Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

BobKowalski said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Dethred said:
The line between those who get it, and those who just spout out the easiest explanation to a problem is becoming increasingly clear here. You're amongst those who just spout shit out without discussing why, how, where, or any variables.

Nevermind who hired, coached, and sent those 11 players out. Nevermind who took two of our best performing players off as soon as possible. Its not the guy who did those things, its just a bunch of lazy men out on a pitch floundering about.

Poor Mancini, if only those overpaid pros he hired, coached, and selected yesterday, actually gave a shit about the game. If only someone had saved Mancini from his own decisions. what happened against Chelsea,United at the swamp etc...
I get it alright that there are many fucking so called blues who just want to change managers for a few poor results. Ancient citizen called it spot on.Answer the fucking questions

Actually aren't we all missing the point? Mancini is gone. He has been gone since February. Hell he was probably gone as soon as Ferran turned up. Arguing whether Mancini can deliver or not is pointless because the decision to replace him was taken months ago. Ferran wants his man in charge of the team and with Txiki has spent his time here in pursuit of that man. What we have had this season is Mancini minding the shop until Pellegrini turns up.

This in itself is not my beef. The way it has been done with 6 months of speculation coming to a head in a perfect shitstorm yesterday is my beef. I said last week I was pissed with Txiki. I didn't want yet another round of managerial speculation in Cup Final week. I wanted everyone focussed on winning that match and lo and behold we weren't. Even us fans were not focused entirely on the match with this endless fucking argument about Mancini which as it turned out was a total waste of time because the decision has already been made and been made months ago and its Pellegrini...

It doesn't matter whether Mancini can deliver or not. We know he can because he has already done so but it is no longer an issue whether he is the best manager ever or a total dick because the only managerial subject we need concern ourself with is Pellegrini.

And talking of Pellegrini there is zero sense in declaring he is the best manager ever and we should be so lucky and what he did at (choose club) was miraculous etc etc., as we don't have to be convinced. Its a done deal and we should have handled it better and not given the fucking media the chance to rub their hands in glee and throw phrases around like 'managerial chaos'. We didn't just lose a cup final yesterday but with everything else going on we made ourselves look like total dicks in the process.

Totally agree. It has pissed me right off
Ancient Citizen said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
No the trophy cabinet is what has formed my opinion over the past 3 yrs about Mancini.
We lost a game of football to Wigan. Do you think we have a god given right to just win every fucking game?? I won't say what I am thinking.

This is what makes me laugh about you. Straw man arguments all the time. Completely ignore the debate about repeated tactical ineptitude against the same types of teams playing the same way, and try and turn it into one about fans thinking we have a God given right to win every game. Well, no, of course we don't. Any team can lose a football match, but coming up short against every team that employs a high press, and has a bit of pace and width (Southampton, Liverpool, Dortmund, Swansea, Madrid, Ajax, Everton), is a different matter. FFS, we even had a dress rehearsal against Wigan 3 weeks ago, so we knew exactly what to expect, and yet we were still totally unprepared. Thankfully our owners aren't quite as blind......

Did we come up short against Chelsea, the other week? How about stuffing the Rags at their place once again, how many teams in the league have done that?
Why weren't the Rags playing at the FA cup final? It must mean their manager is even more shit than ours. Why didn't they get much further in the CL than the quarter finals, after an opening group against no mark teams? That Fergie is looking more and more like a complete bell end isn't he?
The problem is not SHblue constructing strawman arguments, the problem is this knee jerk lashing out at the manager. We may well be replacing him, but when we play Wigan next season, and if we get beaten, the logical thing to do would be to fuck Pellegrini off wouldn't it?

It's like we're speaking two different languages. The reason we beat the rags and Chelsea is because they don't play to our weaknesses. As has been made ABUNDANTLY clear, the sides we struggle against are teams that set out primarily to thwart us with a high press, but who are also mobile, quick and skilfull enough to then hurt us once they've robbed us of the ball. Swansea, Wigan, Dortmund, Southampton, Liverpool etc. Neither the rags or Chelsea play that way. The rags have very little mobility in the middle of the park (Carrick and 152 year old Bryan Biggs I think they confronted Ya Ya and Barry with) and instead park the bus against all the top teams and then try and sting them with long diagonal counters and evil crosses, whilst Chelsea play like us with 2 holding midfielders and a selection of diddymen ahead of them. Interestingly, when they shoved Luiz further forward for the last 30 minutes they ran us ragged, as did Spurs in the last 20 when they brought on Holtby, pushed Dembele up on Ya Ya and Barry, and had Bale hugging the flank.
Again, and hopefully it will sink in this time, it isn't a case of we beat this team, so losing to that team must be just a blip, it's about having no answer to the same teams espousing the same tactics. QED
BobKowalski said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Dethred said:
The line between those who get it, and those who just spout out the easiest explanation to a problem is becoming increasingly clear here. You're amongst those who just spout shit out without discussing why, how, where, or any variables.

