Mancini fear of failure?

For one reason or another we have injuries to key player at the moment.
We miss NDJ and Silva, plus Johnson.
If we would have had them in the team against Fulham we might have got a different result. Who knows.
Vieira is way past his best. SWP is past his best.
Balo, the jury is thinking of sending him down he's definitely getting community service.

I think Wednesday will be the defining moment of the season. Win and the mood will be upbeat. Lose, and I see hurricane Mancini.
Stability is only good if you are in the right space to begin with. The new owners keeping Hughes on (never mind us giving the rag twat the job in the first place) was a big, big, big mistake. That's where stability isn't good.

Mancini and the team are well placed, and we need to finish in the top three, and progress and win one / both of the cups. If we fail on all fronts, but have gone out battling, then fair enough to some degree. If we fail with a whimper then Mancini's position is under threat. You either bring someone better in (Mourinho?) or keep what ya got?

The next three games are crucial!! If Tevez shows any more disrespect (ala Hughes handshake) I'd keep the fucker in the reserves for the next 3 years.
We've hit a rough patch of form in the league recently. Let us not forget that we are 3rd, in 2 cups, and our last two games before Fulham were 5-0 and 3-0 wins (obviously against a much lower standard of opposition).

Unfortunately for every single one of us on here (and this isn't a challenge to TH's or Danamy's info sources as they certainly know their stuff), we know fuck all about the mindset of Mancini and people are seeing whatever they want to see. Some say that he is motivating his players through public criticism, no different from what millions of other managers do, some say that he is cracking under the pressure. In reality, both of these will be over simplified and false.

If Mancini wasn't feeling the pressure right now, I'd want him sacked. The idea that Mancini can't handle the pressure of the City job after been the Inter manager for several years is absurd and laughable. Talk about high standards, the guy won the league 3 years on the bounce and STILL got sacked for not winning the CL.

My problem with all of this doesn't rest on Mancini's shoulders, but on the shoulders of us, the fans. I don't think that WE can handle the pressure. Put it this way, if I told you a year ago that we'd be coming into March, still in the Europa League and the FA Cup, and 3rd place in the league, would you have taken it?
I would have snapped your hand off.

Too many times, we micro-analyse every single media report, every comment by the manager or a player, every kick of the ball, every hand gesture or 'body language communique'. We spend so much of our time talking about all of the trimmings, that we forget to eat the turkey.

The turkey, in my view, is that we are on a rough run of form due to injuries to key players and our playing style isn't palatable to those who turn up to be entertained. Good. I don't want people going to Eastlands to be 'entertained', I want them to go because they want to watch City win.

You can debate all day long about whose fault it is that we are on bad form. Is it Mancini's for not signing stronger in the January window? To be fair, this is another one of those things that has happened since the takeover; some believe that we are now able to just buy people by clicking our fingers. Is it the players who lack the talent to play in the first team against this type of opposition? Is it tiredness? Lack of motivation?

Again, the reality will be some mixture of all of the above.

So, if you do agree that it is Mancini's fault that we are in bad form (and I do), then what do we do about it? Sack him? That sets a very dangerous precedent within our club - sacking a manager every time we go through a bad run of form. Slag him off all day on here? Whether some like to admit it or not, this place catches the zeitgeist of the City fans, and does have the power to influence opinions of others. If this whole placed was screaming for his head, it would eventually filter into the matchday fans thus the club itself. Do we blindly support him?

I support the management of the club when they have a proven track record. I do this because it makes me feel happier as a fan. I see football fanaticism as the support of a group of athletes wearing the badge of the local community team. I don't go to be entertained, I go to help and try to motivate the athletes that I root for.
This isn't to say that I can't see the criticism of him, because I can and do acknowledge when he has things wrong, I just never get myself in a position where I feel that the mans time at this club should be over because of one incident. If these incidents build up whereby his negatives outweigh the positives, and we have alternatives in the market place who look like they are able to do a better job, then I don't mind a change. To be honest, I don't see drawing a game at home to be a negative that deserves to be considered in our overall judgement of Mancini.

