Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

In management its better to be lucky than better. Pellegrini is a very unlucky manager.
We had a match against Wigan in the league 2-3 weeks ago after the semi final.

They played very well, caused a lot of problem we were lucky to win with a moment of individual brilliance from Tevez because based to team play we had no idea what to do against a team that fight relegation.

Than 3 weeks later Mancini comes up with the exact tactics like yesterday. HE DOESNT FUCKING LEARN.

Everton matches, always ends up surprised, Sunderland way games =the same.

In CL his only thing he can say football is strange. He couldnt make it with Inter for four years, now with City even group stages are the final stations with him. What did he learn from finishing behind Napoli last season?
Nothing he went on to finish behind Ajax.

What did he learn from the Wigan match 3 weeks ago?

Martinez gave their team motivation, belief and a gameplay wht to play, how to play that. And they have done that vs a team where only the starting team cost 200m pounds.

Mancini couldnt motivate anyone, made idiotic subs, had no idea what to do, bringing Dzeko in 91. minute. Team looked slow, doing the same things over and over again without thinking one bit, those crosses from Clichy never looking up and anyway only Agüero in between defenders the chance of him getting a header was zero anyway.

We really had no clear tactical idea how to beat Wigan.Just go out and let the quality difference win the match for us.

That is the tactic of Roberto Mancini.

Thats why he wants so much more world class player and thats why he cries so much about further transfers.

He needs the best squad by a mile to make sure he can win trophies.

Man-management, motivation, right tactics, plan B etc worth just as much as having those extra players sometimes. And Wigan showed it.

I can just hope the board didnt back him before because he is leaving surely.

Cant even believe he is not hated by half of the squad at least. Imagine what the new players think (Sinclair, Garcia, Rodwell etc.), when Mancini kept talking about how big mistake we did in the summer, we didnt become stronger we became weaker.

It is true, yet a manager says this to the media every second week.How he thinks that helps the team?
It is an excuse maybe for the shit he made out of this season.

We really need RVP, De Rossi to beat shit Villa in the League Cup, Wigan in FA Cup, finish above Ajax where the mighty Poulsen, Babel Pool reject stars play?

No we dont.

More likely a manager with a good gameplan and good man management.

For me yesterday was the exact same like the Ajax match away from home. Disgrace performance from the players, but they had no idea what to play or how to react to the opponents.

And then Mancini comes with his subs going 352 causing a joke of chaos at Ajax, yesterday taking off the players who at least tried to make things happening.

And his big CL( and EL, like Sporting, D. Kijev) embarassing results costing us a degrading from Pot 2 to Pot 3.

Txiki and co. should be fired if they keep Mancini. Thats my opinion. They are not stupid, they will see trough Mancini and wont accept to the mentality of getting another world class players if you cant get the best from your current ones because you have no idea how to do that.
John.des said:
We had a match against Wigan in the league 2-3 weeks ago after the semi final.

They played very well, caused a lot of problem we were lucky to win with a moment of individual brilliance from Tevez because based to team play we had no idea what to do against a team that fight relegation.

Than 3 weeks later Mancini comes up with the exact tactics like yesterday. HE DOESNT FUCKING LEARN.

Everton matches, always ends up surprised, Sunderland way games =the same.

In CL his only thing he can say football is strange. He couldnt make it with Inter for four years, now with City even group stages are the final stations with him. What did he learn from finishing behind Napoli last season?
Nothing he went on to finish behind Ajax.

What did he learn from the Wigan match 3 weeks ago?

Martinez gave their team motivation, belief and a gameplay wht to play, how to play that. And they have done that vs a team where only the starting team cost 200m pounds.

Mancini couldnt motivate anyone, made idiotic subs, had no idea what to do, bringing Dzeko in 91. minute. Team looked slow, doing the same things over and over again without thinking one bit, those crosses from Clichy never looking up and anyway only Agüero in between defenders the chance of him getting a header was zero anyway.

We really had no clear tactical idea how to beat Wigan.Just go out and let the quality difference win the match for us.

That is the tactic of Roberto Mancini.

Thats why he wants so much more world class player and thats why he cries so much about further transfers.

He needs the best squad by a mile to make sure he can win trophies.

Man-management, motivation, right tactics, plan B etc worth just as much as having those extra players sometimes. And Wigan showed it.

I can just hope the board didnt back him before because he is leaving surely.

Cant even believe he is not hated by half of the squad at least. Imagine what the new players think (Sinclair, Garcia, Rodwell etc.), when Mancini kept talking about how big mistake we did in the summer, we didnt become stronger we became weaker.

