"Mancini - Right or Wrong?"

Didsbury Dave said:
Nicely written article mate. In reality I'd say your view is very common.

Cheers DD.
I'd like to think this is a widely held view.
No offence, but being radically one way or the other isn't my style - much too tiring.
The title from the OP implies that there is only either right or wrong. Football's not like that. Mancini was the right man at the right time when Hughes was sacked. We needed a "name" manager with experience of building teams and winning trophies. Mancini fitted the profile at that time. He took a collection of players that Hughes couldn't get the best out of and moulded them into a cohesive unit.

He earned the right to be allowed to spend on new players and his choices were good on the whole. Silva, Aguerro and Toure being the stars. He won the Cup subsequently the PL with them. I think this blinded us all to his failings which were that he preferred to buy rather than develop players and that his man management skills were abraisive to say the least.

It became obvious that when City employed Begiristain and Soriano that they were aiming to emulate the Barcelona model in playing style and how players were brought through the youth teams. Mancini was wrong for this approach.

So if you ask me whether he was right or wrong I'd have to say both.
woolleyback blue said:
The title from the OP implies that there is only either right or wrong. Football's not like that. Mancini was the right man at the right time when Hughes was sacked. We needed a "name" manager with experience of building teams and winning trophies. Mancini fitted the profile at that time. He took a collection of players that Hughes couldn't get the best out of and moulded them into a cohesive unit.

He earned the right to be allowed to spend on new players and his choices were good on the whole. Silva, Aguerro and Toure being the stars. He won the Cup subsequently the PL with them. I think this blinded us all to his failings which were that he preferred to buy rather than develop players and that his man management skills were abraisive to say the least.

It became obvious that when City employed Begiristain and Soriano that they were aiming to emulate the Barcelona model in playing style and how players were brought through the youth teams. Mancini was wrong for this approach.

So if you ask me whether he was right or wrong I'd have to say both.

Why dont you read the blog, not just the title?
TGR said:
Blueband Brother said:
The strength and worth of the blog is the simplicity of expression and the clarity of the message, which is a reflection of great insight and intellect. So, great work.

I always believed that Mancini did a fantastic job in very difficult and as I put it, psychologically challenging circumstances in which his credibility is naturally and universally challenged because of the clubs resources. So I did not feel he deserved to be fired.

However this holistic approach angle and justification is something I have to agree with as a reality during Mancini's tenure at the club. He clearly did not have any empathy or respect for the complete project and intentions of the club in terms of paying attention and interest to the youth system and developing players. He seemed to be focused on just winning by harnessing ready made players and deemed this as being enough and acceptable. But since he was not able to win this year, coupled with the disappointing displays throughout the season, he had no ground to stand on.

I for one believe in and quite encouraged by this holistic concept of the owners as I see it as the only sustainable approach going forward so I commend the owners for this.

Notwithstanding, I am still disappointing that we let a good manager go after all he has achieved at the club, but such is life.

Any mamager bar Wenger just doesn't have the time to do this. if they don't win trophies then they are gone and this applied to Mancini also.
If the the owners really want to achieve this then its a 3-5 year project but the owners bought MCFC for business reasons to promote and raise the profile of Abu Dhabi. This can only be achieved by winning premier league titles and champions leagues this is what generates serious publicity. This is where I struggle to see how the club can square the circle. Hopefully they know far more than me? We'll see over the next 2 seasons.

Managers do understand that they are in a winning business and prepare and act like so but most tend to give opportunities to young talented players whenever they have the chance but Mancini is totally numb to this principle, once again I stress the emotion of empathy. For the two and the half years he has been in the club there have been no sign or indication of his interest in promoting any player into the first squad.

The owners have a special interest in developing the youth system as manifested by the new academy and elite development squad and they were convinced that Mancini has failed to communicate or share the same level of commitment to this aspect of the club.They want to improve the profile of the club but more importantly strengthen its foundations for sustainable success.
One of the first things that Mancini did was to promote Boyata to the first team. He also gave early opportunities to Ibrahim and Cunningham. Players like Suarez, Lopes, Razak, Halan and Rekik have also been picked in cup games.

In terms of younger players that we've bought, Sinclair, Rodwell and Nastasic were given early starting opportunities. Nastasic took his chance, the other two didn't although Rodwell wasn't helped by injuries.

He also picked Mario at an early age when at Inter.

I think Mancini is prepared to give young players a chance, albeit he's probably quick to decide if they're not good enough or not ready. I just don't think we've had that many younger players who have been banging the doors down to get into the first team.
oakiecokie said:
TCIB said:
CelesteItis said:
As a Mancini inner, and somewhat a Pellegrini outer, I can relate to this well written article.

Wrong, is the word for the sacking of Mancio. One more season with the rags, the chavs, and the toffees (merseyside rags?) starting from scratch, a double PL title and FA cup might've been a walk in the park with Mancini at the helm; the dross sold and some NDJ like players at the middle, and another at the front.

Wrong is the word for Pellegrini hiring, still hope it won't happen. He's win nowt at the level all the blue faithful is hoping. He's lost to underdogs way under Wigan.

Still expecting a different manager, the german uncle leaving BM would be a good transition, or the Dortmund one, as he is young and daring.

Put me on to your dealer please.

Thank fuck for that mate.Thought it was just me who couldn`t grasp whatever he/she is trying to say.

Agree, sort of confusing, eh?

Sorry, no dealer, all is home made.

BTW, it's a He who still remains skeptical about Pellegrini's appointment being the right one.
This is not an article - it is fiction.

Mancini's irrational decisions with superb players have cost us the title. Any other competent manager would have won this year and would not get humiliated in the CL.

Mancini was paid more than he was worth.
Happy to see him go.
I haven't got into the debate about Mancini etc, all I know is I support the club and the club at the moment has the best owner ever. If he says Mancini ain't good enough, his choice and I have to accept that. Whoever the new manager is gets my full support, if that manager makes us better than what we have had already I will be chuffed as mintballs. As for Mancini I will never ever forget last year and the FA cup victory, for me onwards and upwards. CTID

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