This is what I mean about pressure. For those who can't handle this, every straw is the one that broke the camel's back. Every negative is a huge deal which means that he MUST GO RIGHT NOW. On the opposite side, some cannot take the criticism of Mancini in the correct context. Not every critque means that he should be sacked, just as not every mistake means that he should be sacked.

It was an interesting place this forum in January. There was an undercurrent of a "Mancini Out" starting up again, just as Hughes Out started. First, it starts off with threads like this; then it progresses to the joking "Mancini Out" threads, then some idiot posts a completely knee jerk reaction to a bad day at the office for the team, and the conversation is then out there and the ball rolls until the forum is in complete warfare again.

After the Notts County game, we had several threads criticising the team. I want you to consider this for a moment; after a 5-0 win, we had threads criticising the team for not playing well enough. If you are making threads about it then, then your opinion is tainted and nothing you say should be taken seriously. 5-0 wins make you immune from criticism.

The point is, Mancini taken in overall context is doing a good job. Not great mind, but good. If he would have challenged for the league, it would have been a masterful job, but it wasn't to be this year though with an extra year together, we could be looking at this next year. A good job, favourites for the UEFA Cup and sliding through the rounds lately, 3rd in the league in March and a semi-tough run in in the FA Cup that could see us at Wembley. That's not bad for his first full season. He has a far better win record than current flavour of the month Harry Redknapp which is constantly overlooked.

There's very little to worry about here. We've dipped in form due to injuries, but we're still looking good in all competitions. Just calm down and stop panicking so much at every little thing. We're fine. We might not win something this year, or we might win a Double (!). We might finish 2nd or we might finish 5th. None of it truly matters. What matters is how much we are moving forward as a club and as a team; I don't think anyone doubts that we have moved forward significantly under Mancini both on and off the pitch. Have some patience and stop trying to force everything.
meeesh said:
Mancini - ohhh said:
Care to elaborate??

Yea I can elaborate a bit

Let me make it simple for one of your points.........Teams and Titles are not bought.....shite....Blackburn and Chelsea ring any bells ?

The big picture............What fuckin big picture,thats now innit, we have spent 300m and are making hard work of it,how big a picture do you want? Oh yea sorry this is a 5 or 10 year masterplan isnt it....I nearly forgot

The vicious circle of chewing and spitting managers out will never leave our club until a manager actually wins something,and yes fingers crossed that could be this season,oh shit forgot again,it was the carling cup final yesterday wasnt it...our biggest chance of silverware this season by a country mile
THE EMPORERS CLOTHES have finally been revealed , someone has been brave enough to say it (braver than me) .I have had enough Mancini is NOT the man for the job , do we give him to the end of the season , I dont know.What I do know is tthe Arabs have got far more money than I will ever have, and I wouldnt give him a single penny of my own money to spend this summer.
Judgement at the end of the season but the signs are not looking good!

Points per game this season is less than he achieved last season with Hughes squad including Adebayor,Bellamy and Bridge!

Personally I find the way we play unexciting and laboured and if he doesnt make top 4 he deserves to go.

All this we need to stick with one manager is only valid where noticeable progress is being made.

If it was just about sticking with one manager then why didnt we stick with Frank Clark?
Damocles said:
We've hit a rough patch of form in the league recently. Let us not forget that we are 3rd, in 2 cups, and our last two games before Fulham were 5-0 and 3-0 wins (obviously against a much lower standard of opposition).

Unfortunately for every single one of us on here (and this isn't a challenge to TH's or Danamy's info sources as they certainly know their stuff), we know fuck all about the mindset of Mancini and people are seeing whatever they want to see. Some say that he is motivating his players through public criticism, no different from what millions of other managers do, some say that he is cracking under the pressure. In reality, both of these will be over simplified and false.

