Mancini-Ireland must change

simon23 said:
Im sorry but this is what worries me about RM

All ireland has done is question his future at ANY player would do having played so little....yes his form hasnt been as good as it should but I can understand his frustration.....

There have been numerous times this season in games where a change needed to be made...ireland sitting on the bench able to provide a killer pass or run and yet he brings on someone like vierra or sylvinio in midfield.....Some of RM tactical moves at times have been bemusing to a lot of us and I think Ireland sees that RM only has one way of playing and he is very rigid in that...(that is clear for everyone to see) i understand why ireland is questioning his future....

He is an undoubted talent yet he has to see people like vierra (who has lost it in my opinion) and sylvinio get on the pitch ahead of him

To start saying that ireland needs to sort his head out is a kop out by Mancini...its just too easy for him to put all the blame on SI without havignto come out abnd say you dont figure in my plans or system of play

RM is too rigid in the way he sets his team out...the best managers (ferguson wenger, jose etc...will change formations and tactics)....mancini doesnt...he sticks rigidly to 4-4-2 and a very basic way of playing.

Yes Ireland does need to sort out his performances but he needs to be given the chance to do so. RM needs to not be so rigid in the way he plays and the formations he uses....we ar far too predictable at times and have no plan B

-- Tue May 11, 2010 10:05 am --

Matt the very impressive Giant said:
My neither, which is kind of sad considering his potential. But, in times like these I say Forza Mancini and trust him to make the right decisions for the club.

offering vierra a new contract isnt a right decision....he has had very little to no impact this year (by his own admission).....why keeep him? he is only going t get slower and less able
I don't think the 2 man midfield helped him, but he wasn't played well enough to justify taking off one of the wingers and putting on an extra midfielder.

He had a poor start to the season, and every time he got back he turned in a poor performance or got injured.

Scholes gol just about topped his season off

Think Mancini is right. it's down to the player to buckle down again. he turned his game around once, he can do it again
maybe we should do another banner whip round to get that banner changed to something more appropiate, reduce his ego a bit to allow more room inside his head to think about passes/ runs etc.
hello said:
maybe we should do another banner whip round to get that banner changed to something more appropiate, reduce his ego a bit to allow more room inside his head to think about passes/ runs etc.

Ireland is Clark Kent?
The Fat el Hombre said:
hello said:
maybe we should do another banner whip round to get that banner changed to something more appropiate, reduce his ego a bit to allow more room inside his head to think about passes/ runs etc.

Ireland is Clark Kent?

Ireland is Jimmy Olsen?
sweep said:
simon23 said:
Irelands ability should not be in question.....every player has a down turn in form....even the likes of messi, ronaldo do.

Mancini may see him training every day but the point is that Mancini is clearly very very rigid in the way he wants to set his team out (that in itself is a negative for him as far as im concerned) and therefore SI hasnt had a chance under him. RM wont change tactics or formation even when in games it clearly isnt working...yes he will change players but he sticks to the same tactics (and Im sorry if this offends but it is an extremely basic way of playing).....

Put SI into utd's team or arsenal's team and you would see what a top qualitiy player he is....the managers at both clubs would eb able to get the best out of him because they understand how to use a player like ireland...they change formations and tactics and wold encourage ireland to both play his natural game and also develop the side of his game that maybe not so natural.....

Mancini wont (I believe) even consider this.....he has shown over teh last half of a season that he wants to play his way (fair enough) even with a team that isnt cut out for it and doesnt have the midfield personnel to do it....this is why i believe he is rigid int he way he plays (maybe he doesnt knoww any other way to play)

We will regret it if RM lets Ireland leave......

