Mancini OUT NOW!!!!

Didnt think we would become a one man team so early in the season....hurry back Tevez for fuck sake

Yaya ----- WTF ?? if he is class as people say,well they not watching the same game of football i have been watching for 30 plus years

Kolo ---- No wonder Arsenal fell out of love with him,the same will happen here with defending like that

Milner---- England International (enough said,mmmmmm)

Barry---- See Milner

Very very unhappy me with the above 4 players in particular
Bobbins said:
PaulPowre said:
The bloke is shite.

2-1 down and takes off Ade and brings on Zab FFS.

Disgraceful tactics..

Whilst I am not happy with the result today I find this thread a complete embarrassment!!!

Could you imagine the rag twats delight on sadcafe when they see this??? You have just given them a stick to beat us with yet again. We would slaughter them for such a thread and no doubt be calling them fickle and arm chair supporters at the very leaste.

Take a bow fuctard !!!

its only the same attacks as last year but different manager and different set of fans!
pskilla said:
Shit thread. Too many spoiled bastard fans since we came into money. Every time we get beat loads of morons on here throw their toys out the pram.

I'm not totally convinced by Mancini but he must see the season out at the least. Bad result today but it happens.
Spoilt? By what? No success for 30 years? Oh yes very spoilt! By the money? Your'e wrong. WHat you fail to grasp is we are a privelaged club with owners who have handed our manager a blank cheque book, This is why as a fan you should expect better. Not the dross of the past but some real successs that we have been starved of. Seems to me, you are one of those fans who is happy with mediocrity because it's become the norm for us. Expectations rise when what you are given increases in quality. If you own a Ferrari you expect it to go like lightning, own a Mini and it won't. It;'s the same for us. Buy the players we do and expectations soar sky high within reason. Mancini is dashing those hopes big time and making us look fuc***g stupid.
Well for once in my life I want more than that and we can have it, we have the players just not the manager.
Not a question of being spoilt, just wanting more than the shite i've had for 30 years.
All the losers crawl out of the woodwork when City get beaten. Long way to go yet. Every fucking pundit on the planet has said, 'You can't build a team overnight,' 'They will need time to gel','You can't buy a team,'etc;
It seems many on here think we can circumvent this.
dpkmanc said:
First 15 minutes outstanding and then they fell apart, which means it's the players that need to be asking themselves some questions and not us asking the manager.

yep mancinis tactics were perfect for 15 mins then the PLAYERS stopped playing..the tactics werent changed until sommat had to be done about the lack of fight after 15 mins...

Deffo the players today not mancini..
LoveCity said:
Discounting the mind-boggling substitution, it wasn't his fault. He set up an attacking team, he screamed instructions at the players, they just didn't want to play after we scored.

Mancini in.

Disagree - he played the front two - Ade and Bolatelli either side of the pitch with Silva breaking onto the box.

4 4 2 away and 4 5 1 at home sorry it is Mancini's fault

But for the record i dont want him out
K.Reeves right foot said:
pskilla said:
Shit thread. Too many spoiled bastard fans since we came into money. Every time we get beat loads of morons on here throw their toys out the pram.

I'm not totally convinced by Mancini but he must see the season out at the least. Bad result today but it happens.
Spoilt? By what? No success for 30 years? Oh yes very spoilt! By the money? Your'e wrong. WHat you fail to grasp is we are a privelaged club with owners who have handed our manager a blank cheque book, This is why as a fan you should expect better. Not the dross of the past but some real successs that we have been starved of. Seems to me, you are one of those fans who is happy with mediocrity because it's become the norm for us. Expectations rise when what you are given increases in quality. If you own a Ferrari you expect it to go like lightning, own a Mini and it won't. It;'s the same for us. Buy the players we do and expectations soar sky high within reason. Mancini is dashing those hopes big time and making us look fuc***g stupid.
Well for once in my life I want more than that and we can have it, we have the players just not the manager.
Not a question of being spoilt, just wanting more than the shite i've had for 30 years.

and youve kept the faith for thirty years yet you seem to be losing it with the best team weve had bu miles in that time....
Good things come to those who wait..
When he put Zabaleta on for Ade i thought Richards was gonna get put up front. Totally Ridiculous though to be calling for Bobbys head, we missed the most 2 important players in our team today Tevez and De jong. De Jong really gives a bolster to our midfield and a tough man and Tevez is just magic. Though i do think he should have bought Balotelli off after about an hour as he really did look flipped.
iam thinking my confidence is wearing thin with mancini, poor tatics poor team changes, an how does milner warent a place in the team before aj. and that interview after that shite performance " i carnt explain why we played like that" an " wolves deserved to win " never herd that explanation of bacon face or any other top manager. but not sure if i want him out just yet.

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