mancini on sky sport

ade_akhtar said:
No need to watch it youtube. It is on the City website: City vs Ajax preview news conference.

I think it was the right response. I am fed up with journos asking the same tedious questions over and over again

This. Just watched it on BBC news and he gave the journo's a justifiable two-fingers in his response. Good on you Mr Mancini.
BillyShears said:
Rolee said:
BillyShears said:
For someone who's meant to be clever, he comes across as pretty naive at the moment. Pressure from all angles and Friday's quotes have fed the monster. He should have kept his council and he didn't. Now he's complaining because he has to clarify the comments.

We really still haven't learned how to behave like a big club.

So as well as Mancini being naive the club are also in the wrong. You're a right barrel of sunshine.

Yes, that's exactly what I think to be honest. City should've banned questions about the Monaco story on Friday and we would't be having this conversation ...

Very rare Billy and I agree on the 'Mancini' issue... but on this we do! The boundaries should be set by our PR team before press conferences...

We need to start being tough with rogue journo's... just ban them...
NipHolmes said:
MillisleBlue said:
Mancini seems to be letting the media w*nkers get right up his nose. Bit surprising for someone who grew up in the pressure-cooker of Serie A. As a Club, we must be so annoying to the media and the fact that we're 2011/2012 English Premier League Champions must really piss them off. Unfortunately, they choose to take cheap shots at us via Roberto. Is it possible that they perceive him to be a weak-link in the Club's structure? Cos lets face it, they can't touch us as fans and I'm certain that the owner doesn't lose too much sleep over the cack printed in tomorrow's fish & chip wrappers...

The media through repetition and familiarity create 'truth'. The power they hav eis truely remarkable. An innocent man can be 'guilty' in a day and his/her life ruined. Take that murder in Bristol where the landlord got the blame whislt it was actually that weird dutch bloke. I have texts from mates asking what's up with Mancini and why is the team not playing for him, remember these people don't watch us for 90min+ and they don't care enough to find out the supposed truth. So many believe what is spouted on MOTD, Pundit panels and Journos provide information which is treated as 'truth'.

In all fairness we haven't looked great have we? Chelsea are playing the football we did of early lasy year and we look out of sorts and on our way out of Europe. We are the medias bread and butter just like any other club (bar United) would be in our situation. Whilst I don't agree with the diatribe they write and say they are merely doing their jobs.

Chelsea's football's that good that they got beat of Donetsk,Shafted off United at home in the PL,conceded 4 at home against United in the Capital Cup and picked up a point at Swansea away.

Ditto a similar run of results for Arsenal and Tottenham got dicked off Wigan at home.

Meanwhile the press deem it acceptable to slag "Mancini and all the money he has spent" willy nilly for the past 12 months.

There's more of a crisis at Stamford Bridge and the Emirates than there is at the Etihad-my God City and Mancini really upset the Fleet Street mob last game of last season,you can see them all now tearing up there press reports slating Mancini as Sergio's goal slammed the back of the net.

Tolm was right-the real hatred started after that game and the way we are seeing Mancini recently is testament to it-the club's communication department are letting him down big time.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
NipHolmes said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
It's a mixture of both my own supposed 'informed' opinion, and from speaking with people who have the best interests of our club at heart in last couple weeks.

Forget the press, they are just a by-product of the ongoing situation, moving with the ebb and flow of the tide, opportunistic.

Bobby has taken bigger shits than dealing with some of our most outspoken critics.

As clear as mud Tolm. Are we or are we not looking like parting ways?

Thanks in advance if I get a straight reply.

It's back me or sack me.

Clear enough;)

Mancini is not walking that's for sure, no matter what pressure is heaped on his shoulders.

How is Mr Mancini's health at the moment?
That is the ONLY reason he would walk I believe.

Khaldoon would not want all the negative shit the club would get by sacking him... the man who delivered 3 trophies in 2 seasons... the first for 35 years!
NipHolmes said:
Bob did the right thing looking at other clubs, had he not won league he may have been out of work and he did right by looking for alternative employment. The footballing world is a volatile job market and your eyes should always be scanning alternatives. If you thought you may be at risk of the sack or redundancy at work would you not look for work? Really is bollocks what they've wrote and continue to talk about.

Agree 100% with the above.

Also, I think the club's PR dept as regards the media are a shambles. It's ridiculous how they persistently leave Mancini to his own devices in front of the media. His humour is twisted back on him whenever its quoted; he tells the truth too much, and basically feeds the media unnecessarily. Crazily, he could hide behind his language problem, but he never does!
He may think he's being clever with these latest media quotes about our poor results in Europe, but, why state the bleedin' obvious? Does he think this will give us a soft landing with the media if/when we fall out of the Champs League? It won't. Does he think it will somehow motivate the players? In your dreams!
He should get on with his main job and just shut the fuck up!
How Mancini can say Dortmund have more experience than us?! And all those shits about money?! Just ridiculous!
r.soleofsalford said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Mancini couldn't care less about what the press thinks, this goes a lot deeper.

He feels he is being left hung out to dry and getting little support from the people that do matter.

Bobby is picking battles with the wrong people and most worringly, he is actively do so.

the press can go and fuck themselves. its about time somebody stood up to these lying bullshit merchants
Anyone who thinks that constitutes "blowing a fuse" clearly hasn't listened to a group of Italians discussing the relative merits of different types of pasta.

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