Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

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Andouble said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
Andouble said:
'you can shove your Pellegrini up your arse'

ha ha

I agree with the chant, he is a downgrade on mancini. Maybe for morouinho or klopp, but not someone whos record isnt anywhere near as good as mancinis
Just hope he isn't treated like Rafa is at Chelsea, it's not Pellegrini's fault he's replacing Mancini.

Pellegrini will just have to deal with the considerable animus from many Bobby backers, just as Bobby had to see off the same from many who were angered by Hughes' dismissal. The good news is that Pellegrini is, in terms of personality and demeanor, the absolute antithesis of Bobby. He's as cool and collected as they come, absolutely stoic when he needs to be.
Marvin said:
If this news story has come from Pellegrini, or his camp, could they not have the decency to keep their mouths shut for 24 hours before the Cup Final?

think this has been on-going for months, but I wasn't surprised it came out last night after all it was cup final day today, and the media haven't been very kind to us, have they.
yatesy94 said:
Warning - Pissed off City fan who attended the game today, sat in the Gods.

No questions time to go Roberto. Still can't believe some fans still want him here all in the name of "stability". Fuck me people need to open their eyes. The football we have been playing the past year or so has been overly-cautious and stagnant it's unacceptable considering quality of players we have at this club, and today to go out in a prestigious cup final and get utterly torn apart by a relegated threatened side speaks volumes. Personally, I feel the squad would benefit from a bit of change. We've been found out numerous occasions this year and Mancini's tactics have been baffling to say the least (Tevez off for Rodwell?) and our owners/fans deserve better.

Pellegrini in please for the time being as a stopgap and then in Klopp or Pep if he fancies the challenge 3 or 4 years down the line as a potential long-term replacement.

A "diamond in the rough" type post right there. 100% correct.
We knew through Chilean media that it may have been agreed upon for over a month now.

It came from Ballague, a close friend of Roberto Martinez, that it really came to light, 16 hours or so before the FA Cup final against his team.

Job done by Ballague. Twat.
Andouble said:
We knew through Chilean media that it may have been agreed upon for over a month now.

It came from Ballague, a close friend of Roberto Martinez, that it really came to light, 16 hours or so before the FA Cup final against his team.

Job done by Ballague. Twat.

Even if true, the 'job' was done not by Balague, but by our manager and players.
Berkovic_blue said:
Mancini in. Get him the players he actually wants in the summer and let him get on with it.

It genuinely saddens me that there seem to be so many spoilt children following the club who demand instant success and throw the toys out at the first sign of struggle. Thankfully most of them clearly aren't match-goers

Give him another 200m to win the league at home on goal diff against a promoted team !!! are you for real no manager in the world got the money to spend as Mancini and after City I really don't see any big club wanting him, would real,bayern,barca,milan,juve,psg,united,chelsea,arsenal,liverpool,dortmund take him ?

Not winning is not a shame after all it's a sport with a winner and loser but at least when you lose stop blaming every one but yourself
When the switch is made, there better not be public fucking abuse towards Pellegrini. Do the rest of us a favor, if you plan on such activities, and just STFU.
BobKowalski said:
Andouble said:
birchwoodgingerste said:
rubbish we got beat through a lack of effort .

it's all inter-connected.

Yep. If the new guys were looking for a new manager almost from the get go then its going to end in tears unless you keep it under wraps and lock it down tight. Once the players know or suspect the manager is toast then it starts to unravel.

Politically it was always a strong possibility that they would want their own man so its not exactly a surprise but it pisses me off that it wasn't handled better. It was bloody amateur hour today and totally unnecessary from start to finish.
If Pellegrini goes on to become the new manager then it's a case of the King is Dead Long live the King. But I'm sure the board of directors and the owner will be acutely embarrassed that this was the major news story of the day on Cup Final morning. Very Very embarrassing - if true.
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