Manchester v Liverpool

I do believe you've missed out Cardiff? And that comes from a man far closer to Swansea.

London above Manchester for a night out? A drink in the West End is prohibitively expensive and too many places full of wankers in suits on after work drinks or tourists thinking London is the greatest place ever.
Was going to include Cardiff, but couldn't miss Newcastle off the list.
Cardiff > Newcastle for me. I know I should be biased as a Taff but the family are Swansea Jacks. I wish Cardiff was a bit more authentically Welsh but it's still nice.

I see someone has mentioned Southerners too. The vast majority I know are absolute shit. I moved to London in 2005 knowing nobody and had a very unhappy couple of years. You just can't break the fuckers down. I'd make polite conversation in the pub whilst waiting to be served and get constant "sorry" or "pardon" because they pretended they couldn't understand before one word answers or just nods. They'd usually be standing alone. Frightening arrogance.

Men in their fifties or sixties would give me disgusting death stares because of my accent. All convinced they were ICF West Ham thugs or related to The Krays. As a branch, we had big problems with Spurs or Arsenal on the trains too. Some Gooners threatening women and the train staff had to move them. Spurs fans absolutely deluded. One was blatantly faking a London accent.

I do have some great friends here but they're often of Irish origin or not from London itself.
I never feel comfortable In Liverpool. The place has a vibe I don't like and always feel better when I'm back at Lime Street. Some of the suburbs are absolute shitholes, and they have a disproportionate number of feral scumbags. It's a pity, because they do have an interesting city centre with some cool buildings and museums, I can't deny it.

I also can't deny there are some - maybe many - Scousers who are thoroughly decent people with whom I would agree with on most issues and whom I would be happy to call friend and have a pint with. But their homeland always feels like Dodge City to me, and can't wait to get the hell out of Dodge.
I never feel comfortable In Liverpool. The place has a vibe I don't like and always feel better when I'm back at Lime Street. Some of the suburbs are absolute shitholes, and they have a disproportionate number of feral scumbags. It's a pity, because they do have an interesting city centre with some cool buildings and museums, I can't deny it.

I also can't deny there are some - maybe many - Scousers who are thoroughly decent people with whom I would agree with on most issues and whom I would be happy to call friend and have a pint with. But their homeland always feels like Dodge City to me, and can't wait to get the hell out of Dodge.
I think Liverpool is very similar to Glasgow - there always seems an undercurrent of violence in the air. Most cities have areas you would probably avoid in hindsight but I always find long as you don't give it the big I am, your usually okay. Same as going the game, if you want to avoid trouble you usually can.
As far as pubs go Liverpool city centre pisses over all over the pubs in Manchester city centre, we probably have more absolute shit holes in Greater Manchester as they do on Merseyside mainly due to it being bigger but they have more of the 'top end' shitholes, they have the river front which beats the Irwell hands down and probably shades it on architecture but Manchester seems to be more cosmopolitan andhas more places of entertainment, little between the places but they have the supporters of Liverpool FC residing there so it has to be Manchester.
Cardiff > Newcastle for me. I know I should be biased as a Taff but the family are Swansea Jacks. I wish Cardiff was a bit more authentically Welsh but it's still nice.

I see someone has mentioned Southerners too. The vast majority I know are absolute shit. I moved to London in 2005 knowing nobody and had a very unhappy couple of years. You just can't break the fuckers down. I'd make polite conversation in the pub whilst waiting to be served and get constant "sorry" or "pardon" because they pretended they couldn't understand before one word answers or just nods. They'd usually be standing alone. Frightening arrogance.

Men in their fifties or sixties would give me disgusting death stares because of my accent. All convinced they were ICF West Ham thugs or related to The Krays. As a branch, we had big problems with Spurs or Arsenal on the trains too. Some Gooners threatening women and the train staff had to move them. Spurs fans absolutely deluded. One was blatantly faking a London accent.

I do have some great friends here but they're often of Irish origin or not from London itself.
I used to think you hated Manchester and Mancunians but I’ve realised you’re just a miserable **** ;-)
I used to think you hated Manchester and Mancunians but I’ve realised you’re just a miserable **** ;-)

Honestly, I made so many more friends when I was elsewhere. Londoners are just isolationists. You can't break them down. I remember going to Pompey away and a fellow Blue befriended me on the train. We were chatting like old friends in minutes and I'd connected with him better than any Cockney in about two years.

I hate Manchester, hey? I'm there on Saturday. Seeing old friends in the evening too.
Back in the mid 90's my ex's best mate married a girl from Netherton, so spent many many weekends up there. She was from a very large family, red and blue both, who were very accepting of us Blue mancs. Always had great nights out there and met a lot of good people.

It's been prob 10yrs since I had a night out in Manchester, I'd probably not recognise it.
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I moved there over 10 years ago for my sins after marrying a Scouser (Everton fan) I did question if I’d seriously lost the plot but have to admit I’ve had no trouble whatsoever. Get on really well with the locals, I have a lot more common ground with the Evertonians, most of the Liverpool fans are the usual gobs**tes when it comes to football talk they are an unbearable breed making even United fans seem ok in comparison.
The area I live is a nice area and the City Centre is a cracking place for a few drinks . Still prefer Manchester for a p**s up.
Both City’s have so much character and rich heritage and the music and football scene can’t be rivalled anywhere in the UK
I work all over and tend to find Mancs and Scousers get along with each other more than you think and have a lot more in common.
It’s hard to separate my dislike for LFC and it’s fans and my thoughts on scousers in general. There’s a few things that always grate on me...

  1. The delusion that they’re all funny.
  2. The pretence that somehow they’re not English, they’re scouse (a breed apart)
  3. The persecution complex: They weren’t the only city to suffer under Thatcher’s Britain, Hillsborough could have happened to any team in the 80s etc.
  4. The accent (see Lee Mack’s scouse/dolphin impression on You Tube)
Having said all that I’ve known some scousers who are decent blokes providing they're either Everton fans or we don’t talk about football.

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