Mancini charged

sniff said:
to be fair he did lose his cool and do something a bit silly, i dont see how anyone can have any complaints

Ok punish him but what about Gollum. It isn't about Mancini on his own. It is a passionate game, emotions run high. All I expect is fair play. Both were 'sent off' both should be punished
lancs blue said:
sniff said:
to be fair he did lose his cool and do something a bit silly, i dont see how anyone can have any complaints

Ferguson accuses referees, 4th officials etc of everything short of paedophilia a dozen times a season and is "asked to explain his comments" FFS.

Mancini's first offence and he gets charged straight off.

and we all know that happens to them, but lets be honest it wasnt in the same vain as that at all. Mancini had a strop because things where not going his own way. lets remember Bellamy and Neville both give each other off the ball slaps that havent been dealt with. I dont care what you say about us being hard done to, if a player did that he would have been sent off. Now for a manger to do that is shocking, he lost his cool and showed to the whole world how easily rattled he is. Expect more of the same from Redknapp, Fergie, and O'neill in the weekd to come. Hats of to that man
XxRachXx said:
Blue Mist said:
What the f*ck !! I am not one who usually spouts conspiracy theories, 'The're all out to get us etc' but both managers were sent to the stands so why is the only one charged Mancini. Effecitivley both were sent off so both should be on a charge. Now is the time for all Blues to stick together, stop bickering amongst ourselves ala Hughes v Mancini, Cook out etc. Get behind City, shout and scream us into 4th spot and f*ck the world. Who cares if no one likes us WE do this together.


Well said !!!!x

Thank you, I enjoyed my rant !
I was working away on Wednesday, so I missed the game. Has anyone got a video of the incident, because all I've seen is the one on the MUEN website & on there, Mancini clearly just tries to retrieve the ball from the gollum-faced twat & then walks away. Its Moyes who then squares up to him, but I don't know if it escalated further after that, as the MUEN's video cuts off at that point!

Basically, if this is all that's happened, it actually looks to be Moyes who's the one spoiling for a fight, so this decision seems ludicrous & agenda-driven.

Video please, anyone?
Mancini was the agressor, it all took place in Moyes technical area and I think the charge is fair enough.

Anything more than a slap on the wrist would be ridiculous.

Moyes is just a cock, and acted like a cock on the night. But I don't think a charge is waranted.
ElanJo said:
No conspiracy here, just a correct decision.

(dependant upon the punishment)

Exactly what is a correct decision?
Sending them both off ?
Only charging Mancini ? if so why was Moyes sent to the stands as well ?

Please explain.

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