. If we can identify these sections of the game when one of them is attacking then there's a lot of space to attack in behind them. Having Sterling switch flanks now and again to target the attacking side when they alternate could be a good option.
- Demichelis is often left quite exposed and sits deeper than Kompany, who himself likes to step forward quite often. Making blindside runs behind Kompany off our left (similar to how Sterling scored this weekend) could be particularly lucrative, since Demichelis could play our attackers onside when Kompany pushes up more.
- Newcastle had a player pushing very high to run in behind their defense - first Gouffran, then Cabella, then Reviere. They did this to great effect, and having Sturridge, Sterling, or Markovic in a free roaming role (perhaps taking it in turns like Newcastle did) could make them difficult to pick up for City's CB's.
- Newcastle managed to get Colback in behind Toure several times, and that was one of the keys to breaking on them in the first half particularly.
- We need to have Henderson playing centrally (perhaps in the Colback role). Looking at the position tracker of our game with Southampton its noticeable that Henderson was really isolated out wide. Against City we need the extra body in the middle, since Silva, Nasri, and Toure all overload that area. Unless Navas or Milner are on the pitch the fullbacks are essentially left 1v1 on the outside, with the key battles being in the middle.

With this in mind, I'd like to see us play a 433 (or lopsided diamond as PoP calls it, or "rhombus" if you prefer :)), with Can playing just ahead of Gerrard to add some physical presence and occupy Toure. Henderson's vertical runs will be key to breaking the Toure-Fernando partnership, though I suspect they might opt for another holding player in there instead of Jovetic to contain that threat.
Give him credit has he hasn't mentioned 'pace' or 'wanting it more' once.
They still claim Sterling had a goal incorrectly disallowed last season. I seem to remember it being that a free-kick was awarded to City for Sterling being offside (albeit incorrectly), the little shit then preceded to kick the ball into the net after it was clear the whistle had gone and play had stopped, should have been booked.

I'd love nothing more than for us to absolutely humiliate these bastards and then sing to them "You're going to win the league".
DeidreBarlow69 said:
tonea2003 said:
DeidreBarlow69 said:
That was a handful of fans...yet you want to tar every Liverpool fan with the same brush? Don't be daft, mate. Every club, including yours, has fans that start on opposition fans.

As for your hatred of Rodgers - It seems to me that you can see the remarkable job he's done since he joined the club, with limited funds, and it reflects badly on Mancini and Pellegrini. We're going to be in the limelight - we went from 7th to 2nd, which was a remarkable achievement. Our bench consisted of Aspas, Moses, Alberto and Aly Cissokho.

i didn't say it was all of you, i just said it happened so you don't be daft mate
i don't hate rodgers where have i said that? couldn't care less about him if i'm honest
not sure how it reflects badly on mancini or pellegrini, you will have to enlighten me.

all in all quite a mixed up response....mate
If you didn't mean for it as a dig about liverpool fans in general, why did you say 'you lot'?
You havent said that, my comments about Rodgers were in reply to other posts on here about him.
It does reflect badly on Mancini and Pellegrini that they both had tremendous amounts of money at their disposal, with a squad full of world class talent (all of which bought in previous seasons), yet almost failed to win the league on two occasions and done fuck all in Europe.
Almost failed to win the title on two occasions?? well you definitely failed to win last season...which one sounds best to you??

wayne71 said:
The only decent dippers I know are the ones that moved away.

yeah whatever !! said:
DeidreBarlow69 said:
tonea2003 said:
i didn't say it was all of you, i just said it happened so you don't be daft mate
i don't hate rodgers where have i said that? couldn't care less about him if i'm honest
not sure how it reflects badly on mancini or pellegrini, you will have to enlighten me.

all in all quite a mixed up response....mate
If you didn't mean for it as a dig about liverpool fans in general, why did you say 'you lot'?
You havent said that, my comments about Rodgers were in reply to other posts on here about him.
It does reflect badly on Mancini and Pellegrini that they both had tremendous amounts of money at their disposal, with a squad full of world class talent (all of which bought in previous seasons), yet almost failed to win the league on two occasions and done fuck all in Europe.
Almost failed to win the title on two occasions?? well you definitely failed to win last season...which one sounds best to you??


Funny fucker that ****, almost failed to win the title on two occasions, clawed back 8 points on united with only a few games to go and was playing catch up most of last season.
DeidreBarlow69 said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
DeidreBarlow69 said:
If you didn't mean for it as a dig about liverpool fans in general, why did you say 'you lot'?
You havent said that, my comments about Rodgers were in reply to other posts on here about him.
It does reflect badly on Mancini and Pellegrini that they both had tremendous amounts of money at their disposal, with a squad full of world class talent (all of which bought in previous seasons), yet almost failed to win the league on two occasions and done fuck all in Europe.
When did you last win the league, you scouse c**t? Not since the Littlewoods' money ran out?
Hahaha a City fan shouting his mouth off that Liverpool havent won the league since we no longer had money...Is it only me who sees the hypocrisy in this?

That's his point you dumb fuck, obviously the irony escaped your one cell..!
DeidreBarlow69 said:
Blue Is the Opposite of Blue said:
DeidreBarlow69 said:
As for your hatred of Rodgers - It seems to me that you can see the remarkable job he's done since he joined the club, with limited funds, and it reflects badly on Mancini and Pellegrini.





Well done, I must say your copy and paste skills are exceptional...
Any team can win trophies with the amount of money you've spent. In fact, given the quality of your squad, you should have won much more than you have. We're a team in transition from a period of bad ownership (Hicks and Gillett) and manager (Roy Hodgson [primarily] and Dalglish/Commoli's transfers). We did exceptionally well last season and that is a sign of things to come.

If that is the case how come you have won dick all despite the shed loads of money you have spent?? Fuck off back to your wreath making lessons and stop contaminating our forum with your scouse whining..!!!
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