Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

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If aguero didn't score that goal against QPR when they knew they were staying!! nearly bottled it home against the poorest team away last season !!
Sadly it's looking like the writing is on the wall

Very disappointing that this should come out on FA Cup Final day. Certainly didn't help, and I spent half the day discussing this with my brother on the way to the game. I'm sure that was repeated everywhere.

I think City fans made their views clear in the build up the game
the Pellegrini chant was awful, though.

I agree 100% in supporting Mancini, especially for the Cup final game, even if you wanted him out.

Telling someone that will likely be the new manager to shove it, dumb.
Warning - Pissed off City fan who attended the game today, sat in the Gods.

No questions time to go Roberto. Still can't believe some fans still want him here all in the name of "stability". Fuck me people need to open their eyes. The football we have been playing the past year or so has been overly-cautious and stagnant it's unacceptable considering quality of players we have at this club, and today to go out in a prestigious cup final and get utterly torn apart by a relegated threatened side speaks volumes. Personally, I feel the squad would benefit from a bit of change. We've been found out numerous occasions this year and Mancini's tactics have been baffling to say the least (Tevez off for Rodwell?) and our owners/fans deserve better.

Pellegrini in please for the time being as a stopgap and then in Klopp or Pep if he fancies the challenge 3 or 4 years down the line as a potential long-term replacement.
bluebrickroad said:
Blueband Brother said:
It think is high time players take responsibility for their attitude and actions.Today, for whatever reason, they decided to throw the manager and the club under the bus with this shameful performance.

This is the same team that dominated Chelsea in the semi final but decided to not show up today.

They fail to realize that they play for the fans and the club, to whom they owe their professionalism and effort, not the manager.

As I have said many a time, we have some inherent problems and issues with this team and if not addressed, then there will be more of this in the future.

If you don't like the manager, then that is fine but don't sacrifice the club in order to show your rebellion or disdain.

And those calling for Mancini's head, open your eyes and don't let the media control you like some gullible penguins because the bottom line is that if this bunch of so called world class players can betray Mancini like they did today, they will do the same to another manager.

Mancini stays in my opinion and he should be the one to sort this team out next season., Changing managers is not the answer. The media has won the battle today by destabilizing and disrupting the state of mind of the players with the news of Mancini leaving but they must never win the war.

Oh and one more thing, Well done Wigan Athletic, fully deserved and much respect.

Agree but i don't see how he will sort it out when every ex player (inter, lazio) will tell you he has a problem with players management

Don't forget city have beaten Chelsea who just played 3 days ago in Russia !

This game is added to the long list last one the wigan game in PL and every team will play like that against city it would be the same shit just look how city play against Arsenal,Liverpool,EVERTON

Losing it is not a shame but blaming everyone like a crazy when your team is costing much compared to a struglling Wigan ! come on :)
Andouble said:
the Pellegrini chant was awful, though.

I agree 100% in supporting Mancini, especially for the Cup final game, even if you wanted him out.

Telling someone that will likely be the new manager to shove it, dumb.

what chant ???
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