It is true, yet a manager says this to the media every second week.How he thinks that helps the team?
It is an excuse maybe for the shit he made out of this season.

We really need RVP, De Rossi to beat shit Villa in the League Cup, Wigan in FA Cup, finish above Ajax where the mighty Poulsen, Babel Pool reject stars play?

No we dont.

More likely a manager with a good gameplan and good man management.

For me yesterday was the exact same like the Ajax match away from home. Disgrace performance from the players, but they had no idea what to play or how to react to the opponents.

And then Mancini comes with his subs going 352 causing a joke of chaos at Ajax, yesterday taking off the players who at least tried to make things happening.

And his big CL( and EL, like Sporting, D. Kijev) embarassing results costing us a degrading from Pot 2 to Pot 3.

Txiki and co. should be fired if they keep Mancini. Thats my opinion. They are not stupid, they will see trough Mancini and wont accept to the mentality of getting another world class players if you cant get the best from your current ones because you have no idea how to do that.

Can't argue with any of that!
bluetrue said:
John.des said:
We had a match against Wigan in the league 2-3 weeks ago after the semi final.

They played very well, caused a lot of problem we were lucky to win with a moment of individual brilliance from Tevez because based to team play we had no idea what to do against a team that fight relegation.

Than 3 weeks later Mancini comes up with the exact tactics like yesterday. HE DOESNT FUCKING LEARN.

Everton matches, always ends up surprised, Sunderland way games =the same.

In CL his only thing he can say football is strange. He couldnt make it with Inter for four years, now with City even group stages are the final stations with him. What did he learn from finishing behind Napoli last season?
Nothing he went on to finish behind Ajax.

What did he learn from the Wigan match 3 weeks ago?

Martinez gave their team motivation, belief and a gameplay wht to play, how to play that. And they have done that vs a team where only the starting team cost 200m pounds.

Mancini couldnt motivate anyone, made idiotic subs, had no idea what to do, bringing Dzeko in 91. minute. Team looked slow, doing the same things over and over again without thinking one bit, those crosses from Clichy never looking up and anyway only Agüero in between defenders the chance of him getting a header was zero anyway.

We really had no clear tactical idea how to beat Wigan.Just go out and let the quality difference win the match for us.

That is the tactic of Roberto Mancini.

Thats why he wants so much more world class player and thats why he cries so much about further transfers.

He needs the best squad by a mile to make sure he can win trophies.

Man-management, motivation, right tactics, plan B etc worth just as much as having those extra players sometimes. And Wigan showed it.

I can just hope the board didnt back him before because he is leaving surely.

Cant even believe he is not hated by half of the squad at least. Imagine what the new players think (Sinclair, Garcia, Rodwell etc.), when Mancini kept talking about how big mistake we did in the summer, we didnt become stronger we became weaker.

It is true, yet a manager says this to the media every second week.How he thinks that helps the team?
It is an excuse maybe for the shit he made out of this season.

We really need RVP, De Rossi to beat shit Villa in the League Cup, Wigan in FA Cup, finish above Ajax where the mighty Poulsen, Babel Pool reject stars play?

No we dont.

More likely a manager with a good gameplan and good man management.

For me yesterday was the exact same like the Ajax match away from home. Disgrace performance from the players, but they had no idea what to play or how to react to the opponents.

And then Mancini comes with his subs going 352 causing a joke of chaos at Ajax, yesterday taking off the players who at least tried to make things happening.

And his big CL( and EL, like Sporting, D. Kijev) embarassing results costing us a degrading from Pot 2 to Pot 3.

Txiki and co. should be fired if they keep Mancini. Thats my opinion. They are not stupid, they will see trough Mancini and wont accept to the mentality of getting another world class players if you cant get the best from your current ones because you have no idea how to do that.

Can't argue with any of that!

Sadly this is the truth. I really wanted Bobby to succeed but it is clear he is not the man to take us forward. He is turning top class players into donkeys.

Time to go Roberto, thanks for what you have done but we need a teambuilder.

If it is to be Pelligrini then I am happy and will support him.
dave_blue12 said:
bluetrue said:
John.des said:
We had a match against Wigan in the league 2-3 weeks ago after the semi final.

They played very well, caused a lot of problem we were lucky to win with a moment of individual brilliance from Tevez because based to team play we had no idea what to do against a team that fight relegation.

Than 3 weeks later Mancini comes up with the exact tactics like yesterday. HE DOESNT FUCKING LEARN.

Everton matches, always ends up surprised, Sunderland way games =the same.

