Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

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mcfc2607 said:
seems alot of blues support Mancini rather than the club.
While i personally wouldnt get rid of roberto i can understand why we might. Yes we won thw league last year but only on goal difference (with our team we should have won it by a good few points). Failing in the Champions league at the group stages two years in a row.

This year some of the football has been wank and we seem to never have a plan B.
west ham
chelsea ( 1st game for rafa).
Should all have been wins, maybe the players are too blame but surley some of the blame goes too mancini. I will be sad if he goes yet i will also be excited if Pellagrini comes in. Despite winning 3 trophys in 2 years we should be doing a hell of a lot better.

Fair enough but like i asked in a previous post.....what exactly has Pellegrini done to warrant us going after him as i seem to be missing something that his career isn't showing ?
de niro said:
This is a fucking joke, lets face it we as a club are a fucking joke. I suppose the writing was in the wall when they refused bob the players he wanted last August , at the same time spurning the chance to kick on from our championship. We could, had we wanted to, have crushed the rags fergie or no fergie.


100% this.
momo88 said:
lunebleu said:
Just checked various betting sites and pellegrini is odds on,. Bloody ludicrous to sack Mancini and I think it will set the club back years IMO. Mancini may want to leave of course if there are conflicts over transfer policies.
Timing of this very suspicious.
What will set the club back years is the owner leaving right now ! Mancini or someone else change nothing it´s mansour money that transformed this club and at some moment a manager should show that he is capable of winning without 100 m/year transfer
Been saying this for years. If the Sheikh doesn't like what he sees or doesn't feel that we're going in the right direction, he'll make changes.
stony said:
RMancini said:
If Mancini is sacked the club is dead to me.

Don't be such a fucking mard arse. I don't know about you but I support City and not Mancini. If you're only here to support an individual rather than the club you should just fuck off now. Nobs like you give football fans a bad name.
In fact you're probably not even a Mancini fan but a shit stirring rag who distraught at the thought of Gollum taking over at the swamp has come on here to shit stir. Either way fuck off somewhere else.

You mother fucking ****, fuck you how dare you question my loyalty to Mancini. Mancini is the club, if he is fired then it makes the club look shit and pathetic. Fuck u u small time ****, fucking ****, nobs like you give people a bad name fucking wanker.
momo88 said:
bluethai said:
staffs_blue said:
If Mancini is to go then the only man out there in my view who is better than him and available is probably Mourinho.Pellegrini just does nothing for me at all!
Agreed, if not Mou then this is just a sideway/useless step imo.
Because in thailand you know only mourinho and guardiola ? No

I don't know whether English is your first language but your contributions on this thread are awful.

Either way, your utterings reek of 'New City fan' (and not because you obviously would like to dump Mancini)
stony said:
RMancini said:
If Mancini is sacked the club is dead to me.

Don't be such a fucking mard arse. I don't know about you but I support City and not Mancini. If you're only here to support an individual rather than the club you should just fuck off now. Nobs like you give football fans a bad name.
In fact you're probably not even a Mancini fan but a shit stirring rag who distraught at the thought of Gollum taking over at the swamp has come on here to shit stir. Either way fuck off somewhere else.
I thought it was quite funny considering his user name. In fact, I find most of the thread hilarious.
What on earth is going on We have a cup final today but you would not believe it. All that Sky and the red tops are talking about is Mancini going and Pelligrini coming. My take on this is ….Bullshit!!!!.
Sure Trixie was seen in Malaga but I think it was to try for Isco……..In my view City won’t sack Mankers this year.
I think that his name will be sung at Wembley today right through the match.
The only other scenario is Mankers dad is ill and Bobby wants to leave.
Lets all hope that City win the cup without much bother and tomorrow will take care of itself.
The Rag press are in overdrive to de-stabilise our club, now that Gollum is taking over at OT
RMancini said:
stony said:
RMancini said:
If Mancini is sacked the club is dead to me.

Don't be such a fucking mard arse. I don't know about you but I support City and not Mancini. If you're only here to support an individual rather than the club you should just fuck off now. Nobs like you give football fans a bad name.
In fact you're probably not even a Mancini fan but a shit stirring rag who distraught at the thought of Gollum taking over at the swamp has come on here to shit stir. Either way fuck off somewhere else.

You mother fucking ****, fuck you how dare you question my loyalty to Mancini. Mancini is the club, if he is fired then it makes the club look shit and pathetic. Fuck u u small time ****, fucking ****, nobs like you give people a bad name fucking wanker.

I think sacking Mancini would be an utter joke but, FFS man, Roberto will be taking out a restraining order on you soon
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