Mancini Breaking News

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BoyBlue_1985 said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
GXCity said:
Exactly, we have the best owners in World football. Without them we wouldn't even have had the chance to sack a manager of Mancini's ability!

as far as I'm aware we have one owner. And I'm not directing my anger at him (although he may well be just as responsible, probably is), its because everything was going well with the holy trinity of Mansour, Khaldoon and Mancini, now the Spaniards have come in and upset the applecart.

Perhaps this is best for the club's long term future but right now I am very disappointed in the handling of the matter
The applecart was ruined when he threatened to walk after signing a new contract. City were well off the pace in the league and out the CL by the time the Spaniards came in. Everyone keeps trying to blame them but Mancini has tried to force 2 very powerful men in Khaldoon and Mansour to bend to his will. He has to remember he is just an employee he does not get what he wants because he threatens them

I think his card was marked when he made a comment along the lines of 'I only answer to Khaldoon' or something like that. Not the greatest way to begin your professional relationship with your two new bosses!
The cookie monster said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
as far as I'm aware we have one owner. And I'm not directing my anger at him (although he may well be just as responsible, probably is), its because everything was going well with the holy trinity of Mansour, Khaldoon and Mancini, now the Spaniards have come in and upset the applecart.

Perhaps this is best for the club's long term future but right now I am very disappointed in the handling of the matter
The applecart was ruined when he threatened to walk after signing a new contract. City were well off the pace in the league and out the CL by the time the Spaniards came in. Everyone keeps trying to blame them but Mancini has tried to force 2 very powerful men in Khaldoon and Mansour to bend to his will. He has to remember he is just an employee he does not get what he wants because he threatens them

When was that?

last summer you read about it, he said it in an interview it was reported everywhere
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Fans now suggesting other names rather than Pellegrini are missing the point a little.

This is not a snap decision. It has been weighed over a period time, to reach a proper conclusion.

That includes who the new manager was already going to be.

Unless Pellegrini now does a massive U-turn and goes to Barcelona, this is only heading one direction.

i would take an educated guess that this was put on the table as soon as Begiristain and Soriano walked into the board room.
strongbowholic said:
Tancredi Palmeri alleging on TS just now that news about this is 3 weeks old in Italy. Also in last few hours it has emerged the reason for the departure is Mancini's relationship with the Sheikh had broken down and whilst he is not Txiki & Ferran's man as it were, they had not pushed him, it is entirely the Sheikh's decision.

It's 3 week's old on here, too.

The first person to tell me was Billy Shears, who then took a sabattical from the forum to keep himself out of trouble.
Let's say Mancini goes and Pellegrini goes to Barca, who is out there who is good enough to not just replicate Mancini's success, but better it? Mourinho doesn't count, as it's clear where he is going to end up. I'm talking about genuine contender's too, people we would have a realistic chance of getting.
EddieR said:
cibaman said:
EddieR said:
A decent PR department can and would stop anything, I work for a very big UK Plc and if we get anything written about us that isn't true, the media have legal proceedings started against them within the day/days after..

We've given them all the ammo again and have no idea how to stop it as that part of the clubs infrastructure is still stuck in 'old City mode'

Spot on Blue. Heads have to roll for this debacle, cup final week and City PR do nothing.

'Typical City' is alive and kicking. It makes me think that there was a cynical, callous intention to discredit Mancini, whether that meant destroying the morale of the players and fans prior to a Cup Final, or not.
Why the hell would you do a deal with an incoming manager, allow the news to be reported as 'News' rather than conjecture or rumour, and not quash or deny, but just allow this uncertainty on one of the greatest of club days?
It stinks, and whether you're for or anti Mancini this has been a disgraceful state of affairs which has been conducted with little regard to a manager who deserves all our respect and gratitude, and with even less regard to the fans who were left feeling somewhat deflated even before a ball was kicked on Saturday. Shame on Begeristain, Khaldoon and anyone else who proves to have been culpable.

I think the most plausible explanation was in the Sunday Times. City had intended to see the season out with Mancini, heard that Barca were considering approaching Pellegrini, and panicked into rushing through the deal.

I defended Begeristain after his public meeting with Pellegrini's agent, arguing that football directors meet agents all the time. But given how close it appears to a deal being done, its clear that the meeting should never have been held in public.[/quote]

BTW, that top bit about working for a big UK Plc was a quote from someone else, not mine.

This just resonates as an assasination of Mancini, to me. Mancini knows he's a dead man walking, we know, the media know but the club won't confirm or deny. That, in any light, is a shambles, and one which you wouldn't observe Manure descending into. We've successfully conducted a pedicure with a 12-bore here.[/quote]

First of all it's not the 1920s, I doubt that their is such a thing as a private meeting what with everyone having a camera or worst still a video on their phone. Once you've been spotted whether that be a 'truth telling journo' or just a hotel domestic, it's then almost impossible to say "no it didn't happen, hmm I was just using the loo and bumped into an agent", as a photo could prove that you hadn't bumped into him, then you'd look a right ronni.

I think there's two sides to this and I'm not sticking my neck, time will tell and already on here with some advanced club knowledge has commented, so time will tell.
Pigeonho said:
Let's say Mancini goes and Pellegrini goes to Barca, who is out there who is good enough to not just replicate Mancini's success, but better it? Mourinho doesn't count, as it's clear where he is going to end up. I'm talking about genuine contender's too, people we would have a realistic chance of getting.
Although they are getting slated I would have to believe that we wouldn't make that kind of mistake
leewill31 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Fans now suggesting other names rather than Pellegrini are missing the point a little.

This is not a snap decision. It has been weighed over a period time, to reach a proper conclusion.

That includes who the new manager was already going to be.

Unless Pellegrini now does a massive U-turn and goes to Barcelona, this is only heading one direction.

i would take an educated guess that this was put on the table as soon as Begiristain and Soriano walked into the board room.
you're getting the outers really worried now Tolm, Pep gone to Bayern, Jose to Chelsea, Pelligrini to Barca, Mancini to Monaco, Klopp staying put - it's not Rafa is it?
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