Manuel Pellegrini

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This thread is hilarious, and conclusive proof ( not that it were needed) as to just how breathtakingly little some of the forums biggest mouths know about football.

For a start, the manager got the big calls right before the game. The inclusion of Milner was right, navas was right and so was jovetic and de Michelis. He sent them out there aggressive but (unlike United) controlled and we were easily the better side. It could easily have been 4 or 5 nil and we defended well. When Nasri came on United were on the ropes and it was exactly the right change because big gaps were opening up in midfield, and he put him in a three man midfield in a 433. Soon after he came on he almost created a goal from that very hole.

we needed to get fernandinho on to steady the ship in central midfield, because they were starting to win a few battles there and our back four started panicking in possession. What pellegrini was doing was exactly what you balloons have been on his back for: shoring things up to see out the game.

I know you clowns don't see it like this, but substitutions are not 'he's playing shit, get him off'. They are tactical and that's what today's were. United saw a bit of the ball late on evacuee our back four stopped using the ball properly.

If the changes made had produced the goal they so nearly did (three times) you muppets wouldn't have been quite so desperate to come on here to berate the manager you resent.

Comical. Well done pellegrini for sending the right team out to win your third Derby on the trot. Just when the pressure was on.
robbieh said:
KippaxCitizen said:
I was already losing patience with him but now I'm losing faith in him.

The substitutions were atrocious. They totally swung the game in United's - 10 Man United at that - favour. To bring off Milner who was exemplary was extremely poor. We lost his work rate and dangerous play for Nasri who isn't fit and doesn't have anywhere near the workrate or defensive nouse of Milner. And to bring on the hapless Džeko for Jovetić caused a huge vacuum in midfield for United - who, again, had a man less - to exploit because Džeko is not the man you need in that situation at all. (Although not everything came off for Jovetić, he worked hard and was dropping into midfield).

He realised his fuck ups and rectified it by bringing on Fernandinho but he did that and pissed off the clubs star player (Kun) who should never have had to leave he pitch in this game.

Pellegrini nearly fucked that up for us. I'm not impressed with him at all this season. He needs to fucking sort this out!

I hope Txiki Begiristain has him in the office tomorrow morning for a bollocking!

Exactly the way I saw it. Pellegrini is the weak link in the organisation. Just like when Hughes was in charge it was the players who occasionally won games for us, the likes of Tevez and Bellamy. Teamwise we were a shambles under the welsh wizard. While Pelle is a huge upgrade on MH we have relied on individual brilliance both this year, Kun, and last year Yaya to bring home the bacon.

Manager relies on players to win games shocker

Are you for real?
Didsbury Dave said:
This thread is hilarious, and conclusive proof ( not that it were needed) as to just how breathtakingly little some of the forums biggest mouths know about football.

For a start, the manager got the big calls right before the game. The inclusion of Milner was right, navas was right and so was jovetic and de Michelis. He sent them out there aggressive but (unlike United) controlled and we were easily the better side. It could easily have been 4 or 5 nil and we defended well. When Nasri came on United were on the ropes and it was exactly the right change because big gaps were opening up in midfield, and he put him in a three man midfield in a 433. Soon after he came on he almost created a goal from that very hole.

we needed to get fernandinho on to steady the ship in central midfield, because they were starting to win a few battles there and our back four started panicking in possession. What pellegrini was doing was exactly what you balloons have been on his back for: shoring things up to see out the game.

I know you clowns don't see it like this, but substitutions are not 'he's playing shit, get him off'. They are tactical and that's what today's were. United saw a bit of the ball late on evacuee our back four stopped using the ball properly.

If the changes made had produced the goal they so nearly did (three times) you muppets wouldn't have been quite so desperate to come on here to berate the manager you resent.

Comical. Well done pellegrini for sending the right team out to win your third Derby on the trot. Just when the pressure was on.

Exactly my thoughts. Unbelievable how we win a DERBY and people just come on here and post how shit Pellegrini is !
KippaxCitizen said:
blueinsa said:
Mister Appointment said:
Didn't you predict we'd lose before the game?

You're a cheery fella.

Like i said. They had their scripts all ready and waiting.

How can people script a series of events that haven't happened?

Tell you what though, I notice there's no "Pellegrini OUT" thread. So say what you want about the people who have absolute justified doubts and grumbles about him so far this season but he's treated miles miles fucking better than Mancini was on here.

Let people voice their opinions if they want to and stop talking bollocks about scripts that nobody has had and calling it a shame you bloody made arse.

Are we still going on about Mancini?

It sounds like a guy pining for his ex who's moved on and remarried
Didsbury Dave said:
This thread is hilarious, and conclusive proof ( not that it were needed) as to just how breathtakingly little some of the forums biggest mouths know about football.

For a start, the manager got the big calls right before the game. The inclusion of Milner was right, navas was right and so was jovetic and de Michelis. He sent them out there aggressive but (unlike United) controlled and we were easily the better side. It could easily have been 4 or 5 nil and we defended well. When Nasri came on United were on the ropes and it was exactly the right change because big gaps were opening up in midfield, and he put him in a three man midfield in a 433. Soon after he came on he almost created a goal from that very hole.

we needed to get fernandinho on to steady the ship in central midfield, because they were starting to win a few battles there and our back four started panicking in possession. What pellegrini was doing was exactly what you balloons have been on his back for: shoring things up to see out the game.

