Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

I like bobby and he will always be regarded highly by most City fans, but if we have to move on then so be it.

Do I want Pellegrini well I don't know too much about him but if he becomes our manager then gets my full support.

Yesterday the players let us down because speculation or not they are professionals paid a fantastic wage and they should just do their job. We all have issues to deal with in life but if we let it get in the way of work we are disciplined so its about time these players hold their hands up.

If these players wanted Bobby to stay they did a very poor job of showing it yesterday.

CTID whoever is our boss.
I don't think any of the players let us down yesterday.

We had Yaya strolling through the game but he picked up a hamstring injury a week ago, and I reckon that's all he could do. He should not have played. His performance was appalling as he is the one player we have who can burst through a well marshalled defence and he didn't once make one of his trademark runs. I think he was injured

I've also seen City struggle to create chances against teams that press us and defend well. It's a limitation in our game. Some hammer Mancini for it, but we are not the finished article. We had the opportunity to strengthen last Summer but didn't take it.

Yetserday was the result of a few things, but a contributory factor was that if you take Yaya out we can be a team that's very neat in possession but one that can play for an hour in front of a back 4 and create very little. Effort doesn't come into it
Many Real madrid fans wants Pellegrini back at the club, so must have done a good job there despite lack of silverware.
Project said:
You know, I feel some of you are losing the plot a little.

People are upset about yesterday. I understand that. We lost a cup final. But the way in which we are looking for people to blame and in particular, rounding on Ferran and Txiki is quite frankly bizarre. Take a step back and a deep breath and think about what the fuck some of you are saying.

It is quite clear that the decision was taken some time ago to replace Mancini with Pellegrini. Now, how do you handle this? Do you try to sow up the deal in the background before informing people so as to not distract on the teams performances? Or do you tell the press every step of the way during negotiations? It seems like most of you think it should be the latter. Crazy. What exactly were you expecting after the news reports broke? For Ferran to come out and say actually yes, we are looking for a new manager and Mancini is gone? The day of the Cup final? Really?

These guys are professional. They believe there are better managerial options and have gone about securing one of those options, without feeling the need to brief the press.

There is also this view that the hierarchy should have waited until the season was done before negotiating with another manager. As if by doing so was somehow not classy. Firstly, get real - this is how the world works. Secondly, I assume these are the same people who ranted at Marwood for not getting the transfer business concluded earlier enough last season.

Yesterday wasn't a great day, but we will move on. Surely after everything Khaldoon has done that has been right he can be afforded a degree of trust. We are a club that is in great hands. Yet the flapping on here has been unbelievable.

What we are witnessing in the press and Twitter today will be long forgotten, much like Hughes was.

60 year old Pellegrini isn't a long term successor. And if they have gone with him, then it is clear that Ferran and Txiki are here for some short term glory before they move onto the next pay out. I was looking at Begiristain's credentials and when he joined Barcelona in 2003, Messi, Xavi, Iniesta etc.. were already at the club. All of the academy players of the future were all in situ. He was just lucky to be there when they came through. Thinking that they could come over here and wave a magic wand is ridiculous, because all the things that made the Barcelona team of the last 5 years so great, was nothing to do with these 2 men. Our current academy players fall under the watchful eye of Brian Marwood!! If Pellegrini comes in this summer and starts buying 25-28 year old players, then this is just a sticking plaster that will start bleeding again a few years down the road.

I think that the only way to really plan for the future, would be to have long term (City supporting) people at the club, instead of hired guns.
Didsbury Dave said:
Project said:
You know, I feel some of you are losing the plot a little.

People are upset about yesterday. I understand that. We lost a cup final. But the way in which we are looking for people to blame and in particular, rounding on Ferran and Txiki is quite frankly bizarre. Take a step back and a deep breath and think about what the fuck some of you are saying.

It is quite clear that the decision was taken some time ago to replace Mancini with Pellegrini. Now, how do you handle this? Do you try to sow up the deal in the background before informing people so as to not distract on the teams performances? Or do you tell the press every step of the way during negotiations? It seems like most of you think it should be the latter. Crazy. What exactly were you expecting after the news reports broke? For Ferran to come out and say actually yes, we are looking for a new manager and Mancini is gone? The day of the Cup final? Really?