If Mancini wasn't feeling the pressure right now, I'd want him sacked. The idea that Mancini can't handle the pressure of the City job after been the Inter manager for several years is absurd and laughable. Talk about high standards, the guy won the league 3 years on the bounce and STILL got sacked for not winning the CL.

My problem with all of this doesn't rest on Mancini's shoulders, but on the shoulders of us, the fans. I don't think that WE can handle the pressure. Put it this way, if I told you a year ago that we'd be coming into March, still in the Europa League and the FA Cup, and 3rd place in the league, would you have taken it?
I would have snapped your hand off.

Too many times, we micro-analyse every single media report, every comment by the manager or a player, every kick of the ball, every hand gesture or 'body language communique'. We spend so much of our time talking about all of the trimmings, that we forget to eat the turkey.

The turkey, in my view, is that we are on a rough run of form due to injuries to key players and our playing style isn't palatable to those who turn up to be entertained. Good. I don't want people going to Eastlands to be 'entertained', I want them to go because they want to watch City win.

You can debate all day long about whose fault it is that we are on bad form. Is it Mancini's for not signing stronger in the January window? To be fair, this is another one of those things that has happened since the takeover; some believe that we are now able to just buy people by clicking our fingers. Is it the players who lack the talent to play in the first team against this type of opposition? Is it tiredness? Lack of motivation?

Again, the reality will be some mixture of all of the above.

So, if you do agree that it is Mancini's fault that we are in bad form (and I do), then what do we do about it? Sack him? That sets a very dangerous precedent within our club - sacking a manager every time we go through a bad run of form. Slag him off all day on here? Whether some like to admit it or not, this place catches the zeitgeist of the City fans, and does have the power to influence opinions of others. If this whole placed was screaming for his head, it would eventually filter into the matchday fans thus the club itself. Do we blindly support him?

I support the management of the club when they have a proven track record. I do this because it makes me feel happier as a fan. I see football fanaticism as the support of a group of athletes wearing the badge of the local community team. I don't go to be entertained, I go to help and try to motivate the athletes that I root for.
This isn't to say that I can't see the criticism of him, because I can and do acknowledge when he has things wrong, I just never get myself in a position where I feel that the mans time at this club should be over because of one incident. If these incidents build up whereby his negatives outweigh the positives, and we have alternatives in the market place who look like they are able to do a better job, then I don't mind a change. To be honest, I don't see drawing a game at home to be a negative that deserves to be considered in our overall judgement of Mancini.

This is what I mean about pressure. For those who can't handle this, every straw is the one that broke the camel's back. Every negative is a huge deal which means that he MUST GO RIGHT NOW. On the opposite side, some cannot take the criticism of Mancini in the correct context. Not every critque means that he should be sacked, just as not every mistake means that he should be sacked.

It was an interesting place this forum in January. There was an undercurrent of a "Mancini Out" starting up again, just as Hughes Out started. First, it starts off with threads like this; then it progresses to the joking "Mancini Out" threads, then some idiot posts a completely knee jerk reaction to a bad day at the office for the team, and the conversation is then out there and the ball rolls until the forum is in complete warfare again.

After the Notts County game, we had several threads criticising the team. I want you to consider this for a moment; after a 5-0 win, we had threads criticising the team for not playing well enough. If you are making threads about it then, then your opinion is tainted and nothing you say should be taken seriously. 5-0 wins make you immune from criticism.

The point is, Mancini taken in overall context is doing a good job. Not great mind, but good. If he would have challenged for the league, it would have been a masterful job, but it wasn't to be this year though with an extra year together, we could be looking at this next year. A good job, favourites for the UEFA Cup and sliding through the rounds lately, 3rd in the league in March and a semi-tough run in in the FA Cup that could see us at Wembley. That's not bad for his first full season. He has a far better win record than current flavour of the month Harry Redknapp which is constantly overlooked.

