Mancini IN ..

tolmie's hairdoo said:
That little lot were best part of £35m. Let's just think about this for a second.

And on unparalleled contracts........

For a club,allegedly now so savvy,that was a monumental fuck up.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Didsbury Dave said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
We baulked at Hazard because his agents were asking silly monies on top of the fee we had agreed with his club.

There was also an element that they wanted to include his brother in an additional 'kick back' deal at a later date.

Added to the lad also having a real preference for London, Chelsea becoming European Champions, we sort of knew we were on a loser.

He would have also chosen United if Chelsea had not won it.

Re Van Persie, again, from what I understand, City's board refused to go beyond £15m for Van Persie, we had met with his agent Kees Vos plenty of times in the run up to the end of last season.

We were prepared to reconcile his age and wages only if we could get him for £15m, Mancini just expected it to get done, regardless.

Arsenal wanted more. Juventus, like us, were offering phenomenal money, but not in addition to the £30m Arsenal were holding out for.

United were unclear where they also stood in the bidding process but had a mandate to win at all costs.

De Rossi, was just farcical from beginning to end and is solely the fault of Mancini, certainly not Marwood.

Three times he continued in his belief that De Rossi was prepared to join us and it was just a question of us ponying up.

In the final days of the window, again, Marwood and the owners tried to appease Mancini and made a £25m offer for Stefan Jovetic, but the lad felt rushed into making a decision and that was that.

Mancini spent the previous summer in a similar mode, at odds with Cook and Marwood over how much was enough.

And then Marwood said "here you go, Bob" and presented him with Garcia, Sinclair, Maicon and Rodwell, players he'd never really heard of, and he got them in training and realised they were all shit. So trailling Man United by 12 points is all Marwood's fault.

That little lot were best part of £35m. Let's just think about this for a second.

Yes a waste of money.

Our net spend this season has been somewhere around £10m.

It's better to buy one star, such as Hazard for that £35m than it was to buy the crap we did.
Didsbury Dave said:
I've had people on here telling me I'm not a proper supporter for years. It's childish, and pathetic, and you paint a vision in your head of some City shirt-wearing, spittle-flecked thicko from the cheap seats who's never played a game of football in their lives.

But to be pontificated to by some fucking armchair fan across the world about how I should "support" the club I've dedicated a huge part of my life to is beyond the pale.


If we all had the same opinion as to what is best for the club, forums would be very boring places.
coulsonblue said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Didsbury Dave said:
And then Marwood said "here you go, Bob" and presented him with Garcia, Sinclair, Maicon and Rodwell, players he'd never really heard of, and he got them in training and realised they were all shit. So trailling Man United by 12 points is all Marwood's fault.

That little lot were best part of £35m. Let's just think about this for a second.

Yes a waste of money.

Our net spend this season has been somewhere around £10m.

It's better to buy one star, such as Hazard for that £35m than it was to buy the crap we did.

Watching hazard this season we could of dodged a bullet.
OB1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
And then Marwood said "here you go, Bob" and presented him with Garcia, Sinclair, Maicon and Rodwell, players he'd never really heard of, and he got them in training and realised they were all shit. So trailling Man United by 12 points is all Marwood's fault.

I think he might have heard of Maicon!

And he could hardly have forgotten Rodwell man-marking Silva plus Platt said they had been tracking Rodwell for 2 (?) years.

-- Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:28 pm --

tolmie's hairdoo said:
That little lot were best part of £35m. Let's just think about this for a second.

I said the other day that we should have paid the necessary for Bale, bought Nasty and no one else but made De Jong stay.

In hindsight, we should also have tried very hard to swap Mario for Cavani.

Oh he'd heard of them all al right. They all came through the same club transfer structure as all of his others. No club in the land gets all their "number ones". We've been beating Man united to all of theirs for nearly five years, yet I haven't heard Ferguson sit there and spit "Ask Gill" when asked about progress. I'm just lampooning the simple Reptilian, black and white logic which pervades sections of this forum. Mancini played a part in signing every one of those duds. He doesn't' have players forced upon on, they are all approved by him.

Yet this narrative is emerging, based on his summer comments, that somehow he is excused under performance because of these signings. No manager in the world gets all their number one targets, and we are working in a very competitive market. TO be a good manager, if your "number ones" go elsewhere, make sure you've got good "number 2s" and 2s lined up. As Tolm says, if you've got £40m it can't be that hard.
The cookie monster said:
coulsonblue said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
That little lot were best part of £35m. Let's just think about this for a second.

Yes a waste of money.

Our net spend this season has been somewhere around £10m.

It's better to buy one star, such as Hazard for that £35m than it was to buy the crap we did.

Watching hazard this season we could of dodged a bullet.

Maybe but he has played well in some games, scored goals, created goals, chances etc...

