Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

Matt the Giant said:
grim up north said:
Matt the Giant said:
How many trophies had Martinez win with Wigan before yesterday?
Just goes to show the better manager doesn't necessarily have the biggest trophy cabinet.

So you are saying Martinez is a better manager than Mancini

All in all, - absolutely.

So was alex mc cleish a better manager than wenger at the time ?
Beat them in a cup final and took birmingham down
I know reletively little about tactics etc, all I do know is our team is missing quality, pacey with (bale) and we have started dicking about far to much on the edge of the box, its just like Arsenal when Nasiri and co were there mmmmmm. The sad thing is, Silva seems to of been dragged into it. We need a no nonsense striker (cavani) and someone to get a shit load of quality crosses into the box. That will deal with our playing against obstinate opposition issue that has lost us the title this season. Imo.
Paulmcfc2703 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
grim up north said:
This is fantastic has Mancini only managed with money. This place is absolutely unbelievable. Lets get Martinez in or add him to the ever growing list of better managers.

No no mate-let them believe that Martinez is the better manager-That has really made my day!! I hope we lose to Wigan if Pellegrini is installed-I will call for him to be sacked then!
Well next season Martinez will be at Everton so when we play at Goodison and lose again that's not down to the manager it's just a bogey ground right?

-- Sun May 12, 2013 9:19 am --

grim up north said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Genius response.

Like I said if Martinez had a squad worth £500 Million do you think he could crash out of the CL at the group stage and put in some sort of piss poor title challenge?

Or do you look at it and say well Mancini is 2nd, Wigan are 18th so therefore Mancini is the better manager ignoring the fact that Wigans side cost less than Gareth Barry

Would Wigan be in a relegation battle if Mancini was their manager
All depends if he spunked their budget on the likes of Kolarov, Savic, Garcia etc

Genius response. I bet they could defend tho
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Hahahahahahahaha brilliant.

Let's ask this question on Tuesday night when the cup winners are relegated.

Who is the better manager??

Fucking hell-The yank has lost the plot!
Genius response.

Like I said if Martinez had a squad worth £500 Million do you think he could crash out of the CL at the group stage and put in some sort of piss poor title challenge?

Or do you look at it and say well Mancini is 2nd, Wigan are 18th so therefore Mancini is the better manager ignoring the fact that Wigans side cost less than Gareth Barry

It's not a genius response at all but to think Martinez is going to take Wigan down-nearly took them down last season and then to ask if he is better than Mancini is really the genius response!!! Fucks sake..
So Wigan going down is Martinez's doing. City's piss poor CL campaign, Title defence and FA cup final display are down to the players.

I like your style
Paulmcfc2703 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Genius response.

Like I said if Martinez had a squad worth £500 Million do you think he could crash out of the CL at the group stage and put in some sort of piss poor title challenge?

Or do you look at it and say well Mancini is 2nd, Wigan are 18th so therefore Mancini is the better manager ignoring the fact that Wigans side cost less than Gareth Barry

It's not a genius response at all but to think Martinez is going to take Wigan down-nearly took them down last season and then to ask if he is better than Mancini is really the genius response!!! Fucks sake..
So Wigan going down is Martinez's doing. City's piss poor CL campaign, Title defence and FA cup final display are down to the players.

I like your style

Not at all-the question was a straight Is Martinez better than Mancini-The answer is no
When Juve opted for Conte, or Barca for Guardiola how long did they count the trophies won by them as manager?

Conte was doing some job at Siena in Serie B (and got a ban later for some match fixing case there lol), Guardiola was managing Barca's reserve team.

Was it a bad decision to make them managers? No it was wonderful decisions and it transformed both teams.

Thats what we need a transformation in mentality and tactics. Finish forever with slow playing, no pace, no width, going into the middle and do that with no pace it is like a double advantage for opponents, trying to walk it in with no pace.
This is both mentality and tactics. It comes from the manager.

Kind of funny when the Mancini inners really think we will have width and pace on the wings and still Mancini as a manager. One or the other basically, you cant have it both.
It is not much further from reality than hoping that Tony Pulis will opt for tiki-taka next season.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Dethred said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Doesn't matter if they pressed or not,we would have lost that game yesterday whatever tactics Mancini employed because the 11 fucking overpaid millionaires didn't want to try because they thought they would just have to turn up.
I am not going to get into name calling because it obviously floats your boat.

