Mancini Almost Left To Manage Monaco

Do we have press conferences on Thursdays or Fridays ?

If it is the latter then it seems a bit iffy that they put this article out the day before a presser, followed by a reaction article a whole minute later. If he had time to write two articles then they have had that info for a while which means they have chosen the timing carefully. They've tried to put pressure on Mancini and drive a divide between him and the others at the top echelons of the club in my opinion which is really quite underhand but I don't think it will matter all that much in the long run.

Ignore it and move on.
K-Bo said:
Plausible enough to me. Mancini clearly thought he was getting sacked if we didnt win the league, which he probably would of tbh. Was lining up a job in 2nd position just in case.

No sources true, but Taylor's good and wouldn't pull something entirely out of his arse. I can believe this. Doesn't matter now anyway

Where's all this "Taylor's good" bollocks come from ?

He swore blind Bale had signed for Inter Milan last year.

His first book on Manchester United tells you all you need to know about Taylor.
Pablo1 said:
A lot of conjecture without too many solid foundations in my opinion. Most articles that rely on " my sources, and according to " without telling us exactly where the information has come from tend to bend the truth somewhat.

They can't reveal their sources in stories like this or said sources are put to sleep and the journalist loses that source. If this was in The Sun, Mirror, Mail, Star, or Express I'd probably dismiss it too, but generally think Taylor is a good journalist and doesn't make stuff up. He has no love lost for Ferguson either and is banned from the Old Trafford press room (or was last I checked).
so mancini could have sat out the next few years in south of france on abloody good wage ,but he chose to remain at a club he clearly has a fondness for mcfc l ,lucky us i say .forza mancini
Is it really that unbelievable?

Mancini didn't know he was going to win the league. Any good manager with intelligence has an exit strategy. Rich owner wants good manager. Monaco interprets that as him definitely joining rather than a contingency (heard this before?)

It's really not all that sensational, people do this in every profession. Happens every day. I don't see the big deal here.
Hamann Pineapple said:
Where's all this "Taylor's good" bollocks come from ?

He swore blind Bale had signed for Inter Milan last year.

Taylor's a cock, that there can be no doubt, but I'm pretty sure that story came from some weezle from The Times. He blew it all out of proportion on Twitter, kept people waiting for about an hour then published the story only to get a huge backlash from everybody.
cyprustavern said:
If Mancini was having discussions with Monaco then it is nothing more than the actions of a sane man making sure he had an alternative career move if his tenure with City were to have been ended by the owners .

Eez theez
So one of the best managers in the world is making sure he has a backup plan if he does not win the league with us, negotiates with another filthy rich club. Big story? Only in England, I guess. And in Russia;)

Sensationalism at its best. Even if he gave a verbal promise to join them, I don't see a problem with it. Modern football is a cynical cut-throat and unforgiving business. I am more than happy that Mancio is the man to lead us on, I want him to eventually make substantial progress in Europe and win a few titles while doing it. I am not worried, this is just the nature of the game at the highest level. People are being tapped up and hold discussions all the time, like.

No worries lads, just another shit-stirring article. The man is here now, working his socks off and he will get us more trophies. Just the nature of time, resuts needed yesterday, stories must be big, etc.

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