The club has a responsibility to honor it's contracts. Mangala didn't ask us to seek him out, we scouted him, decided he was the right player, negotiated a fee with Porto and negotiated a long and generous contract with him and his agent. I've seen no sign that Mangala hasn't tried to play to the best of his ability, he just isn't good enough. That's on our club and our scouting. That's not on Mangala. Just because it would suit the club for him to go on loan doesn't mean it would suit him. Nowhere in the contract does it say he needs to leave on loan at our request. Th club, as his employer, has a responsiblity to treat him with respect and he has a responsibility to put in his best efforts. He doesn't have a responsibility to go out on loan or be sold to wherever we dictate he goes. He also needs to live with the consequences of his decision though. If he isnt good enough to get gametime but refuses to pursue opportunities elsewhere he may be torching his future prospects and career options. But that is his choice and his consequences to live with.