The line between those who get it, and those who just spout out the easiest explanation to a problem is becoming increasingly clear here. You're amongst those who just spout shit out without discussing why, how, where, or any variables.

Nevermind who hired, coached, and sent those 11 players out. Nevermind who took two of our best performing players off as soon as possible. Its not the guy who did those things, its just a bunch of lazy men out on a pitch floundering about.

Poor Mancini, if only those overpaid pros he hired, coached, and selected yesterday, actually gave a shit about the game. If only someone had saved Mancini from his own decisions. what happened against Chelsea,United at the swamp etc...
I get it alright that there are many fucking so called blues who just want to change managers for a few poor results. Ancient citizen called it spot on.Answer the fucking questions

Actually aren't we all missing the point? Mancini is gone. He has been gone since February. Hell he was probably gone as soon as Ferran turned up. Arguing whether Mancini can deliver or not is pointless because the decision to replace him was taken months ago. Ferran wants his man in charge of the team and with Txiki has spent his time here in pursuit of that man. What we have had this season is Mancini minding the shop until Pellegrini turns up.

This in itself is not my beef. The way it has been done with 6 months of speculation coming to a head in a perfect shitstorm yesterday is my beef. I said last week I was pissed with Txiki. I didn't want yet another round of managerial speculation in Cup Final week. I wanted everyone focussed on winning that match and lo and behold we weren't. Even us fans were not focused entirely on the match with this endless fucking argument about Mancini which as it turned out was a total waste of time because the decision has already been made and been made months ago and its Pellegrini...

It doesn't matter whether Mancini can deliver or not. We know he can because he has already done so but it is no longer an issue whether he is the best manager ever or a total dick because the only managerial subject we need concern ourself with is Pellegrini.

And talking of Pellegrini there is zero sense in declaring he is the best manager ever and we should be so lucky and what he did at (choose club) was miraculous etc etc., as we don't have to be convinced. Its a done deal and we should have handled it better and not given the fucking media the chance to rub their hands in glee and throw phrases around like 'managerial chaos'. We didn't just lose a cup final yesterday but with everything else going on we made ourselves look like total dicks in the process.
Yunno what this feels like? Sven. All over again.

So long as pellegrini or whoever else comes in can draw the fans together we'll be ok. Hughes got off to a bad start with something up to 50% of the fans and our loyalty to Sven must've been part of that.

If I see pellegrini in/ out threads on a daily basis with huge ding dong battles because the fan base is split deeply, i think it'll dent my appetite for city. It was shit.
Damanino said:
When Juve opted for Conte, or Barca for Guardiola how long did they count the trophies won by them as manager?

Conte was doing some job at Siena in Serie B (and got a ban later for some match fixing case there lol), Guardiola was managing Barca's reserve team.

Was it a bad decision to make them managers? No it was wonderful decisions and it transformed both teams.

Thats what we need a transformation in mentality and tactics. Finish forever with slow playing, no pace, no width, going into the middle and do that with no pace it is like a double advantage for opponents, trying to walk it in with no pace.
This is both mentality and tactics. It comes from the manager.

Kind of funny when the Mancini inners really think we will have width and pace on the wings and still Mancini as a manager. One or the other basically, you cant have it both.
It is not much further from reality than hoping that Tony Pulis will opt for tiki-taka next season.

Ah width and pace. Stoke try that
brass neck said:
I know reletively little about tactics etc, all I do know is our team is missing quality, pacey with (bale) and we have started dicking about far to much on the edge of the box, its just like Arsenal when Nasiri and co were there mmmmmm. The sad thing is, Silva seems to of been dragged into it. We need a no nonsense striker (cavani) and someone to get a shit load of quality crosses into the box. That will deal with our playing against obstinate opposition issue that has lost us the title this season. Imo.

Agreed, It was annoying as hell watching us play tippy tappy crap around the oppositions area with no pace and width. This tactic has been found out and the wigan defence didn't need to spend any energy at all because they just stood there, really frustrating!

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