Mancini IN ..

Marvin said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Marvin said:
Some genuine critics and a wave of Man Utd fans pretending to be Bert from Stockport, but vast majority of match-going fans are behind him as I hope you will see next Sunday

That's not the case, I'd say. You've got a percentage who see no wrong in him, like you. You've got a percentage who don't think he's good enough, like me. Then you got a bigger percentage of middle ground who sway with results. At the moment a significant proportion of that middle segment have swayed away from him. I'd say this weekend's performance, on the back of the season overall, turned a few heads.

I spent all weekend in Southampton taking to dozens of City fans. I think most overall thought he wouldn't see the season out. The majority sentiment was a kind of disappointed acceptance.
I do see some faults, what manager doesn't make a mistake?

But I think it would be catastrophic to change manager now, and he has turned round a situation like this last season. It's been a disappointing weekend, but the response to setbacks is to rally behind the team. And that's what will happen. If this season collapses then what you want will happen in due course anyway. You wont have to agitate for it.

But in the meantime I'll be singing his name and supporting the team like you

I'd only sack him now if Jose became free, in which I'd do it like a shot.

Otherwise, summer if the time of course.

If we go out of the FA Cup, of course, the season is already practically over. We need to just get shut of him to ensure Champions League qualification if it becomes apparrent that he's lost all the players. On Saturday that's what it looked like to me.
Mancini everyday. 4 years in and 3 trophies.fa cup, charity or community shield, whatever era your from and of course the Prem.

taggart took 6 years to win the prem and only won one trophy in his first 4 years and this after still being the richest, bestest ever in a trillion years supported club with their 28 trillion supporters. it took 6 years.

I has a city supporter for over 40 years have seen too many managers come and go, its time to play a steady game of blackjack and stick.

With the slightest bit of stability we have shown we can lead from the front.

Started at Benfica and had a 54.55% out of 17 games, god even souness had a 57.75% success rate out of 71 games.

Then to deportiva where he won nothing and finishest 7th in league, Porto next where he had the foundations laid by the previous manager Fernando Santos. The rest of his career is history as he went from club to club where the club was already established and loved the adulation.

The media always class us as the club that employs mercenaries well there is no bigger mercenary than Mourinho.

I remember the bad times and they weren't good, too many managers too little time.

Please please please Sheikh Mansour stick with Robbie, he's delivered already, let him finish the job.
warhawkmoski said:
The other thing that is really starting to get on my nerves about him is he is always blaming the players, in the media, when they don't play well or get the job done. Has he ever once come out and said, "today I got it wrong, our tactics, or our squad, were wrong and I made a mistake." No, he hasn't. He would rather throw the players under the bus than take the blame himself, which recently, he has deserved because of his squad decisions as well as his tactical decisions.

