Mancini OUT NOW!!!!

des hardi said:
the last thing we need is a change of hotseat....he s in for 2 years to make an effort.

+ some of the ;players need to pull there finger out
He made bizarre substitutions , but how many times has he changed a game with his substitutions , silva at blackpool , AJ against Newcastle . It was a bad performance nothing can be done about it , move on he is a quality manager he will pick us up . Sacking him would be pointless anyways
mancitymark said:
If all the Mancin lovers still want him , I suggest you watch the interview just now on Sky . He looks like a lost kid ... no idea, no hope and no inspiration.

His quote .. "Wolves deserved to win because they run more than us"

Jesus christ ...... we are fucked with this clown

No, we are fucked with these players because they don't give a fucking shit. That was terrible. Only Silva gave a fuck out there up front today. And DeNiro...I tell you why Ade was subbed...he's shit.
If it wasn't for luck we would be nearer the bottom than the top. I've got no confidence in the manager/team, we don't look like a winning team but that doesn't mean I want the manager out. However it is time that these highly paid players start looking like a team every week not just occasionaly. And for fuck sake smile once in a while, every player looks like they would rather be somewhere else.
K.Reeves right foot said:
samharris said:
and youve kept the faith for thirty years yet you seem to be losing it with the best team weve had bu miles in that time....
Good things come to those who wait..
My poin t is though, with mancini I don't see anything changing from game to game. No improvement, no structure, just excuses. Ideally he'd stay and prove me wrong but he just keeps proving my original thoughts last season right.[/quote]

This ^^, what else can one possibly think? we are seeing no trees being ripped up,defenceless fukin tactics, yes we beat Chelsea, and? wait a minute though, i may be a rag eh?

We have stuttered and fkin stumbled on and off for a while now, the players are clearly not responding to BM, you have Vinny and Ade(maybe not knowing what they are suppose to be doing, if not , why)? having a spat(sure this happens) on the pitch, you have the fkin ignorant nobhead players that earn in one week a sum that 99% per cent of us would earn in a fkin lifetime, on the lash and acting like twats(yet again cmpletely going against BM, no wnder AJ is'nt playing) after a fkin defeat, your record wage earner and so-called box to box midfielder making one fkin break and burst in 90 mins,his signings i.e Milner cmpletely out of form. Yes, you can take the odd get out of jail card and think yip, we was lucky today, but as i said, we are fkin stumbling along and completely uninspiring, it's gonna be a crucial month is November, make or break for BM me thinks, starting next week and possibly the biggest test of the month, WBA will be licking there fkin lips, shape up City you lazy fkin bstards, if you don't want to then it's quite simple, fuk off, NOW.

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