Mancini fear of failure?

Mancini - ohhh said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Again, I can't fault the sentiment, rhetoric or rationale!

But surely we will continue to overturn members of the playing squad until we find ourselves in a position where we are content with what we have?

Good enough to win the league, good enough to win the Champions League, etc?

Surely it also applies to having the right manager?

All I am trying to argue, is those who refuse to entertain a change, for fear of prolonging the agony a few more years.

I was firm in my belief Hughes should have been sacked sooner. The owners gave him plenty enough time.

I recall the same arguments on here. We can't sack Hughes because it will get us nowhere.

It got us a better manager in Mancini.

Ok fair enough. What happens when Mancini is sacked and we get Rafa, Mourinho or whoever? And things seem to go well for a while until we hit a sticky patch just like now??

Do we sack him and argue that we will get a better manager?? And believe you me, that sticky patch WILL come! Great clubs are not bought nor are league titles.. They are built! Building needs times.

The point I am trying to convey in so many words is that, if we are not careful or wise we could ruin the bigger picture of getting this club the tag of an international football club.. Plus we could end up in a viscous cycle of chewing and spitting up managers just anyhow.

Football is a beautiful game that we love and that is all because it so damn unpredictable!! Who would have ever thought that Chelsea will be where they are today?? Carlo came in and won big in his first season! His second season and he looks like hes never managed in his life before.

What makes you think that Mancini, who people believe to be clueless cant go on to win the league & champions league next season??

What a crock of shite
We need stability at the end of the day. We've not had it for years.
The first signs that the city boat is going through rough waters and some fans start calling for the manager to go!!!
Thats the 'Typical City'.
We as fans as a collective need to change that mentailty.
As someone as said previously. We need to take the sails down and ride out the storm. we need to be a unit. One whole team from the chairman to the tea lady to the fans on the terraces.

In my opinion as a fan, I think Mancini holds alot of respect within the game.
He is mentally a ten times better manager than Hughes will ever be.
The way he conducts himself 9 times out of ten is impeccable.

I was a Hughes outter, but i wasn't sure about Mancini when he came in because i didn't see or know enough about him.

What little i do see is that the man wants to win and knows what it takes to be the very best. Not many people have this quality.

The players need to show everyone that they are winners, and not that there names look good on paper.

Ive seen to many false dawns watching city, this might be another season of false dawns, but one thing is for sure, city as a whole needs stabilty. To all us single guys, City is our long term partner who is with us because we offer stabilty, through the ups and downs.
meeesh said:
Mancini - ohhh said:
Ok fair enough. What happens when Mancini is sacked and we get Rafa, Mourinho or whoever? And things seem to go well for a while until we hit a sticky patch just like now??

Do we sack him and argue that we will get a better manager?? And believe you me, that sticky patch WILL come! Great clubs are not bought nor are league titles.. They are built! Building needs times.

The point I am trying to convey in so many words is that, if we are not careful or wise we could ruin the bigger picture of getting this club the tag of an international football club.. Plus we could end up in a viscous cycle of chewing and spitting up managers just anyhow.

Football is a beautiful game that we love and that is all because it so damn unpredictable!! Who would have ever thought that Chelsea will be where they are today?? Carlo came in and won big in his first season! His second season and he looks like hes never managed in his life before.

What makes you think that Mancini, who people believe to be clueless cant go on to win the league & champions league next season??

What a crock of shite

Care to elaborate??
Gelsons Dad said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Do City become successful when the manager is unable to not have everyone pulling in the same direction?

Have you been drinking? This sentence makes less sense than the first.
Glad it's not just me who is struggling to make sense of that sentence. ;-)

Joking apart, we're trying to do something that no one else has really done in the modern era, certainly since the concpet of the "Top 4" was established. Gettign a team into the Premiership is hard and keeping thme there is even harder. Getting them established in the top half adds another layer of difficulty but getting a team into that elite group is the hardest task of all and one that was, I strongly suspect, beyond Mark Hughes.