Oh and saying that "ireland is a top quality player but needs to sort his head out"....thats about as big as a back handed compluiment you can say and for me is bad management....say it in private...but not in public. If I was SI and the manager had said that about me Id be furious and put in a transfer rerquest....mayeb thats what Mancini wants so he doesnt get teh flack for selling him
Mancini has changed things occasionally but the fact is, more often than not, he simply hasn't had the options available to do so. Look who he has to choose from in central midfield:
Barry, De Jong, Zab, Kompany - all primarily defensive, not likely to play quality balls to the frontmen.
Ireland - Primarily an attacker but his woeful form under both managers (even in his favoured advanced role a couple of times under Hughes) this season has pretty much ruled him out as a viable option.
That leaves the half dead Viera as the only one likely able to see and execute a decent forward pass.

The players available don't really leave much room for manoeuvre in the setup.

I'm certainly no Ireland hater, far from it, on his day he's just the type of energetic and aware ball playing midfielder I love to watch (you may or may not remember the season before last I, along with yourself, was one of the few not offering him a lift to Sunderland) but the simple fact is he needs to up his game drastically next season. Maybe as Damocles suggests Mancini is offering him the option of rising to the challenge or walking away Robinho style, I hope he does the former.

Maybe i wasnt quite clear in what i was saying......I believe that mancini is rigid because he sticks to a 4-4-2 system when with the players he haed at his disposal (as you said probably not what he wants ideally) we played bettwe as a 4-5-1 which ireland fits into nicely.....Mancini stuck rigidly to 4-4-2 even though he didnt have the players necessary top play it as it should be me that is being very rigid and suggests a manager who knows no other way of playing (which is not a good thing either).....

Im willing to give mancini a fair crack of the whip and get his own team together but there are times when 4-4-2 is just too basic and it needs a change of tactics and shape to beat a team.....I want to see that mancini is capable of that and ive not seen any evidence of that so far<br /><br />-- Wed May 12, 2010 1:21 pm --<br /><br />
chesterbells said:
If you assume he wouldnt get in the 11 of the 4 teams who finished above us, then he cant really be good enough for our 11 can he - maybe we should keep him as a squad player.

Trouble is, i cant forget him going missing in big games, and his attempt at marking scholes when he scored at COMS.

well if its true that ferguson is possibly after him then that disproves that theory (if it is true)....

i also believe that he would fit very nicely into the arsenal team.

chelski dont play the correct formation or tctics for ireland as they are all about power and pace going forward and in defending
It hurts me to say this but I got a text off a Rag just after the derby, highlighting Irelands part in the Scholes goal. And he ended it with a quote that I cannot argue with.

Form Is Temporary while Class is permanent
Hotrocks said:
It hurts me to say this but I got a text off a Rag just after the derby, highlighting Irelands part in the Scholes goal. And he ended it with a quote that I cannot argue with.

Form Is Temporary while Class is permanent

and SI is a class player who is having a dip in form while trying to come to terms with playing in a different system from what he naturally fits into....Scholes is way ahead of ireland in terms of experince and so is obviously the better player at the moment...However SI has the potential to be just a s good (and at elast he cn time a tackle!!!....scholes in all his years of playing still cannt do that!)
The Scholes goal wasnt all down to Ireland. Look at it closer Ireland was origianly marking Scholes then as Scholes went by City had Barry and the back 4 there so he left Scholes to Barry. Then the defence got pulled apart leaving a 2 on 1 for Barry. Barry left Scholes to pick up Beraflop meaning Ireland could not get back on time to pick up Scholes again. All of this might not have happend if Bellers didnt give the ball away.
Don't want to see Ireland go,but the team is going to progress, how long can RM wait for SI to progress. One good season doesn't cut it imo.
Vierra:- well only here trying to showcase for French WC that hasn't happened so Good bye Pat.
Hotrocks said:
It hurts me to say this but I got a text off a Rag just after the derby, highlighting Irelands part in the Scholes goal. And he ended it with a quote that I cannot argue with.

Form Is Temporary while Class is permanent

a man putting a foot in to block the cross would have stopped that goal... look at the right-back before you blame Ireland.

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