Manuel Pellegrini

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KippaxCitizen said:
blueinsa said:
KippaxCitizen said:
How can people script a series of events that haven't happened?

Tell you what though, I notice there's no "Pellegrini OUT" thread. So say what you want about the people who have absolute justified doubts and grumbles about him so far this season but he's treated miles miles fucking better than Mancini was on here.

Let people voice their opinions if they want to and stop talking bollocks about scripts that nobody has had and calling it a shame you bloody made arse.

Whats Mancini got to do with it or is this your way of getting your own back?

Clueless manager has won yet another Derby game and despite several saying Jimmy looked injured, its easier for you to carry on claiming he is clueless.

Its desperate fucking stuff it really is.
Own back for what? I thought it was right that Mancini was sacked and I still think Pellegrini is the right man for the job now but he needs to fucking sort it out. I can be mightily critical of someone and still want him to be our manager, you know. And so far this season, he is doing fucking bizarre things.

Even if Milner was injured, you don't do a double substitution of Milner and Jovetić off and Nasri and Džeko on...the fact that that was what everyone was talking a it leaving the ground says a lot, the fact it completely changed the game says a lot too.

And I don't think I've ever said Pellegrini is clueless!

Two willing runners for two that were not willing runners (for whatever reason). One maybe you can get away with but the double sub totally changed the dynamic and our mentality. As bottle jobs go that was the mother of all fucking bottle jobs. You could smell the fecal matter dribbling down our collective legs. Still shaking my head over it. Maybe the result against a 10 man average MU will steady nerves and allows us to kick on but that display in the last 15 mins or so has to be setting off alarm bells going forward.
hilts said:
Not seen the boss's post match comments, was he asked about his subs and did he mention any injuries? might clear some things up

I think this thread is going only one way some rate him highly and others feel if we win anything it will be in spite of him, this has been done before and a winner cannot be proved either way
Saw his post match comments..Seems he wanted us to press harder and get second one in..but he himself felt that we stopped playing
Some people on here...

When he played Silva the other day he was slated.

Milner and Aguero are clearly going to be important for us Wednesday.

He leaves them on and they get injured then he is slated again, the fact is, Dzeko and Nasri should be good enough to keep to the game plan.
neel said:
hilts said:
Not seen the boss's post match comments, was he asked about his subs and did he mention any injuries? might clear some things up

I think this thread is going only one way some rate him highly and others feel if we win anything it will be in spite of him, this has been done before and a winner cannot be proved either way
Saw his post match comments..Seems he wanted us to press harder and get second one in..but he himself felt that we stopped playing

Okay so we can only presume there were no injuries or resting of players for the cska game, the question should be did we start to play badly because of the subs or would it have happened anyhow due to our recent bad run and the rags going for it in the later stages of the game
I haven't read back, but surprised to read some of the comments on this page

Huge result for us, and it would have been more comfortable but for some shocking refereeing decisions.

The last 15 minutes was always going to get a bit nervy after we failed to get the 2nd. That's got nothing to do with the subs, and more to do with tension and Utd gambling
JoeMercer'sWay said:
thought he set us up wrong today, and make the wrong changes, but we won, so to at least some people that's enough to make everything else an irrelevance.

As it should.

The point of tactics and selection and everything else is to win the game.

He won the game.

Everything else IS an irrelevance.
Shadz69 said:
I still like him in spite of ANOTHER derby win.

Some of our fans are becoming embarrassingly like the followers of the other "big" clubs.

Mr P has a perfect record against the Rags, today his subs were not ideal but we do have another must win game midweek. This is the first time in my lifetime we've turned them over again & again. I would've loved that growing up!.

Let's be honest we have been sub par this season so far (maybe except against the Rags and the rent boys) yet we are only 6 points behind Mou's crew and we've just sent the rags out of Manchester with fuck all. I think people need to relax and get behind the new players, the legends at our club who are not currently playing to the lofty heights set by themselves last season and our manager who deserves our support.

Maybe the current knives being sharpened against the boss this week by the usual suspects in the deplorable british media are starting to influence one or two on here.

Mr P and the players will push on now.
thought we looked good at some points int he game today and we were certainly better going forward today and we seemed to press a lot better.

we were at times exposed through the midfield but again that seemed to improve a little today...the problem occurs (just like it did at the start of last season with fernandihnio) when whoever parters yaya gets caught forward or at least square of yaya and we dont have possession ....thats when the gaps appear in front of the defense. happened a couple of times today but i thought it clicked a bit more today with the midfield pair and fernando seemed to tuck in behind yaya a lot better than recently (it took fernandihnio a while to adapt to this as well)

a better team may have taken advantage of that today and in the future will do.

as for the subs was clear the game turned on them.......does mp need to be a bit more pragmatic in his apporach...he was clearly going for it and trying to finish utd off but it nearly backfired........luckily it didnt

sergio - very impressive

clichy - much maligned but he was fantastic today defensively and a great cross and run for sergios goal

yaya - very good today - but it was really apparent today that he is playing with an injury and i think this is why we havent seen the best of him so far this season (didt he pick some injury up during the world cup or just before/after???) . maybe we are trying to nurse him through the season but he is definitely not 100%

hart - needs to control his need to conftont the ref but 2 superb saves

dzeko - looks completely disinterested at the moment

jovetic - fantastic player with great vision but i think he is trying too hard at present - deserves his place in the starting line up at present however
Today was a must win game,for many reasons but most importantly we can't lose any more ground on chelsea,

At 1-0 we were so comfortable,in a tight game don't make changes for the sake of it,we lost all our momentum when Milner went off,and why oh why was dzeko out on the left for 10 mins contributing and offering nothing.

I'm not saying don't bring nasri on,Im saying Milner should of stayed on,Milner gives us penetration nasri doesn't, This is the first time that I'm questioning pellegrinis decision making.

If we would of dropped points it would of been his fault.

Can't believe we've just beaten the scum 1-0, and I feel quite underwhelmed and disappointed they were there for the taking today at 1-0, and the managers changes helped the scum more than us,never mind Moscow on Wednesday win the game in front of you. Anyway a wins a win,just feel it should of been more convincing!
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