Manuel Pellegrini

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Mister Appointment said:
bluenose45 said:
Dogtanian said:
^^ shocking subs, what was he thinking
I thought I saw Milly stretching his calf muscle just prior to being subbed? Just assumed it was a precautionary sub, nothing more. However, it did affect our effectiveness down our left flank.

Nobody's going to acknowledge that because it shatters the narrative that Pellegrini's so clueless he beat the rags again!

If Milner was injured it was still a shit substitution as was Dzeko for Jovetic. Was happy with the starting lineup, and the way we went about the game but those two subs were really bad for us.
KippaxCitizen said:
blueinsa said:
Mister Appointment said:
Didn't you predict we'd lose before the game?

You're a cheery fella.

Like i said. They had their scripts all ready and waiting.

How can people script a series of events that haven't happened?

Tell you what though, I notice there's no "Pellegrini OUT" thread. So say what you want about the people who have absolute justified doubts and grumbles about him so far this season but he's treated miles miles fucking better than Mancini was on here.

Let people voice their opinions if they want to and stop talking bollocks about scripts that nobody has had and calling it a shame you bloody made arse.

Whats Mancini got to do with it or is this your way of getting your own back?

Clueless manager has won yet another Derby game and despite several saying Jimmy looked injured, its easier for you to carry on claiming he is clueless.

Its desperate fucking stuff it really is.
blueinsa said:
Mister Appointment said:
GaudinoMotors said:
Worst double substitution ever, could have destroyed them, instead Van Turtle has some crumbs of comfort from his last glorious 20 mins.

Didn't you predict we'd lose before the game?

You're a cheery fella.

Like i said. They had their scripts all ready and waiting.


Grow up - discussing the game.
Delighted we won, hoarse from cheering them on. Just didn't rate the substitution if that's ok with you?
Not seen the boss's post match comments, was he asked about his subs and did he mention any injuries? might clear some things up

I think this thread is going only one way some rate him highly and others feel if we win anything it will be in spite of him, this has been done before and a winner cannot be proved either way
Damocles said:
robbieh said:
KippaxCitizen said:
I was already losing patience with him but now I'm losing faith in him.

The substitutions were atrocious. They totally swung the game in United's - 10 Man United at that - favour. To bring off Milner who was exemplary was extremely poor. We lost his work rate and dangerous play for Nasri who isn't fit and doesn't have anywhere near the workrate or defensive nouse of Milner. And to bring on the hapless Džeko for Jovetić caused a huge vacuum in midfield for United - who, again, had a man less - to exploit because Džeko is not the man you need in that situation at all. (Although not everything came off for Jovetić, he worked hard and was dropping into midfield).

He realised his fuck ups and rectified it by bringing on Fernandinho but he did that and pissed off the clubs star player (Kun) who should never have had to leave he pitch in this game.

Pellegrini nearly fucked that up for us. I'm not impressed with him at all this season. He needs to fucking sort this out!

I hope Txiki Begiristain has him in the office tomorrow morning for a bollocking!

Exactly the way I saw it. Pellegrini is the weak link in the organisation. Just like when Hughes was in charge it was the players who occasionally won games for us, the likes of Tevez and Bellamy. Teamwise we were a shambles under the welsh wizard. While Pelle is a huge upgrade on MH we have relied on individual brilliance both this year, Kun, and last year Yaya to bring home the bacon.

You're actually slagging off a manager because he was able to get great players to perform consistently.

Great players can get a manager out of jail. See the LC final last year. Team were playing aimless football and then Yaya and Nasri intervened. It is quite compatible that average managers can win silverware when they have very good teams. Think Dalgliesh. And more recently Brendan. With Suarez genius, without clueless. Harry even looked good with Bale around.
blueinsa said:
KippaxCitizen said:
blueinsa said:
Like i said. They had their scripts all ready and waiting.

How can people script a series of events that haven't happened?

Tell you what though, I notice there's no "Pellegrini OUT" thread. So say what you want about the people who have absolute justified doubts and grumbles about him so far this season but he's treated miles miles fucking better than Mancini was on here.

Let people voice their opinions if they want to and stop talking bollocks about scripts that nobody has had and calling it a shame you bloody made arse.

Whats Mancini got to do with it or is this your way of getting your own back?

Clueless manager has won yet another Derby game and despite several saying Jimmy looked injured, its easier for you to carry on claiming he is clueless.

Its desperate fucking stuff it really is.
Own back for what? I thought it was right that Mancini was sacked and I still think Pellegrini is the right man for the job now but he needs to fucking sort it out. I can be mightily critical of someone and still want him to be our manager, you know. And so far this season, he is doing fucking bizarre things.

Even if Milner was injured, you don't do a double substitution of Milner and Jovetić off and Nasri and Džeko on...the fact that that was what everyone was talking a it leaving the ground says a lot, the fact it completely changed the game says a lot too.

And I don't think I've ever said Pellegrini is clueless!
It has nothing at all to do with today's result/performance or any one result. If we had won 12-0 today it wouldn't change the fact that we are no better a side than we were 3 seasons ago.

We play essentially a one man central midfield plus Yaya and attacking wingbacks with no protection against the best possession teams in europe over and over, we get played off the pitch every time and nothing ever changes, mistakes are forgivable, refusal to learn from mistakes isn't.

We consistently struggle against ordinary sides who are prepared to close us down and get in our face instead of standing back and admiring the pretty triangles, because the general belief seems to be we just need to turn up and win, we are regularly outworked and outfought by supposedly inferior sides and only actually match them when panic sets in and we find ourselves behind with 10 minutes left, that screams of an issue with team mentality and is 100% the responsibility of the manager.

We have no plan B when a team decides to park the bus beyond try and run it into the net by playing pointless flicks and backheels into a box that contains 8 defenders, much like arsenal a few years ago.

Our set pieces are a joke, for such a physically imposing side to create so little from corners and free kicks is unforgivable.

Baffling substitutions that have no apparent reason other than for the sake of making them, which the majority of the time have a negative effect on the performance.

Yes we won the double, but we have the best team/squad in the league, any competent manager should be challenging for domestic trophies with the players we have available, we haven't progressed one little bit from Mancini and in some ways we have gone backwards.

I'm not trying to hate on Pellegrini and if you check my post history you will see he was my first choice to replace Mancini, but I was wrong, he is a really likeable guy and a good manager but he is tactically naive and is not the man to take us to where we want to be, can anybody genuinely see this side reaching a champions league final or romping the league under the current system?

If we want the on field performances to match the off field progression, we need a world class manager, with Pellegrini we are just treading water.

Flame away, you know I'm right.
Some "fans" seem a bit gutted that we won today, can't imagine why...

Either we are infested with rags, or we've got some right mardy cunts in our fanbase. Just won the derby, I imagine most of us are buzzing.
KippaxCitizen said:
Even if Milner was injured, you don't do a double substitution of Milner and Jovetić off and Nasri and Džeko on...the fact that that was what everyone was talking a it leaving the ground says a lot, the fact it completely changed the game says a lot too.

We were playing 10 men and bossing the game. We wanted the 2nd goal. It's really easy in hindsight to say he got those changes wrong, it's a valid point of view because of how things panned out. But it's equally valid to say that both Nasri and Dzeko are top players who have scored big goals and made big contributions to games like todays.

Either way we won so I'm not sure it warrants the level of criticism Pellegrini's getting. We were on a poor run of form, in a bad moment. But we stood up today and we deserved to win by a much bigger margin.

I can't believe nobody is talking about how United's tactics in the last 20 minutes pretty much consisted of lumping it forward to Fellaini. It was turgid route one shit even if it did cause us problems.
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