mancini on sky sport

The Flash said:
strongbowholic said:
cibaman said:
Anyone who thinks that constitutes "blowing a fuse" clearly hasn't listened to a group of Italians discussing the relative merits of different types of pasta.
I swear by De Cecco myself - excellent linguine.

Mamma MIA!

Whensa your dolmio day?
flb said:
NipHolmes said:
MillisleBlue said:
Mancini seems to be letting the media w*nkers get right up his nose. Bit surprising for someone who grew up in the pressure-cooker of Serie A. As a Club, we must be so annoying to the media and the fact that we're 2011/2012 English Premier League Champions must really piss them off. Unfortunately, they choose to take cheap shots at us via Roberto. Is it possible that they perceive him to be a weak-link in the Club's structure? Cos lets face it, they can't touch us as fans and I'm certain that the owner doesn't lose too much sleep over the cack printed in tomorrow's fish & chip wrappers...

The media through repetition and familiarity create 'truth'. The power they hav eis truely remarkable. An innocent man can be 'guilty' in a day and his/her life ruined. Take that murder in Bristol where the landlord got the blame whislt it was actually that weird dutch bloke. I have texts from mates asking what's up with Mancini and why is the team not playing for him, remember these people don't watch us for 90min+ and they don't care enough to find out the supposed truth. So many believe what is spouted on MOTD, Pundit panels and Journos provide information which is treated as 'truth'.

In all fairness we haven't looked great have we? Chelsea are playing the football we did of early lasy year and we look out of sorts and on our way out of Europe. We are the medias bread and butter just like any other club (bar United) would be in our situation. Whilst I don't agree with the diatribe they write and say they are merely doing their jobs.

Chelsea's football's that good that they got beat of Donetsk,Shafted off United at home in the PL,conceded 4 at home against United in the Capital Cup and picked up a point at Swansea away.

Ditto a similar run of results for Arsenal and Tottenham got dicked off Wigan at home.

Meanwhile the press deem it acceptable to slag "Mancini and all the money he has spent" willy nilly for the past 12 months.

There's more of a crisis at Stamford Bridge and the Emirates than there is at the Etihad-my God City and Mancini really upset the Fleet Street mob last game of last season,you can see them all now tearing up there press reports slating Mancini as Sergio's goal slammed the back of the net.

Tolm was right-the real hatred started after that game and the way we are seeing Mancini recently is testament to it-the club's communication department are letting him down big time.

United should have beaten United and losing to Shaktar is no joke, they too have a good outfit.

I meant style of football by the way. Mata is doing what Silva did and Hazard and Oscar have both been good purchases.

I am of the opinion they will fall apart in the deep winter and lose a few games an RDM's name is in the back pages with Pep looking the likely candidate.

I think we will be lucky to win league unless we strengthen in Jan. A world class CM is paramount. Makes those happy clappers who said we did great business in summer look daft. Whom fills in for Yaya and whom helps carry ball from back to front on pitch, that question was asked last year and remains unanwered. Moutinho nearly went to Spurs for £24mill, a snip at that price.

I make you right with everything else you posted though, public enemy no.1, you sneeze and the daggers are out. Welcome to the top...
Ah well. At least it took until November for the usual suspects to start sticking the knives in and looking to start the usual bile.

Mancini is here to stay. Mourinho is at Madrid. Get over it.
taconinja said:
At this point I can only conclude that no matter what response he had last week or this week or any other would be the absolute wrong move in your mind. I honestly really like reading your posts and find you have good opinions for the most part, but this is a bit much.

If Arsene Wenger or Ferguson or any other manager in the league for that matter had been asked that question in response to that story I daresay not one of them would have answered as glibly as Mancini did. I'm not sure why this is such a difficult concept to grasp and why my feeling this way is somehow proof positive of some imagined agenda I have against Mancini. I too like your posts but I'm really fucking sick to the back teeth of not being allowed to give a rational and considered opinion without being pilloried for it.

Mancini has made an arse of himself today by reacting in the way he did. No doubt there will now be more stories about the pressure he's feeling. All because he needed the world to know how many "situations" he gets offered each year. You're going to find a lot more people agree with me than don't. Bluemoon isn't a barometer for anything when it comes to Mancini.
jay_mcfc said:
Ah well. At least it took until November for the usual suspects to start sticking the knives in and looking to start the usual bile.

Mancini is here to stay. Mourinho is at Madrid. Get over it.
It's Pep these days. ;)

Actually we wouldn't have these problems with either Guardiola or Mourinho because the utter twits you call journalists would be too busy power-wanking at the idea of getting to talk to them to ask them questions.
jay_mcfc said:
Ah well. At least it took until November for the usual suspects to start sticking the knives in and looking to start the usual bile.

Mancini is here to stay. Mourinho is at Madrid. Get over it.

You forgot Pep who wants Chelsea.
Oh yeah it's Pep now. The man that single handedly won everything.... with perhaps the best team there has ever been.

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