Mancini tactical genius

I agree with it being a tactical switch leading to the win, with Maicon and the 3-5-2 formation being the main elements. I'd also suggest that it is Mancini's ability to man manage efficiently that helps.

Maicon and Dzeko had points to prove yesterday. Maicon V Bale, everyone, including myself thought it was a mistake, but Maicon, was up to the challenge and arguably outplayed Bale. Some of those runs+crosses across the box were incredible, maybe not a 90 minute player but his impact was substantial.

Dzeko, still doesn't start and critics and commentators cry 'what does he have to do to get a start?'. Well he went out as a sub (again) and proved his worth, with determination and grit. His attitude was different to the rest of those on the pitch, he knew he just needed that one chance and he'd do it, and he did.

Mancini got it spot on yesterday, through and through. Once we sort out our defence from set pieces and Merlin gets up and running again (like he was yesterday) and we have a fully fit squad we'll be laughing.
New_Beat said:
I agree with it being a tactical switch leading to the win, with Maicon and the 3-5-2 formation being the main elements. I'd also suggest that it is Mancini's ability to man manage efficiently that helps.

Maicon and Dzeko had points to prove yesterday. Maicon V Bale, everyone, including myself thought it was a mistake, but Maicon, was up to the challenge and arguably outplayed Bale. Some of those runs+crosses across the box were incredible, maybe not a 90 minute player but his impact was substantial.

Dzeko, still doesn't start and critics and commentators cry 'what does he have to do to get a start?'. Well he went out as a sub (again) and proved his worth, with determination and grit. His attitude was different to the rest of those on the pitch, he knew he just needed that one chance and he'd do it, and he did.

Mancini got it spot on yesterday, through and through. Once we sort out our defence from set pieces and Merlin gets up and running again (like he was yesterday) and we have a fully fit squad we'll be laughing.

Wrong! Mancini is unable to man manage. I know this to be true because I read it in the paper, and heard it on Talk Sport.
blueshortshorts said:
New_Beat said:
I agree with it being a tactical switch leading to the win, with Maicon and the 3-5-2 formation being the main elements. I'd also suggest that it is Mancini's ability to man manage efficiently that helps.

Maicon and Dzeko had points to prove yesterday. Maicon V Bale, everyone, including myself thought it was a mistake, but Maicon, was up to the challenge and arguably outplayed Bale. Some of those runs+crosses across the box were incredible, maybe not a 90 minute player but his impact was substantial.

Dzeko, still doesn't start and critics and commentators cry 'what does he have to do to get a start?'. Well he went out as a sub (again) and proved his worth, with determination and grit. His attitude was different to the rest of those on the pitch, he knew he just needed that one chance and he'd do it, and he did.

Mancini got it spot on yesterday, through and through. Once we sort out our defence from set pieces and Merlin gets up and running again (like he was yesterday) and we have a fully fit squad we'll be laughing.

Wrong! Mancini is unable to man manage. I know this to be true because I read it in the paper, and heard it on Talk Sport.

But most of all i read it on the forum, so it must be true, considering all time greats like DD and BS all say it.
SWP's back said:
Didsbury Dave said:
What he did was go to his three at the back, with Maicon and kolorov as the wing backs. It gave us some width, stretched spurs, opened up some space in the middle. 3 at the back is a gamble, especially with players like bale and Lennon who can punish you on the break. On this occasion it worked very well and the manager deserves credit for that.
Was brave using Maicon (after what Bale has done to him before), the Spuds got all giddy about it but Dougie seemed a lot faster yesterday and boy does he have some quality going forward.

-- Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:05 am --

Didsbury Dave said:
I still maintain we haven't the right personnel for 352 but, at last, it worked today. At last.
Played it what? 5 or 6 times?

Utd in the Cup - worked
Chelsea in the CS - worked
Liverpool away - not great
Ajax away - played it for 5 minutes
Spurs - worked a dream

I am more than likely missing a few there as my memory doesn't serve me too well but it has worked more often that not I think.

We played it a few times last season when Savic or Kolo came on towards the end of games. Swansea at home, Spurs & Blackburn away come to mind but I think there were others. We also played it at Newcastle albeit that was more 5-3-2.
cibaman said:
SWP's back said:
Didsbury Dave said:
What he did was go to his three at the back, with Maicon and kolorov as the wing backs. It gave us some width, stretched spurs, opened up some space in the middle. 3 at the back is a gamble, especially with players like bale and Lennon who can punish you on the break. On this occasion it worked very well and the manager deserves credit for that.
Was brave using Maicon (after what Bale has done to him before), the Spuds got all giddy about it but Dougie seemed a lot faster yesterday and boy does he have some quality going forward.

-- Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:05 am --

Didsbury Dave said:
I still maintain we haven't the right personnel for 352 but, at last, it worked today. At last.
Played it what? 5 or 6 times?

Utd in the Cup - worked
Chelsea in the CS - worked
Liverpool away - not great
Ajax away - played it for 5 minutes
Spurs - worked a dream

I am more than likely missing a few there as my memory doesn't serve me too well but it has worked more often that not I think.

We played it a few times last season when Savic or Kolo came on towards the end of games. Swansea at home, Spurs & Blackburn away come to mind but I think there were others. We also played it at Newcastle albeit that was more 5-3-2.

We didn't play it at Newcastle. We did play it twice against Liverpool in the Carling cup.

This season we played it later in the second half at Real Madrid, too.
Neville thinks three at the back is beginning to reap dividends, so I hear. Why wouldn't this be true, when you think about it. Once the team gets the hang of it, it gives up more options if we need to change it. I can't believe the shit that came Bobby's way for yet more managerial excellence. And mark my words, btw, he WILL crack Europe sooner or later.
I didn't have a clue what was going on when he put Maicon on yesterday, but hats off to Bobby, he got his substitutions absolutely spot on.

It seems he knows a bit more about football than even some of the posters on Bluemoon!
Dickhead Darren Gough is beyond belief. Last week he was pounding on Bobby, today he's been calling him a tactical genius and using this as an excuse to play down how bad Spurs actually were.

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