An opportunity has presented itself with Liverpool's failure last season but we couldn't take advantage over Spurs. I believe that it's unlikely Liverpool can break back in to the top group without CL income so that could be one less ot worry about. This season Chelsea have fallen by the wayside (by their standards) and even the rags aren't as fearsome as they were but still get the results. Spurs haven't pushed on but CL income might give them a boost next season.

We're largely around the same level as we were last season but the failings of Chelsea, Spurs & Liverpool have meant we look better than we are, position-wise. I have a great dela of empathy with those calling for patience because that's what we need but that only works if we can be seen to be visibly making progress on our own account. Currently there aren't enough signs of that for many people's liking and I think the Fulham game was a catalyst for many of those doubts to surface. People were asking the same question of Mark Hughes after we'd invested heavily in players so it's not unfair to ask the same question of Mancini.

I would be reasonably relaxed about finishing 5th if we could clearly show we were moving in the right direction but we can't do that yet. The key question for hte board has to be "Are we happy with the way things are progressing and should we reserve judgement until he's had a full pre-season with what's now his own squad?". If the answer is yes then there's no problem for the moment. However if the question is "Is what he wants to do simply not going to work in this league" and the answer is yes, then there's no point in prolonging things.
Soulboy said:
BillyShears said:
I'm more surprised at the number of people who would rather take the Comical Ali route of ignoring current form, results, performances, and suggesting that we're still going to walk into a top 4 spot.

Hey, don't include me in that list if you please!

I've given up on Mancini. I made that view known several weeks ago. And that from someone who defended him stoutly in his first season in charge.

I'm only having a little pop at those who seem to change their minds depending on each result!

Haha! Don't worry mate, I wasn't suggesting you were one of the ones who were ignoring recent performances. What we have between now and the end of the season is an opportunity for everyone (players and coaching staff/management) to prove their worth. The money invested in this squad was done so to reach the CL last season. This season it's still within our grasp, and we're still in two cup competitions. There's no reason for us to not turn things around. However if those things aren't turned around, it's hard to see how the board would back Mancini with another round of spending this summer (which is no doubt what he will want).

Shit or bust time for everyone involved...
Prestwich_Blue said:
Gelsons Dad said:
Have you been drinking? This sentence makes less sense than the first.
Glad it's not just me who is struggling to make sense of that sentence. ;-)

Joking apart, we're trying to do something that no one else has really done in the modern era, certainly since the concpet of the "Top 4" was established. Gettign a team into the Premiership is hard and keeping thme there is even harder. Getting them established in the top half adds another layer of difficulty but getting a team into that elite group is the hardest task of all and one that was, I strongly suspect, beyond Mark Hughes.

An opportunity has presented itself with Liverpool's failure last season but we couldn't take advantage over Spurs. I believe that it's unlikely Liverpool can break back in to the top group without CL income so that could be one less ot worry about. This season Chelsea have fallen by the wayside (by their standards) and even the rags aren't as fearsome as they were but still get the results. Spurs haven't pushed on but CL income might give them a boost next season.

We're largely around the same level as we were last season but the failings of Chelsea, Spurs & Liverpool have meant we look better than we are, position-wise. I have a great dela of empathy with those calling for patience because that's what we need but that only works if we can be seen to be visibly making progress on our own account. Currently there aren't enough signs of that for many people's liking and I think the Fulham game was a catalyst for many of those doubts to surface. People were asking the same question of Mark Hughes after we'd invested heavily in players so it's not unfair to ask the same question of Mancini.

I would be reasonably relaxed about finishing 5th if we could clearly show we were moving in the right direction but we can't do that yet. The key question for hte board has to be "Are we happy with the way things are progressing and should we reserve judgement until he's had a full pre-season with what's now his own squad?". If the answer is yes then there's no problem for the moment. However if the question is "Is what he wants to do simply not going to work in this league" and the answer is yes, then there's no point in prolonging things.

Good post.

I've had 15 months of Mancini to now make what I consider to be a reasonable conclusion as to his suitability for the job at City... and it now a no from me.

