Mancini Breaking News

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BringBackSwales said:
Not just that, I think it could cause a constructive dismissal claim from Bobby
An old school friend of mine was a senior civil servant who was embroiled in a high-profile row with a Cabinet Minister. The Minister's chief aide had to resign but the quid pro quo was that my friend went as well. The story was going to be that he had resigned, for which he would get a generous pay-off, and the Whitehall press office was primed to put that out after his meeting with his Permanent Secretary.

Unfortunately he had a dental emergency and had to see his dentist first thing so rescheduled his meeting but no one thought to tell the press office. So he got in his car to drive to work after his appointment and heard he'd resigned on the radio. That doubled his payout.
Marvin said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
From the BBC Sportsday website:
More from BBC Sports news reporter Richard Conway at Loftus Road: "I asked a club insider over the weekend about Mancini's apparent confrontational approach. His reply? 'Confrontational doesn't scratch the surface if it.'
That's the impression we are getting now. But is this genuine? Could just be journalists aligning themselves with the decision-makers.

Or maybe our PR Dept are finally doing something and are briefing the media.

Either way, I expect an announcement soon. Just a case of coming to a compromise agreement.
de niro said:
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
I have a gut feeling Mancini will be staying, and there will be a massive clear out in the summer.....

lets hope so.

Far too much damage been done this weekend in my opinion for Mancini, the board, the press, the PR team and the fans etc to all happily shake hands and work together as a team.

Best thing for us now is to get this sorted today and move on.
oakiecokie said:
lmjones1uk said:
oakiecokie said:
Well at least he`s on the bus for the Reading game !!!!!

Is this a joke? Isn't the situation untenable now?

Just seen him and the team get on the bus outside of the teams hotel.I kid you not !!

Fuck know's what is actually going on, but i cannot understand if Bobby is remaining as to why these rumours have not been dismissed
When those reports came out on Friday night city should have, either on or off the record, denied them fully.

Ok, maybe we would have looked ridiculous this week when mancini is sacked and pellegrini takes over but at least we would be looking ridiculous with a FA cup in the cabinet.

Right now we just look ridiculous
i'm well aware that pellegrini HAS to deny everything, but if it turns out that he is lying, well lets just say that from day one the press are going to have one big party
lancs blue said:
oakiecokie said:
lmjones1uk said:
Is this a joke? Isn't the situation untenable now?

Just seen him and the team get on the bus outside of the teams hotel.I kid you not !!

Do you mean they travelled back from Wembley only to head south again today, I thought they'd have stayed down there?

Thats what I`ve said.The Wembley stayover hotel.
Prestwich_Blue said:
From the BBC Sportsday website:
More from BBC Sports news reporter Richard Conway at Loftus Road: "I asked a club insider over the weekend about Mancini's apparent confrontational approach. His reply? 'Confrontational doesn't scratch the surface if it.'

I think that's been Mancini's problem from the start. The British media is a very different animal from the Italian one. Mancini's abrasive, confrontational, attitude from the outset is rubbed them up the wrong way. Look at Redknapp for example, he's had so many things the media could have torn him apart for. The bungs, the dodgy bank accounts, his bankrupting of team after team, his relegating of QPR, yet he gets away relatively scott free. Why? Because he's a media darling. Always available for a quote, leaning from car windows, jokey old boys club style press conferences. He plays the media perfectly, and they give him a free ride. Mancini's approach is the polar opposite of that and, as a result, the media have taken a dislike to him and have been on the offensive from day one.
Marvin said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
From the BBC Sportsday website:
More from BBC Sports news reporter Richard Conway at Loftus Road: "I asked a club insider over the weekend about Mancini's apparent confrontational approach. His reply? 'Confrontational doesn't scratch the surface if it.'
That's the impression we are getting now. But is this genuine? Could just be journalists aligning themselves with the decision-makers.

There was a full internal investigation into Bobby's "confrontational approach" last season in the wake of the Carlos Tevez affair and it was found not to be a problem then, but after a disappointing season it seems to be a problem - I think we can therefore say that it is a disappointing season that is the problem
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