There's very little to worry about here. We've dipped in form due to injuries, but we're still looking good in all competitions. Just calm down and stop panicking so much at every little thing. We're fine. We might not win something this year, or we might win a Double (!). We might finish 2nd or we might finish 5th. None of it truly matters. What matters is how much we are moving forward as a club and as a team; I don't think anyone doubts that we have moved forward significantly under Mancini both on and off the pitch. Have some patience and stop trying to force everything.

Im in agreement with this man. Can we as a 'the best football fans in the world' handle the pressure. we need to man up. Stop being dicks and get a grip.
Everything you say i agree with.
Damocles said:
There's very little to worry about here. We've dipped in form due to injuries, but we're still looking good in all competitions. Just calm down and stop panicking so much at every little thing. We're fine. We might not win something this year, or we might win a Double (!). We might finish 2nd or we might finish 5th. None of it truly matters. What matters is how much we are moving forward as a club and as a team; I don't think anyone doubts that we have moved forward significantly under Mancini both on and off the pitch. Have some patience and stop trying to force everything.

Everyone does not agree with that - as this forum is a testament to. The facts don't even bare it out. Significantly moved forward on the pitch? How - results are as patchy as last season. Performances? Worse than last season. Points total? Same as last season. Results in the 'big' games? Same as last season. Squad harmony? I'd answer that but you'd probably call me a liar. Mancini's job security? Again, any answer would just lead to a slanging match.
BillyShears said:
Damocles said:
There's very little to worry about here. We've dipped in form due to injuries, but we're still looking good in all competitions. Just calm down and stop panicking so much at every little thing. We're fine. We might not win something this year, or we might win a Double (!). We might finish 2nd or we might finish 5th. None of it truly matters. What matters is how much we are moving forward as a club and as a team; I don't think anyone doubts that we have moved forward significantly under Mancini both on and off the pitch. Have some patience and stop trying to force everything.

Everyone does not agree with that - as this forum is a testament to. The facts don't even bare it out. Significantly moved forward on the pitch? How - results are as patchy as last season. Performances? Worse than last season. Points total? Same as last season. Results in the 'big' games? Same as last season. Squad harmony? I'd answer that but you'd probably call me a liar. Mancini's job security? Again, any answer would just lead to a slanging match.

I'd also add that we actually look a worse "team" than we did last season.

We are more unbalanced, a lack of cover in vital areas, and the team spirit is questionable to say the least.

Improved? Nah, not really...
Soulboy said:
BillyShears said:
Everyone does not agree with that - as this forum is a testament to. The facts don't even bare it out. Significantly moved forward on the pitch? How - results are as patchy as last season. Performances? Worse than last season. Points total? Same as last season. Results in the 'big' games? Same as last season. Squad harmony? I'd answer that but you'd probably call me a liar. Mancini's job security? Again, any answer would just lead to a slanging match.

I'd also add that we actually look a worse "team" than we did last season.

We are more unbalanced, a lack of cover in vital areas, and the team spirit is questionable to say the least.

Improved? Nah, not really...

You notice I didn't mention the hundred million we've spent since the end of last season to improve the squad...
BillyShears said:
Everyone does not agree with that - as this forum is a testament to. The facts don't even bare it out. Significantly moved forward on the pitch? How - results are as patchy as last season. Performances? Worse than last season. Points total? Same as last season. Results in the 'big' games? Same as last season. Squad harmony? I'd answer that but you'd probably call me a liar. Mancini's job security? Again, any answer would just lead to a slanging match.

Our defence is better, our team is less erratic and more organised under Mancini than under Hughes.

You are picking and choosing performances, and I'd advise you to go back and watch some Hughes/City football . When we were great, we were world beaters, but when we were, bad we were utterly terrible.

How are the results in big games worse? Off of the top of my head, we have more points this year from them don't we?

Points total is irrelevant as the league is completely different this year; placement is what matters

Squad harmony and job security, unless you happen to play for or be chairman of City (and you're neither), you have no objective way of measuring, so you are seeing what you want to.

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