In CL his only thing he can say football is strange. He couldnt make it with Inter for four years, now with City even group stages are the final stations with him. What did he learn from finishing behind Napoli last season?
Nothing he went on to finish behind Ajax.

What did he learn from the Wigan match 3 weeks ago?

Martinez gave their team motivation, belief and a gameplay wht to play, how to play that. And they have done that vs a team where only the starting team cost 200m pounds.

Mancini couldnt motivate anyone, made idiotic subs, had no idea what to do, bringing Dzeko in 91. minute. Team looked slow, doing the same things over and over again without thinking one bit, those crosses from Clichy never looking up and anyway only Agüero in between defenders the chance of him getting a header was zero anyway.

We really had no clear tactical idea how to beat Wigan.Just go out and let the quality difference win the match for us.

That is the tactic of Roberto Mancini.

Thats why he wants so much more world class player and thats why he cries so much about further transfers.

He needs the best squad by a mile to make sure he can win trophies.

Man-management, motivation, right tactics, plan B etc worth just as much as having those extra players sometimes. And Wigan showed it.

I can just hope the board didnt back him before because he is leaving surely.

Cant even believe he is not hated by half of the squad at least. Imagine what the new players think (Sinclair, Garcia, Rodwell etc.), when Mancini kept talking about how big mistake we did in the summer, we didnt become stronger we became weaker.

It is true, yet a manager says this to the media every second week.How he thinks that helps the team?
It is an excuse maybe for the shit he made out of this season.

We really need RVP, De Rossi to beat shit Villa in the League Cup, Wigan in FA Cup, finish above Ajax where the mighty Poulsen, Babel Pool reject stars play?

No we dont.

More likely a manager with a good gameplan and good man management.

For me yesterday was the exact same like the Ajax match away from home. Disgrace performance from the players, but they had no idea what to play or how to react to the opponents.

And then Mancini comes with his subs going 352 causing a joke of chaos at Ajax, yesterday taking off the players who at least tried to make things happening.

And his big CL( and EL, like Sporting, D. Kijev) embarassing results costing us a degrading from Pot 2 to Pot 3.

Txiki and co. should be fired if they keep Mancini. Thats my opinion. They are not stupid, they will see trough Mancini and wont accept to the mentality of getting another world class players if you cant get the best from your current ones because you have no idea how to do that.

Can't argue with any of that!

Sadly this is the truth. I really wanted Bobby to succeed but it is clear he is not the man to take us forward. He is turning top class players into donkeys.

Time to go Roberto, thanks for what you have done but we need a teambuilder.

If it is to be Pelligrini then I am happy and will support him.

Yup, goes for me too. We struggle every time we face opponents like Wigan, Southampton, Liverpool, Swansea, Dortmund etc, and Bobby just doesn't seem to learn. They dropped back to the edge of their own box whenever we had the ball, so we couldn't get Kun in behind them, they pressed us into mistakes (and especially Gareth Barry - just like at Southampton and Everton) whenever we had it, and they had McManaman and that hippy run the ball at our exposed full backs for 90 minutes. After watching Clichy get raped by Reus against Dortmund, you might have expected a modicum of thought would have gone into preventing McManaman doing the same thing, but it clearly hadn't. As John.des says, the tactics appeared to amount to no more than sending out an array of stars and hoping one of them would conjure up a piece of magic. And a quick word on the goal wouldn't go amiss either. How many times have we been undone by that near post corner routine this season, with a player running from behind the front man to get in and score? 3 times against Ajax alone!
Not winning trophies isn't the issue. Losing games isn't the issue. Not learning from mistakes and failing to get the best out of a superb squad of players undoubtedly is though. I've said earlier that on an instinctive level I don't particularly want Mancini to go, but much as I don't like change, he has to
Exeter Blue I am here said:
dave_blue12 said:
bluetrue said:
Can't argue with any of that!

Sadly this is the truth. I really wanted Bobby to succeed but it is clear he is not the man to take us forward. He is turning top class players into donkeys.

Time to go Roberto, thanks for what you have done but we need a teambuilder.

If it is to be Pelligrini then I am happy and will support him.