Nevermind who hired, coached, and sent those 11 players out. Nevermind who took two of our best performing players off as soon as possible. Its not the guy who did those things, its just a bunch of lazy men out on a pitch floundering about.

Poor Mancini, if only those overpaid pros he hired, coached, and selected yesterday, actually gave a shit about the game. If only someone had saved Mancini from his own decisions. what happened against Chelsea,United at the swamp etc...
I get it alright that there are many fucking so called blues who just want to change managers for a few poor results. Ancient citizen called it spot on.Answer the fucking questions

Actually aren't we all missing the point? Mancini is gone. He has been gone since February. Hell he was probably gone as soon as Ferran turned up. Arguing whether Mancini can deliver or not is pointless because the decision to replace him was taken months ago. Ferran wants his man in charge of the team and with Txiki has spent his time here in pursuit of that man. What we have had this season is Mancini minding the shop until Pellegrini turns up.

This in itself is not my beef. The way it has been done with 6 months of speculation coming to a head in a perfect shitstorm yesterday is my beef. I said last week I was pissed with Txiki. I didn't want yet another round of managerial speculation in Cup Final week. I wanted everyone focussed on winning that match and lo and behold we weren't. Even us fans were not focused entirely on the match with this endless fucking argument about Mancini which as it turned out was a total waste of time because the decision has already been made and been made months ago and its Pellegrini...

It doesn't matter whether Mancini can deliver or not. We know he can because he has already done so but it is no longer an issue whether he is the best manager ever or a total dick because the only managerial subject we need concern ourself with is Pellegrini.

And talking of Pellegrini there is zero sense in declaring he is the best manager ever and we should be so lucky and what he did at (choose club) was miraculous etc etc., as we don't have to be convinced. Its a done deal and we should have handled it better and not given the fucking media the chance to rub their hands in glee and throw phrases around like 'managerial chaos'. We didn't just lose a cup final yesterday but with everything else going on we made ourselves look like total dicks in the process.
if this is right, and it may well be, they probably thought it was better for Roberto to move on with yet another enhancement to his cv. Sadly for him and for us it was not to be.
Exeter Blue I am here said:
Ancient Citizen said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
This is what makes me laugh about you. Straw man arguments all the time. Completely ignore the debate about repeated tactical ineptitude against the same types of teams playing the same way, and try and turn it into one about fans thinking we have a God given right to win every game. Well, no, of course we don't. Any team can lose a football match, but coming up short against every team that employs a high press, and has a bit of pace and width (Southampton, Liverpool, Dortmund, Swansea, Madrid, Ajax, Everton), is a different matter. FFS, we even had a dress rehearsal against Wigan 3 weeks ago, so we knew exactly what to expect, and yet we were still totally unprepared. Thankfully our owners aren't quite as blind......

Did we come up short against Chelsea, the other week? How about stuffing the Rags at their place once again, how many teams in the league have done that?
Why weren't the Rags playing at the FA cup final? It must mean their manager is even more shit than ours. Why didn't they get much further in the CL than the quarter finals, after an opening group against no mark teams? That Fergie is looking more and more like a complete bell end isn't he?
The problem is not SHblue constructing strawman arguments, the problem is this knee jerk lashing out at the manager. We may well be replacing him, but when we play Wigan next season, and if we get beaten, the logical thing to do would be to fuck Pellegrini off wouldn't it?

It's like we're speaking two different languages. The reason we beat the rags and Chelsea is because they don't play to our weaknesses. As has been made ABUNDANTLY clear, the sides we struggle against are teams that set out primarily to thwart us with a high press, but who are also mobile, quick and skilfull enough to then hurt us once they've robbed us of the ball. Swansea, Wigan, Dortmund, Southampton, Liverpool etc. Neither the rags or Chelsea play that way. The rags have very little mobility in the middle of the park (Carrick and 152 year old Bryan Biggs I think they confronted Ya Ya and Barry with) and instead park the bus against all the top teams and then try and sting them with long diagonal counters and evil crosses, whilst Chelsea play like us with 2 holding midfielders and a selection of diddymen ahead of them. Interestingly, when they shoved Luiz further forward for the last 30 minutes they ran us ragged, as did Spurs in the last 20 when they brought on Holtby, pushed Dembele up on Ya Ya and Barry, and had Bale hugging the flank.
Again, and hopefully it will sink in this time, it isn't a case of we beat this team, so losing to that team must be just a blip, it's about having no answer to the same teams espousing the same tactics. QED

Strawman here.May I have your permission to interject??