Not clear cut that it would've been same with us.

eg. de jong might not have been injured for season if had stayed.<br /><br />-- Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:45 pm --<br /><br />
Didsbury Dave said:
OB1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
And then Marwood said "here you go, Bob" and presented him with Garcia, Sinclair, Maicon and Rodwell, players he'd never really heard of, and he got them in training and realised they were all shit. So trailling Man United by 12 points is all Marwood's fault.

I think he might have heard of Maicon!

And he could hardly have forgotten Rodwell man-marking Silva plus Platt said they had been tracking Rodwell for 2 (?) years.

-- Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:28 pm --

tolmie's hairdoo said:
That little lot were best part of £35m. Let's just think about this for a second.

I said the other day that we should have paid the necessary for Bale, bought Nasty and no one else but made De Jong stay.

In hindsight, we should also have tried very hard to swap Mario for Cavani.

Oh he'd heard of them all al right. They all came through the same club transfer structure as all of his others. No club in the land gets all their "number ones". We've been beating Man united to all of theirs for nearly five years, yet I haven't heard Ferguson sit there and spit "Ask Gill" when asked about progress. I'm just lampooning the simple Reptilian, black and white logic which pervades sections of this forum. Mancini played a part in signing every one of those duds. He doesn't' have players forced upon on, they are all approved by him.

Yet this narrative is emerging, based on his summer comments, that somehow he is excused under performance because of these signings. No manager in the world gets all their number one targets, and we are working in a very competitive market. TO be a good manager, if your "number ones" go elsewhere, make sure you've got good "number 2s" and 2s lined up. As Tolm says, if you've got £40m it can't be that hard.

Thing is though, no matter how good a no 2 might be, they're still a no 2. 2nd best, not as good as no 1.

How can Mancini be expected to beat the team we were level on points with the season before, if they signed our no1 target, and we were left with no2s?
Didsbury Dave said:
OB1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
What I take exception to is if one of these supporters tries to lecture me about how I "support" the club, because it's something they have no knowledge or uinderstanding of. When this guy deigned to pontificate in this thread that I should "not let the door smack my arse on the way out (or was it my butt)" I was hundreds of miles away in Southampton, where I'd spent hundreds of pounds and two valuable days following my team. My throat was sore from singing for the entire game, even though we'd played like shit. I didn't barrack the players, or the manager, I gave them "support". Just like I have done for the last 35 years of my life, all around the world and all throught he divisions. He was in his bedroom issuing lectures and offering his definition of "support". "Supporting" the club is following them through thick and thin, and being there for them in their hour of need, not typing "Forza Mancini" on a forum.

Is this 100% clear now or do I need to make it even more so?

Can I just say that I am heartily sick of seeing people told that they are not supporting the club for daring to question the manager etc. I'm actually somewhere in the middle on the Mancini in/out debate (but not sat on the fence); however, some of the crap that the In brigade come up with is pathetic and the abuse handed out is even worse.

I didn't go to Southampton - although I've been several times to watch City there - as it's closer to where I live than Manchester; in fact, it cost me more to go to see the Leeds game than it would have done Saints. I have to balance that games I attend in person against the needs of my family (wife and daughters who are not into football but do favour private education); I do have 40 years on the season ticket clock so I've paid my supporting dues over and over and I'll have whatever opinion I want and really wish others would respect that right in all their fellow supporters.

I've had people on here telling me I'm not a proper supporter for years. It's childish, and pathetic, and you paint a vision in your head of some City shirt-wearing, spittle-flecked thicko from the cheap seats who's never played a game of football in their lives.

But to be pontificated to by some fucking armchair fan across the world about how I should "support" the club I've dedicated a huge part of my life to is beyond the pale.
and especially if they are a baseball playing, spittle-flecked thicko wearing a City shirt lolling on an imported DFS couch.

Didsbury Dave said:
I didn't barrack the players, or the manager, I gave them "support". Just like I have done for the last 35 years of my life, all around the world and all throught he divisions. He was in his bedroom issuing lectures and offering his definition of "support". "Supporting" the club is following them through thick and thin, and being there for them in their hour of need, not typing "Forza Mancini" on a forum.

So you support Mancini in public? Whilst surrounded by other City fans?

And yet you give him shit on here day after tedious day?

And your rhetoric about others issuing lectures about how to support the club is quite frankly, laughable and the greatest ever example of two-faced hypocrisy I have ever, ever seen.

You're childish ideology is thus:

I've supported City longer than you Johnny Foreigner, so my opinion is more valid than yours could ever be. Ner-ner-ner-ner-nerrrrr.....
I don't agree with Dave about Mancini but we haven't fell out at all.

Some are making it personal which lowers the tone of this forum. I am sure the mods are watching

Now can you all just fuck off you part timers........................:-)

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