Actually, yes he has. I think he did it twice last season when he was interviewed after a match and said he hadn't prepared the team correctly. And guess what, he got a lot of shit about doing that as well, especially from the 'experts'. Thankfully on Bluemoon we take a more measured approach and dont tend to have knee-jerk reactions to a blip in performances.
crb said:
I don't like bobby as a manager I'm not jumping on the bandwagon I nvr have gr8 player good guy but not a great or good manager, for all the money spent on the team we don't half play dull unimaginative football. During his time here iv enjoyed the wins but barely ever the performances, there was a brief spell at the start of last season when I thought wow I got this guy wrong but it didn last, we lost to Chelsea in a game which we could&should have really won by halftime but for ref decisions we would have it was ultimately the ref that cost us that game. That loss however was too much to take for our bobby ever since then with few exceptions he has kept us well shackled and yes we hammered a few teams since then but so we should with the players we have & continue to do so regardless of manager. The thing is he's too concerned about losing and its dire to watch, our build up play is woefully slow god forbid we start an attack b4 our players get into there correct positions its far too predictable. When were forced into actually throwing caution to the wind,usually in the final few mins, upping the tempo being more direct we look dangerous wow shock who'd have thought. So y is it we have to wait for so long & leave it so late b4 playing like that, if he'd just mix it up a little its so infuriating seeing opportunities open up then close cos your team is playing at such a slow tempo. In his head he has the perfect way of playing and is so unwilling to tinker with his perfect game it will ultimately cost him his job, his perfect game doesn work its not suited to the champs league and its not suited to ours. Yes were 2nd and yes united have done great but guess what I don't care where united are they get mentioned way to much were talking about man city and mancini what man city & mancini are doing and the answer is not enough were 2nd cos of individual players ability not for playing better or Bobby being tactically astute, btw I'm quite happy being 2nd of course being 1st would be better I don't expect city to walk the league season after season and as a football I wouldn want that strange as it might sound to most what I do want tho is mancini out he's Benitez only more handsome :) i could go on and moan about his unrealistic transfer targets, the disgusting Sinclair affair, sorry but why buy a player u don't rate and ain't gonna play? Plan b player? Has mancini all over it when it comes to plan b he's clueless. if he needed so many English men y not just register one from the academy the money spent on him is wasted he'd been better off buying no one and saving towards his cavani or bale w/e he wants to blow big money on, the money this season spent on 'not improving the team' could have bought one of his targets. Should I mention the tevez affair? tevez refused to warm up cos he just sat down from warming up? I'm not excusing tevez in any way but mancinis reaction was terrible his reaction escalated the situation ten fold, good old red nose played a blinder in that situation quick to bk up his opposite number ... I wonder y. Or his lack of faith in the youngsters? Waits till the 92nd+ b4 bringing any inexperienced player on the pitch, I'm sorry for the rant but Im a passionate blue I have no faith in bobby and I no a lot here do and I understand to some extent but really look at his achievements then look at how he achieved and against who suddenly those achievements ain't so spectacular I no u can only beat what's put in front of u but last season we should have beat everyone and handsomely and we didn we won the league last season but don't think for one minute that we didn under achieve.
Sent from my HTC

COMPLETELY CORRECT - EVERY WORD.<br /><br />-- Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:23 am --<br /><br />
ChrisNUFC said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
ChrisNUFC said:
Would be madness to get rid of him unless someone else of higher quality was lined up. No one of that ilk will change clubs at this stage of the season so like it or not Bobby will be in charge at least until the summer. That being the case would you not all be better getting behind him and the team instead of squabbling over whether he is the right man for the job.

Viera in temporarily until the summer............


Mancini will stay. If not after he got a 5 year contract we will make sure for every big manager out there what a 5 year contract really worth.

We basically should hand out contract over 1 years after that. Only 1 year contract and with the "must win a big trophy" thing in it.

Txiki and Mancini probably already started work on some summer targets. That bloody idiot Marwood had no idea how to do it and now Mancini, the club is suffering from it.

If we would really wanted Garcia, Sinclair, Rodwell etc. in the summer they would have been here in June already not in the last fucking day.
RVP went to United only in August as it was up in the air where he will go. It could have been us but we opted to spend that money on young stars like Rodwell, Sinclair. At least English quota is good. So good for us.

(Nothing against Rodwell, he can have a place in the squad maybe, even Sinclair but we had big weaknesses in the squad an we overachieved last season, it was clear we have to make the squad stronger. We did the opposite, brining in some subs.)

If Mancini has responsibility in it he made a big mistake but I doubt it.

If owners dont plan to spend more money, or cant, they better fire Mancini. They have to be clear in summer what they want and how they want it.

Mourinho will be asking new players for sure too. Every top manager would do the same.
Barry Conlons wig said:
Mancini everyday. 4 years in and 3 trophies.fa cup, charity or community shield, whatever era your from and of course the Prem.

taggart took 6 years to win the prem and only won one trophy in his first 4 years and this after still being the richest, bestest ever in a trillion years supported club with their 28 trillion supporters. it took 6 years.

I has a city supporter for over 40 years have seen too many managers come and go, its time to play a steady game of blackjack and stick.

With the slightest bit of stability we have shown we can lead from the front.

Started at Benfica and had a 54.55% out of 17 games, god even souness had a 57.75% success rate out of 71 games.

Then to deportiva where he won nothing and finishest 7th in league, Porto next where he had the foundations laid by the previous manager Fernando Santos. The rest of his career is history as he went from club to club where the club was already established and loved the adulation.