The English game seems to be an anathema to him. The need for pace, closing down, hard work, the intangibles such as spirit and desire, all are to some degree lacking.

The style of football he is used to may not be the best one for us to prosper.

I said on September 1st., that he had cocked up the summer transfer window, with seemingly little thought going into his signings and how they would fit in.

He repeated this failing in January again.

This is why I now have little confidence in him delivering what is expected from him.

But do we sack him? That I'm not so sure about.
I've always maintained that results will determine his future... and the availability of someone better will be the ultimate criteria.

So who is better? And available? Tough one...
Prestwich_Blue said:
I have a great dela of empathy with those calling for patience because that's what we need but that only works if we can be seen to be visibly making progress on our own account. Currently there aren't enough signs of that for many people's liking and I think the Fulham game was a catalyst for many of those doubts to surface. People were asking the same question of Mark Hughes after we'd invested heavily in players so it's not unfair to ask the same question of Mancini.

Sums it up for me. Personally, I'll withold judgement until the end of the season but a draw at home to Fulham was a disappointing result when you consider he played 3 Strikers. Tottenham and Chelsea have got games in hand and they know reclaiming 4th is in their reach.

We should be finishing 3rd with the full strength first team.
Gelsons Dad said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I see various fragments of opinion regarding Mancini, ultimately, how do we progress forward as it stands?
What? Fragments of opinion? What does that mean? Ultimately,how do we progress forward as it stands? What the fuck does that mean?

Ultimately - In the end, finally. We are not at the end of anything. There are 10 games left in the league, that's more than 25% of the points still available and we are THIRD.

How do we progress forward as it stands? - Firstly one can only progress forwards. The opposite is to regress. Secondly, as what stands? Are you suggesting something should change after 75% of a season where we are in 3rd place in the league and well placed in 66% of the cups we entered?

I suggest we get behind the team and see what the next 3 months have to offer. I've applied for tickets to the Europa League final.
Do City become successful when the manager is unable to not have everyone pulling in the same direction?

Have you been drinking? This sentence makes less sense than the first.
"Do city become successful". Do you mean Will city become successful? If so what is your measure of success? The clubs stated aim is CL qualification what's yours?

"When the manager is unable to not have everyone pulling in the same direction". This is a double negative and could be simplified to "When the manager is able to have". However, I believe you mean to say that the manager is unable to get everyone pulling in the same direction. If that is the case could you explain who everyone is and how you know they are not all pulling in the same direction?

That goes for, players, fans, whoever.

Please be specific as to who you think it is as my ambitions are in line with the managers, players and clubs.

I credit Mancini for having the balls to take the job in the situation he was presented with last season.

I'm sure he'll be delighted but what situation? We had a poor manager, he was replaced. It's nothing new in football.

He has been on a massive learning curve, since.

Err... Please show your workings as I don't see any more steep a curve than any manager going to any new league. As far as learning about football, I consider Bobby considerably more knowledgable than many of the other Premier league managers.

However, I believe the team has been treading water for weeks, getting away with it against lesser opposition.

We have progressed in 2 cups and maintained our league position. A net gain.

Tiredness and not enough personal and collective responsibility, was there for all to see against Fulham.

And yet when the manager talks of tiredness he is ridiculed.

But I believe if he doesn't sort his head out, and quick, it will cost him his.

Most importantly, it will cost City, dearly.

He will be judged by our end of season position.

its cos we're shit.
Mancini - ohhh said:
meeesh said:
What a crock of shite

Care to elaborate??

Yea I can elaborate a bit

Let me make it simple for one of your points.........Teams and Titles are not bought.....shite....Blackburn and Chelsea ring any bells ?

The big picture............What fuckin big picture,thats now innit, we have spent 300m and are making hard work of it,how big a picture do you want? Oh yea sorry this is a 5 or 10 year masterplan isnt it....I nearly forgot

The vicious circle of chewing and spitting managers out will never leave our club until a manager actually wins something,and yes fingers crossed that could be this season,oh shit forgot again,it was the carling cup final yesterday wasnt it...our biggest chance of silverware this season by a country mile

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