I know you clowns don't see it like this, but substitutions are not 'he's playing shit, get him off'. They are tactical and that's what today's were. United saw a bit of the ball late on evacuee our back four stopped using the ball properly.

If the changes made had produced the goal they so nearly did (three times) you muppets wouldn't have been quite so desperate to come on here to berate the manager you resent.

Comical. Well done pellegrini for sending the right team out to win your third Derby on the trot. Just when the pressure was on.
This x1000
Some on here are utterly pathetic and know nothing about tactics/football. They're either keyboard warriors, glory hunters and just miserable bastards
We just beat united ffs
Didsbury Dave said:
This thread is hilarious, and conclusive proof ( not that it were needed) as to just how breathtakingly little some of the forums biggest mouths know about football.

For a start, the manager got the big calls right before the game. The inclusion of Milner was right, navas was right and so was jovetic and de Michelis. He sent them out there aggressive but (unlike United) controlled and we were easily the better side. It could easily have been 4 or 5 nil and we defended well. When Nasri came on United were on the ropes and it was exactly the right change because big gaps were opening up in midfield, and he put him in a three man midfield in a 433. Soon after he came on he almost created a goal from that very hole.

we needed to get fernandinho on to steady the ship in central midfield, because they were starting to win a few battles there and our back four started panicking in possession. What pellegrini was doing was exactly what you balloons have been on his back for: shoring things up to see out the game.

I know you clowns don't see it like this, but substitutions are not 'he's playing shit, get him off'. They are tactical and that's what today's were. United saw a bit of the ball late on evacuee our back four stopped using the ball properly.

If the changes made had produced the goal they so nearly did (three times) you muppets wouldn't have been quite so desperate to come on here to berate the manager you resent.

Comical. Well done pellegrini for sending the right team out to win your third Derby on the trot. Just when the pressure was on.

Agree with the game related comments entirely.
hilts said:
neel said:
hilts said:
Not seen the boss's post match comments, was he asked about his subs and did he mention any injuries? might clear some things up

I think this thread is going only one way some rate him highly and others feel if we win anything it will be in spite of him, this has been done before and a winner cannot be proved either way
Saw his post match comments..Seems he wanted us to press harder and get second one in..but he himself felt that we stopped playing

Okay so we can only presume there were no injuries or resting of players for the cska game, the question should be did we start to play badly because of the subs or would it have happened anyhow due to our recent bad run and the rags going for it in the later stages of the game

I think it's arguable both ways if I'm honest. I suppose it comes down to whether you choose to take the positives rather than the negatives from the performance. Defensively I thought we were much better. We restricted United space when they moved the ball forward and we were compact enough that they rarely threatened. Van Persie, Rooney, and Di Maria were largely anonymous as an attacking threat.

Toure was excellent, Fernando I thought did well as well. Jimmy worked hard but other than inviting the challenge for Smalling's red card he didn't create anything. Navas I thought was marginally better, he gave Shaw a torrid time and got into excellent crossing positions but his delivery wasn't great. Jovetic struggled and Kun was Kun.

Other than the Chelsea game that's the best performance we've put in overall at home. We showed we were two leagues above United for the better part of 70 minutes. We're getting there.
ArdwickBlue said:
Shadz69 said:
I still like him in spite of ANOTHER derby win.

Some of our fans are becoming embarrassingly like the followers of the other "big" clubs.

Mr P has a perfect record against the Rags, today his subs were not ideal but we do have another must win game midweek. This is the first time in my lifetime we've turned them over again & again. I would've loved that growing up!.

Let's be honest we have been sub par this season so far (maybe except against the Rags and the rent boys) yet we are only 6 points behind Mou's crew and we've just sent the rags out of Manchester with fuck all. I think people need to relax and get behind the new players, the legends at our club who are not currently playing to the lofty heights set by themselves last season and our manager who deserves our support.

Maybe the current knives being sharpened against the boss this week by the usual suspects in the deplorable british media are starting to influence one or two on here.

Mr P and the players will push on now.

An immensely likeable manager who wants to win things playing ball to the walls attacking football and he is ours.Already we are getting known for playing 2 up top in an attempt to play teams off the park and we don't change our style of play bar when we play maybe 5 or 6 teams in the world,the rags are'nt one nor will they be for a while.I agree we have'nt been as good as at times last year but it's coming.We have been here before and when we get into our stride we are like a train it's not like we are'nt creating chances in any of the games even the ones we lost.
ArdwickBlue said:
Shadz69 said:
I still like him in spite of ANOTHER derby win.

Some of our fans are becoming embarrassingly like the followers of the other "big" clubs.

Mr P has a perfect record against the Rags, today his subs were not ideal but we do have another must win game midweek. This is the first time in my lifetime we've turned them over again & again. I would've loved that growing up!.

Let's be honest we have been sub par this season so far (maybe except against the Rags and the rent boys) yet we are only 6 points behind Mou's crew and we've just sent the rags out of Manchester with fuck all. I think people need to relax and get behind the new players, the legends at our club who are not currently playing to the lofty heights set by themselves last season and our manager who deserves our support.

Maybe the current knives being sharpened against the boss this week by the usual suspects in the deplorable british media are starting to influence one or two on here.

Mr P and the players will push on now.
well put,i wish a lot of city fans,would calm the fuck down , ,and try and enjoy the good times, its all pretty good really,some people like to discuss tactics and so on ,that's fair enough,its the people who no matter what its not good enough,who need to give their head a wobble
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