Mancini Breaking News

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Petetheblu said:
Gary James said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Gary, City are getting a rough ride on this one.

Barcelona leaked this to the Spanish press on Friday, they knew exactly what they were doing.

They wanted Pellegrini and have seemingly been beaten to the punch.

Regardless of whether it's right to remove a manager who has won you your first major honours for years (and yes, I know there have been issues so that may or may not be the right decision - only the leaders know that) there are things the club could have done to prevent the destabilisng we've had in the last 3 days. First if it's totally untrue issue a statement that makes it abundantly clear. Second if it's true then that should have been prevented by striking a non-disclosure deal with your replacement manager (along with meeting in secret, not telling anyone who could leak it etc.) and forbidding him from talking with other clubs.

The Mancini story leaked out when Hughes was boss via (depending on who you believe) someone employed by City or in Italy. The club tend to say it was leaked in Italy these days, so if that's really the truth then they should have learnt from the experience. The club should not get it wrong in the same way twice.

As we all know from Bluemoon people like to reveal new information or be ITK and so stories will leak out. It is important the club prepares for this eventuality. Normally City have a view that stories like this should not be commented on as that can cause other issues (such as the first time you don't deny something straight away it's perceived as the truth). I tend to agree with that normally, but this time it feels as if we're as stunned by the media and fan reaction as we were when the Hughes-Mancini story leaked.

There's nothing to say a third party let the news slip. It's impossible to gag everyone, especially when their not employed by city.

Modern society with smart phones can get things out there in seconds and viral in hours.
Especially if you've been negotiating for 3 months, and Bluemooners have known for 3 weeks

Should have fired him months ago, appointed a caretaker manager and gone about it the Chelsea way.
Eds said:
Does anyone know for a fact what guidelines are issued to players for social media use. Does anyone know for a fact whether the press are given guidelines on what questions they can or can't ask at press conferences. Does anyone know for a fact whether or not Vicky Kloss was at the game on Saturday and whether she was with Bobby when he gave his post match conference?

I understand that the club are aware of these careless tweets I guess that a "memo" has been circulated
"Roberto Mancini still in charge at Manchester City. Has arrived at QPR's Loftus Rd to train #mcfc before their game v Reading FC tomorrow."
This season Mancini has publicly (and in the case of Marwood, repeatedly) criticised:

Joe Hart
Sami Nasri
Vincent Kompany
Brian Marwood
"The Strikers" (for not scoring enough)

and recently:
Vicky Kloss
The management generally

At one point when he was asked about Soriano and Bergiristain being his new bosses he very pointedly said something like "only Khaldoon is my boss"

Seriously, what did he expect the outcome to be?

By the way, I'm no fan of Marwood but honestly Roberto, give it a rest!
lancs blue said:
oakiecokie said:
lancs blue said:
Do you mean they travelled back from Wembley only to head south again today, I thought they'd have stayed down there?

Thats what I`ve said.The Wembley stayover hotel.

Sorry, misunderstood what you meant.

Yep maybe I should have worded the first post a little better.
Blue2112 said:
de niro said:
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
I have a gut feeling Mancini will be staying, and there will be a massive clear out in the summer.....

lets hope so.

Far too much damage been done this weekend in my opinion for Mancini, the board, the press, the PR team and the fans etc to all happily shake hands and work together as a team.

Best thing for us now is to get this sorted today and move on.
I goes so far as saying carnage mate.This is playing out like the the fuckin Ok Coral.
Blue2112 said:
Far too much damage been done this weekend in my opinion for Mancini, the board, the press, the PR team and the fans etc to all happily shake hands and work together as a team.
Probably all turn out to be a rag mafia/media-sponsored prank wherein several people with money to burn suddenly place large bets on a new manager. The rumour gathers speed, the sharks of the press get on board, and suddenly, the whole club is destabilised. They know that Mancini won't stay silent, nor does he. A few unfortunate remarks later, and he ends up in a position where he's either got to eat a whole load of humble pie, or resign. What a mess.
Project said:
"Roberto Mancini still in charge at Manchester City. Has arrived at QPR's Loftus Rd to train #mcfc before their game v Reading FC tomorrow."

if he is being sacked its a joke hes training the team at the moment
What the F is going on?

Pellegrini denies any agreement, Mancini has said it's a load of rubbish, yet all the media are reporting it like it's written in stone, with no quotes, sources or any reference whatsoever. And all the while the club just sit there taking it up the jaxie.

Sometimes I wish we had a ruthless C*** in charge of PR at our club.
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