These guys are professional. They believe there are better managerial options and have gone about securing one of those options, without feeling the need to brief the press.

There is also this view that the hierarchy should have waited until the season was done before negotiating with another manager. As if by doing so was somehow not classy. Firstly, get real - this is how the world works. Secondly, I assume these are the same people who ranted at Marwood for not getting the transfer business concluded earlier enough last season.

Yesterday wasn't a great day, but we will move on. Surely after everything Khaldoon has done that has been right he can be afforded a degree of trust. We are a club that is in great hands. Yet the flapping on here has been unbelievable.

What we are witnessing in the press and Twitter today will be long forgotten, much like Hughes was.
Great post mate.

Txiki and soriano come out of this with great deal of credit in my eyes. From what I hear they had to act decisively to head of barca. If they've done that then they've done well.

Hopefully rm will get a send off by the fans next week, then onwards and upwards for mcfc. I see exciting times ahead.

Both Barca and Chelsea have been very much involved in trying to nail down Pellegrini.

He has been the most wanted man in world football these last six months.

Bringing in 'The Engineer' will be a huge testament to their ability to get the job done.

And that boy Isco is gonna be some player in the years to come.
The simple truth is that we've been found out. All PL managers now know that if you play a high tempo pressing game against us we are vulnerable. The tippy tappy slow passing style cannot cope with the high tempo of the PL but for some reason Mancini doesn't appear to see this. Ally this to some of our top players being well off their game ( Silva, Toure, Aguero to name but 3) and we are on a hiding to nothing. I have always been a Mancini inner simply because I felt we needed stability and I did think he would work out what to do against teams that press us hard and counter attack but yesterday showed he hasn't done that.

We bought a proven goal scorer in Dzecko but we've never utilised his strength which is getting on the end of crosses not even as a plan B instead we've had to watch him struggling to control a fast pass to his feet with his back to goal. If we wanted a tall forward who could cope with this why didn't we buy one.

Wigan gave us a bad time in the league game at Etihad but Mancini seems to have blissfully ignored that. Surely he should have analysed that game second by second and then came up with a strategy to counter them. Instead his "tactics" seem to have been more of the same.

I don't know much about Pellegrini but watching Malaga in the PL even though they play the tippy tappy passing style they certainly seem to play it with a higher tempo which pressures teams and doesn't allow them time to pullback and organise their defence unlike City who waste a dozen passes in midfield whilst the opposition set their defence. They also press teams when they lose the ball unlike City who stand back and let them play.

Watching Mancini's body language yesterday he did seem to be a dead man walking. If his tenure as City manager is coming to an end then we will have to accept this and move on and support whoever the next manager is.
eeeez we lost becauzzzze we didn't sign Van Persii ! ask marwoud losing is not a shame but always losing with a team of more than 170m against some specific teams those who attacks ! no slow tempo! the Wigan team wasn't even their best 1. it's not a rocket science you feel team lacking ideas, football is more than just 11 against 11

and this Wigan match will be the same in CL next year

at some moment it is not sustainable ! spending 100 every year with FFP coming

just ask yourself would Arsenal, chelsea,united,real, bayern,barca,psg, liverpool, dortmund,milan,juve... hire Mancini ?

Always tried to convience myself he is a very good manager and just the others hate him ! I was mad last year when a french journalist in Germany talked badly about mancini( the fact he blames every one but himself, lack of communication skill, losing against 2n Borussia team) but at some moment he should start questioning himself and change this habbits ( in case he is staying
If he's going the get Jose, klopp or Jupp Heynckes in that order. I don't think the speculation about him going did him or our team any favours yesterday and i put the shit display down to it. Why couldn't it just be left alone till the end of the season ?

The press are already doing a similar routine on this guy as the did Mancini. He won't win them or the majority of our fans over and I can't go through this again because I adore Mancini and he's never had the respect he deserves ever !
Pellegrini will be installed as Manager and you watch Patrick Viera will be sat next to him and groomed for the future Managers job.
Slice of life said:
Project said:
You know, I feel some of you are losing the plot a little.

People are upset about yesterday. I understand that. We lost a cup final. But the way in which we are looking for people to blame and in particular, rounding on Ferran and Txiki is quite frankly bizarre. Take a step back and a deep breath and think about what the fuck some of you are saying.