The media always class us as the club that employs mercenaries well there is no bigger mercenary than Mourinho.

I remember the bad times and they weren't good, too many managers too little time.

Please please please Sheikh Mansour stick with Robbie, he's delivered already, let him finish the job.

Top post. He must stay.

In fact if he is a chequebook manager, then so what.

Sod, FFP, give him what he needs. If we're banned fro Europe, so be it. But the competition will be hollow without the best team.

If we get docked points in th EPL, sod it. Who cares if the points say we weren't top but the results say we won all 38 games!

I think we should ride out this FFP with a straight face refusal to comply and see how quickly the thing collapses.

It won't take long before Sky and the EPL have twitchy arses if City, Chelsea and even Rangers in Scotland say sod you, we'll try something else. Add in PSG, Monaco the Turkish teams and even some American franchises/ South American teams and before you know it ESPN would back what could become a World Club team league.
ANY1aBLUE said:
crb said:
I don't like bobby as a manager I'm not jumping on the bandwagon I nvr have gr8 player good guy but not a great or good manager, for all the money spent on the team we don't half play dull unimaginative football. During his time here iv enjoyed the wins but barely ever the performances, there was a brief spell at the start of last season when I thought wow I got this guy wrong but it didn last, we lost to Chelsea in a game which we could&should have really won by halftime but for ref decisions we would have it was ultimately the ref that cost us that game. That loss however was too much to take for our bobby ever since then with few exceptions he has kept us well shackled and yes we hammered a few teams since then but so we should with the players we have & continue to do so regardless of manager. The thing is he's too concerned about losing and its dire to watch, our build up play is woefully slow god forbid we start an attack b4 our players get into there correct positions its far too predictable. When were forced into actually throwing caution to the wind,usually in the final few mins, upping the tempo being more direct we look dangerous wow shock who'd have thought. So y is it we have to wait for so long & leave it so late b4 playing like that, if he'd just mix it up a little its so infuriating seeing opportunities open up then close cos your team is playing at such a slow tempo. In his head he has the perfect way of playing and is so unwilling to tinker with his perfect game it will ultimately cost him his job, his perfect game doesn work its not suited to the champs league and its not suited to ours. Yes were 2nd and yes united have done great but guess what I don't care where united are they get mentioned way to much were talking about man city and mancini what man city & mancini are doing and the answer is not enough were 2nd cos of individual players ability not for playing better or Bobby being tactically astute, btw I'm quite happy being 2nd of course being 1st would be better I don't expect city to walk the league season after season and as a football I wouldn want that strange as it might sound to most what I do want tho is mancini out he's Benitez only more handsome :) i could go on and moan about his unrealistic transfer targets, the disgusting Sinclair affair, sorry but why buy a player u don't rate and ain't gonna play? Plan b player? Has mancini all over it when it comes to plan b he's clueless. if he needed so many English men y not just register one from the academy the money spent on him is wasted he'd been better off buying no one and saving towards his cavani or bale w/e he wants to blow big money on, the money this season spent on 'not improving the team' could have bought one of his targets. Should I mention the tevez affair? tevez refused to warm up cos he just sat down from warming up? I'm not excusing tevez in any way but mancinis reaction was terrible his reaction escalated the situation ten fold, good old red nose played a blinder in that situation quick to bk up his opposite number ... I wonder y. Or his lack of faith in the youngsters? Waits till the 92nd+ b4 bringing any inexperienced player on the pitch, I'm sorry for the rant but Im a passionate blue I have no faith in bobby and I no a lot here do and I understand to some extent but really look at his achievements then look at how he achieved and against who suddenly those achievements ain't so spectacular I no u can only beat what's put in front of u but last season we should have beat everyone and handsomely and we didn we won the league last season but don't think for one minute that we didn under achieve.
Sent from my HTC


-- Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:23 am --

ChrisNUFC said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
Viera in temporarily until the summer............


