Mancini Protest

It is very difficult to know what we are going to do, as Bragstarr states a couple runs that didnt come off, if they had we could have had a Chelski scoreline.

All the people who know best say build from the back so you dont conceed, think we have seen considerable progress there. The front players just need to focus, and be available for a ball on the floor, we have the speed to cause any defence problems.

Bobby will not let us down.

Forza Mancini!!

Blue Phil said:
Moaners!!! Yeah sometimes we don't play attractive football but guess what, you'd all moan if we went full out against Arsenal and left our defense vurnerable! Without sounding patronising but most of the people who want Mancini out are either delusional, 5 years old, glory hunters or Mark Hughes!
i must be delusional. what's your excuse
Mancini is working with someone elses squad. There is no guarantee that he will play that way next season. He is playing percentage game, and one that is very close to paying off. He has got real bottle to do that and i have infinitley more faith in his judgement than i ever had with Hughes.
PowderBlue said:
Mancini is working with someone elses squad. There is no guarantee that he will play that way next season. He is playing percentage game, and one that is very close to paying off. He has got real bottle to do that and i have infinitley more faith in his judgement than i ever had with Hughes.

people keep saying this "someone elses squad"....what we seem to forget is these "someone elses players" managed to beat teams in the past, as they were asked to play to their better abilities

mancini has taken the same players and stifled them into a role he wants a player to perform in that position

now, i am not saying this is wrong....mancini has a vision for his team and a way he wants to play

my argument is; if mancini doesnt currently have the players to be able to adequately play in the style mancini wants, then mancini should be implementing a tactic that will get the best out of the players we currently have and i'm afraid his current tactic of trying to nick a draw is not the ideal way to approach it

then next season he can replace those players that dont fit into his style of play
Blue Phil said:
Moaners!!! Yeah sometimes we don't play attractive football but guess what, you'd all moan if we went full out against Arsenal and left our defense vurnerable! Without sounding patronising but most of the people who want Mancini out are either delusional, 5 years old, glory hunters or Mark Hughes!

No we are football fans who want the best for our club. We do not accept the status quo, we do not accept Everton and Aston Villa as our rivals. We want to challenge the bigger teams, we want to be confident of a top four place and not wishing for it in the last few games of the season. We want our team to play quality football, whist drawing nil nil against at home we want our manager to commit to attack and not accept a draw as a good result, which ultimately leads to defeat. We want our manager to invest in the youth ( NB. Yes fair play to his policy of bringing some into the first team squad ), we do not want him to sign the like of Viera who is a has been.
shadygiz said:
PowderBlue said:
Mancini is working with someone elses squad. There is no guarantee that he will play that way next season. He is playing percentage game, and one that is very close to paying off. He has got real bottle to do that and i have infinitley more faith in his judgement than i ever had with Hughes.

people keep saying this "someone elses squad"....what we seem to forget is these "someone elses players" managed to beat teams in the past, as they were asked to play to their better abilities

mancini has taken the same players and stifled them into a role he wants a player to perform in that position

now, i am not saying this is wrong....mancini has a vision for his team and a way he wants to play

my argument is; if mancini doesnt currently have the players to be able to adequately play in the style mancini wants, then mancini should be implementing a tactic that will get the best out of the players we currently have and i'm afraid his current tactic of trying to nick a draw is not the ideal way to approach it

then next season he can replace those players that dont fit into his style of play
We had this argument last year. Hughes wasn't playin with his squad (he never was, coz he got sacked), now Mancini int (although its the best set of players we've ever had). Which is fair enough, he int either. What happens when he gets sacked then? Do we have a whole season and a half of 'gettin to know ya?'. Its all bollocks.
shadygiz said:
PowderBlue said:
Mancini is working with someone elses squad. There is no guarantee that he will play that way next season. He is playing percentage game, and one that is very close to paying off. He has got real bottle to do that and i have infinitley more faith in his judgement than i ever had with Hughes.

people keep saying this "someone elses squad"....what we seem to forget is these "someone elses players" managed to beat teams in the past, as they were asked to play to their better abilities

mancini has taken the same players and stifled them into a role he wants a player to perform in that position

now, i am not saying this is wrong....mancini has a vision for his team and a way he wants to play

my argument is; if mancini doesnt currently have the players to be able to adequately play in the style mancini wants, then mancini should be implementing a tactic that will get the best out of the players we currently have and i'm afraid his current tactic of trying to nick a draw is not the ideal way to approach it

then next season he can replace those players that dont fit into his style of play

Mancinis first task was to shore up a leaky team. Our GD is now the best of our rivals - we didnt nick draws against Burnley and Brum. If it hadnt been for a last minute lack of concentration we'd have picked up two draws against Utd ad Ars, which most of us wouldve taken beforehand - and wouldve seen us now in 4th with 2 home games from 3. Blame ireland, SWP and Bellers for that, not Mancini
shadygiz said:
people keep saying this "someone elses squad"....what we seem to forget is these "someone elses players" managed to beat teams in the past, as they were asked to play to their better abilities

mancini has taken the same players and stifled them into a role he wants a player to perform in that position

Our record under Mancini is one of the best in the league, if it was replicated over an entire season we would pretty much be guaranteed 4th. How is it that this is being ignored?
Blue Phil said:
Moaners!!! Yeah sometimes we don't play attractive football but guess what, you'd all moan if we went full out against Arsenal and left our defense vurnerable! Without sounding patronising but most of the people who want Mancini out are either delusional, 5 years old, glory hunters or Mark Hughes!
and left our defense vurnerable
Pissed or one of our American friends i'd guess.
You don't sound patronising, you sound a tad clueless.

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