It is quite clear that the decision was taken some time ago to replace Mancini with Pellegrini. Now, how do you handle this? Do you try to sow up the deal in the background before informing people so as to not distract on the teams performances? Or do you tell the press every step of the way during negotiations? It seems like most of you think it should be the latter. Crazy. What exactly were you expecting after the news reports broke? For Ferran to come out and say actually yes, we are looking for a new manager and Mancini is gone? The day of the Cup final? Really?

These guys are professional. They believe there are better managerial options and have gone about securing one of those options, without feeling the need to brief the press.

There is also this view that the hierarchy should have waited until the season was done before negotiating with another manager. As if by doing so was somehow not classy. Firstly, get real - this is how the world works. Secondly, I assume these are the same people who ranted at Marwood for not getting the transfer business concluded earlier enough last season.

Yesterday wasn't a great day, but we will move on. Surely after everything Khaldoon has done that has been right he can be afforded a degree of trust. We are a club that is in great hands. Yet the flapping on here has been unbelievable.

What we are witnessing in the press and Twitter today will be long forgotten, much like Hughes was.

60 year old Pellegrini isn't a long term successor. And if they have gone with him, then it is clear that Ferran and Txiki are here for some short term glory before they move onto the next pay out. I was looking at Begiristain's credentials and when he joined Barcelona in 2003, Messi, Xavi, Iniesta etc.. were already at the club. All of the academy players of the future were all in situ. He was just lucky to be there when they came through. Thinking that they could come over here and wave a magic wand is ridiculous, because all the things that made the Barcelona team of the last 5 years so great, was nothing to do with these 2 men. Our current academy players fall under the watchful eye of Brian Marwood!! If Pellegrini comes in this summer and starts buying 25-28 year old players, then this is just a sticking plaster that will start bleeding again a few years down the road.

I think that the only way to really plan for the future, would be to have long term (City supporting) people at the club, instead of hired guns.
60? We could be his last job. He can go until he is 70 so how is 10 years not long term?
Project said:
You know, I feel some of you are losing the plot a little.

People are upset about yesterday. I understand that. We lost a cup final. But the way in which we are looking for people to blame and in particular, rounding on Ferran and Txiki is quite frankly bizarre. Take a step back and a deep breath and think about what the fuck some of you are saying.

It is quite clear that the decision was taken some time ago to replace Mancini with Pellegrini. Now, how do you handle this? Do you try to sow up the deal in the background before informing people so as to not distract on the teams performances? Or do you tell the press every step of the way during negotiations? It seems like most of you think it should be the latter. Crazy. What exactly were you expecting after the news reports broke? For Ferran to come out and say actually yes, we are looking for a new manager and Mancini is gone? The day of the Cup final? Really?

These guys are professional. They believe there are better managerial options and have gone about securing one of those options, without feeling the need to brief the press.

There is also this view that the hierarchy should have waited until the season was done before negotiating with another manager. As if by doing so was somehow not classy. Firstly, get real - this is how the world works. Secondly, I assume these are the same people who ranted at Marwood for not getting the transfer business concluded earlier enough last season.

Yesterday wasn't a great day, but we will move on. Surely after everything Khaldoon has done that has been right he can be afforded a degree of trust. We are a club that is in great hands. Yet the flapping on here has been unbelievable.

What we are witnessing in the press and Twitter today will be long forgotten, much like Hughes was.

I disagree.

If you have decided to replace the manager you must have done so with targets in mind. Those targets must have been available and their availability could be checked without the news breaking. It's just a matter of including a non disclosure clause to the negotiations. The moment any news leaks the candidate is out of the picture and the rumour can be denied.

You also need to think about the manner of negotiations. If the meeting a couple of weeks ago was about Pelligrini and not player recruitment then why the fuck was it done in public? Why did it take place 2 weeks before the FA cup final?

This is amateurish in the extreme. Completely undermining the manager and therefore team. And in this case the FA CUP FINAL which became no more than a speculation fest for the media and therefore an embarrassment to the club.

If I was the owner I would be fucking irate at the way the club has been made to look in the media and that is down to the way the execs have acted.

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