Boing football? 6-1, 5-1 etc

last season's City team played thrilling football. It took us 40 odd years to win the trophy and some of you are in a mad scramble to forget it

If you are blues, then that's very sad indeed
-- Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:23 am --

ChrisNUFC said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
ChrisNUFC said:
Would be madness to get rid of him unless someone else of higher quality was lined up. No one of that ilk will change clubs at this stage of the season so like it or not Bobby will be in charge at least until the summer. That being the case would you not all be better getting behind him and the team instead of squabbling over whether he is the right man for the job.

Viera in temporarily until the summer............



Sorry i was not sure you were serious?

So you want to replace a manager who has won the premier league, The FA cup, Scudetto etc. with someone who has zero managerial experience? Really??

What if you miss out on champions league that will set you back a couple of years at least.
Marvin said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Marvin said:
Some genuine critics and a wave of Man Utd fans pretending to be Bert from Stockport, but vast majority of match-going fans are behind him as I hope you will see next Sunday

That's not the case, I'd say. You've got a percentage who see no wrong in him, like you. You've got a percentage who don't think he's good enough, like me. Then you got a bigger percentage of middle ground who sway with results. At the moment a significant proportion of that middle segment have swayed away from him. I'd say this weekend's performance, on the back of the season overall, turned a few heads.

I spent all weekend in Southampton taking to dozens of City fans. I think most overall thought he wouldn't see the season out. The majority sentiment was a kind of disappointed acceptance.
I do see some faults, what manager doesn't make a mistake?

But I think it would be catastrophic to change manager now, and he has turned round a situation like this last season. It's been a disappointing weekend, but the response to setbacks is to rally behind the team. And that's what will happen. If this season collapses then what you want will happen in due course anyway. You wont have to agitate for it.

But in the meantime I'll be singing his name and supporting the team like you

What evidence is there that he will turn it around though, based upon this season.

You can count the times we have played well, throughout the team, on one hand.

We really have been poor this season, more often than we have been good.
But as much as he has progressed us, he could easily set us back this year too- finishing 15 points behind United and 3rd is a distinct possibility.
Didsbury Dave said:
Marvin said:
Didsbury Dave said:
That's not the case, I'd say. You've got a percentage who see no wrong in him, like you. You've got a percentage who don't think he's good enough, like me. Then you got a bigger percentage of middle ground who sway with results. At the moment a significant proportion of that middle segment have swayed away from him. I'd say this weekend's performance, on the back of the season overall, turned a few heads.

I spent all weekend in Southampton taking to dozens of City fans. I think most overall thought he wouldn't see the season out. The majority sentiment was a kind of disappointed acceptance.
I do see some faults, what manager doesn't make a mistake?

But I think it would be catastrophic to change manager now, and he has turned round a situation like this last season. It's been a disappointing weekend, but the response to setbacks is to rally behind the team. And that's what will happen. If this season collapses then what you want will happen in due course anyway. You wont have to agitate for it.

But in the meantime I'll be singing his name and supporting the team like you

I'd only sack him now if Jose became free, in which I'd do it like a shot.

Otherwise, summer if the time of course.

If we go out of the FA Cup, of course, the season is already practically over. We need to just get shut of him to ensure Champions League qualification if it becomes apparrent that he's lost all the players. On Saturday that's what it looked like to me.

This in a nutshell. And the Southampton game was not just A mistake, but the latest in a growing line. I think most City fans want him to succeed, not just because he's been a talismanic figure, but also as a snub to certain elements of the press, who are desperate for us to be a manager sacking, clown club for them again. Sadly though his limitations are growing steadily more apparent. We had a 5 month grace period at the start of last season, where teams thought they could beat us by concentrating on their own attacking plans, but the first CL campaign flashed a couple of warning signs, with both Napoli and Villareal parking the bus. This was followed by West Brom and Sunderland doing the same thing, and several others thereafter. This season the high press (Dortmund, Madrid, Liverpool, Southampton) has been added to the parked bus in the pantheon of tactics that Mancini struggles to circumvent. The buck has to stop with him. He's spent squillions assembling a squad utterly bereft of pace and width. And if you have no individual pace, then you have to move the ball quickly instead, but we don't do that either, and the claims that he knows what the problem is grow thinner by the week. Regardless of whether we hang on to a top 4 finish, he's got to go in the summer if we want to move forward

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