What makes you think Pellegrini will be any different?
All I know is Silva is world class the way goes past defenders is unreal and when he takes a corner I just know exactly where it will end up , if we can get 4 quid this summer 4 him we should snap their hands off

Better than Gio my ass
grim up north said:
Matt the Giant said:
How many trophies had Martinez win with Wigan before yesterday?
Just goes to show the better manager doesn't necessarily have the biggest trophy cabinet.

So you are saying Martinez is a better manager than Mancini

Completely tore Mancini a new one yesterday. At least we know who did their homework for this game.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
Ancient Citizen said:
Did we come up short against Chelsea, the other week? How about stuffing the Rags at their place once again, how many teams in the league have done that?
Why weren't the Rags playing at the FA cup final? It must mean their manager is even more shit than ours. Why didn't they get much further in the CL than the quarter finals, after an opening group against no mark teams? That Fergie is looking more and more like a complete bell end isn't he?
The problem is not SHblue constructing strawman arguments, the problem is this knee jerk lashing out at the manager. We may well be replacing him, but when we play Wigan next season, and if we get beaten, the logical thing to do would be to fuck Pellegrini off wouldn't it?

It's like we're speaking two different languages. The reason we beat the rags and Chelsea is because they don't play to our weaknesses. As has been made ABUNDANTLY clear, the sides we struggle against are teams that set out primarily to thwart us with a high press, but who are also mobile, quick and skilfull enough to then hurt us once they've robbed us of the ball. Swansea, Wigan, Dortmund, Southampton, Liverpool etc. Neither the rags or Chelsea play that way. The rags have very little mobility in the middle of the park (Carrick and 152 year old Bryan Biggs I think they confronted Ya Ya and Barry with) and instead park the bus against all the top teams and then try and sting them with long diagonal counters and evil crosses, whilst Chelsea play like us with 2 holding midfielders and a selection of diddymen ahead of them. Interestingly, when they shoved Luiz further forward for the last 30 minutes they ran us ragged, as did Spurs in the last 20 when they brought on Holtby, pushed Dembele up on Ya Ya and Barry, and had Bale hugging the flank.
Again, and hopefully it will sink in this time, it isn't a case of we beat this team, so losing to that team must be just a blip, it's about having no answer to the same teams espousing the same tactics. QED

Strawman here.May I have your permission to interject??

What makes you think Pellegrini will be any different?

None of us knows whether he will or not. However, we do have a problem with the current incumbent. Pretending the players are the only ones at fault doesn't change that. We can either stick or twist. I say twist
grim up north said:
Matt the Giant said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Surely the question should be "Does anyone k ow how many trophies Pellegrini has won"

We all know that answer.

How many trophies had Martinez win with Wigan before yesterday?
Just goes to show the better manager doesn't necessarily have the biggest trophy cabinet.

So you are saying Martinez is a better manager than Mancini

No he isn't as you well know. What he is saying is nobody wins anything till they win there first one and like it or not that applies to every manager ever born even the sainted mancini
Train said:
grim up north said:
Matt the Giant said:
How many trophies had Martinez win with Wigan before yesterday?
Just goes to show the better manager doesn't necessarily have the biggest trophy cabinet.

So you are saying Martinez is a better manager than Mancini

Completely tore Mancini a new one yesterday. At least we know who did their homework for this game.

Perhaps he should do his homework more often then
Exeter Blue I am here said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
It's like we're speaking two different languages. The reason we beat the rags and Chelsea is because they don't play to our weaknesses. As has been made ABUNDANTLY clear, the sides we struggle against are teams that set out primarily to thwart us with a high press, but who are also mobile, quick and skilfull enough to then hurt us once they've robbed us of the ball. Swansea, Wigan, Dortmund, Southampton, Liverpool etc. Neither the rags or Chelsea play that way. The rags have very little mobility in the middle of the park (Carrick and 152 year old Bryan Biggs I think they confronted Ya Ya and Barry with) and instead park the bus against all the top teams and then try and sting them with long diagonal counters and evil crosses, whilst Chelsea play like us with 2 holding midfielders and a selection of diddymen ahead of them. Interestingly, when they shoved Luiz further forward for the last 30 minutes they ran us ragged, as did Spurs in the last 20 when they brought on Holtby, pushed Dembele up on Ya Ya and Barry, and had Bale hugging the flank.
Again, and hopefully it will sink in this time, it isn't a case of we beat this team, so losing to that team must be just a blip, it's about having no answer to the same teams espousing the same tactics. QED

Strawman here.May I have your permission to interject??

What makes you think Pellegrini will be any different?

None of us knows whether he will or not. However, we do have a problem with the current incumbent. Pretending the players are the only ones at fault doesn't change that

Ok so in 2 yrs,it hasn't changed,we have fucked Mancini off and we haven't won anything...What happens then?

Can't you see what is happening here,revert to type and sack manager every time we have a setback or don't pick up a trophy?

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