Yup, goes for me too. We struggle every time we face opponents like Wigan, Southampton, Liverpool, Swansea, Dortmund etc, and Bobby just doesn't seem to learn. They dropped back to the edge of their own box whenever we had the ball, so we couldn't get Kun in behind them, they pressed us into mistakes (and especially Gareth Barry - just like at Southampton and Everton) whenever we had it, and they had McManaman and that hippy run the ball at our exposed full backs for 90 minutes. After watching Clichy get raped by Reus against Dortmund, you might have expected a modicum of thought would have gone into preventing McManaman doing the same thing, but it clearly hadn't. As John.des says, the tactics appeared to amount to no more than sending out an array of stars and hoping one of them would conjure up a piece of magic. And a quick word on the goal wouldn't go amiss either. How many times have we been undone by that near post corner routine this season, with a player running from behind the front man to get in and score? 3 times against Ajax alone!
Not winning trophies isn't the issue. Losing games isn't the issue. Not learning from mistakes and failing to get the best out of a superb squad of players undoubtedly is though. I've said earlier that on an instinctive level I don't particularly want Mancini to go, but much as I don't like change, he has to

Instead of just blindly backing the man and frothing at the mouth, those still thinking that Bob is our future should carefully read your posts mate as they are excellent and sum our situation up perfectly.

Couldn't agree more with your opinion.
John.des said:
We had a match against Wigan in the league 2-3 weeks ago after the semi final.

They played very well, caused a lot of problem we were lucky to win with a moment of individual brilliance from Tevez because based to team play we had no idea what to do against a team that fight relegation.

Than 3 weeks later Mancini comes up with the exact tactics like yesterday. HE DOESNT FUCKING LEARN.

Everton matches, always ends up surprised, Sunderland way games =the same.

In CL his only thing he can say football is strange. He couldnt make it with Inter for four years, now with City even group stages are the final stations with him. What did he learn from finishing behind Napoli last season?
Nothing he went on to finish behind Ajax.

What did he learn from the Wigan match 3 weeks ago?

Martinez gave their team motivation, belief and a gameplay wht to play, how to play that. And they have done that vs a team where only the starting team cost 200m pounds.

Mancini couldnt motivate anyone, made idiotic subs, had no idea what to do, bringing Dzeko in 91. minute. Team looked slow, doing the same things over and over again without thinking one bit, those crosses from Clichy never looking up and anyway only Agüero in between defenders the chance of him getting a header was zero anyway.

We really had no clear tactical idea how to beat Wigan.Just go out and let the quality difference win the match for us.

That is the tactic of Roberto Mancini.

Thats why he wants so much more world class player and thats why he cries so much about further transfers.

He needs the best squad by a mile to make sure he can win trophies.

Man-management, motivation, right tactics, plan B etc worth just as much as having those extra players sometimes. And Wigan showed it.

I can just hope the board didnt back him before because he is leaving surely.

Cant even believe he is not hated by half of the squad at least. Imagine what the new players think (Sinclair, Garcia, Rodwell etc.), when Mancini kept talking about how big mistake we did in the summer, we didnt become stronger we became weaker.

It is true, yet a manager says this to the media every second week.How he thinks that helps the team?
It is an excuse maybe for the shit he made out of this season.

We really need RVP, De Rossi to beat shit Villa in the League Cup, Wigan in FA Cup, finish above Ajax where the mighty Poulsen, Babel Pool reject stars play?

No we dont.

More likely a manager with a good gameplan and good man management.

For me yesterday was the exact same like the Ajax match away from home. Disgrace performance from the players, but they had no idea what to play or how to react to the opponents.

And then Mancini comes with his subs going 352 causing a joke of chaos at Ajax, yesterday taking off the players who at least tried to make things happening.

And his big CL( and EL, like Sporting, D. Kijev) embarassing results costing us a degrading from Pot 2 to Pot 3.

Txiki and co. should be fired if they keep Mancini. Thats my opinion. They are not stupid, they will see trough Mancini and wont accept to the mentality of getting another world class players if you cant get the best from your current ones because you have no idea how to do that.

Any half-decent manager

Any half-decent manager could probably have achieved what Mancini has achieved with the talent at his disposal. Team selection, tactics and motivation are the skills of a good manager. Mancini seems to be lacking in all of these. So what does he bring to the party that is special?

I ask because there are calls for this or that manager to replace him or just for him to go. Why do some want to keep him, other than for the reason of stability? Stability, or really the absence of instability, is certainly important, but do Mancini's supporters truly believe there is stability in the club at the moment? What has been happening on the pitch right from the start of this season indicates to me that there is great unrest behind the scenes, culminating yesterday in an abject display. How could a bunch of overpaid 'stars' put in such a dismal performance when they knew the eyes of the world were on them? It beggars belief. Club managers thinking of signing them, national managers thinking of selecting them, transfer targets thinking of joining us must, all of them, have just thought "avoid". Yet we know these players can do it. So why didn't they yesterday?

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