March for the Alternative-26th March

Soulboy said:
We should have called the army in and shot all the fuckers protesting.

That would have stopped it.
Halfpenny said:
Soulboy said:
We should have called the army in and shot all the fuckers protesting.

That would have stopped it.

Ah! You got the point I was making!

The same people on here who are going mental about the protests yesterday, and how the police should have clamped down on them harder... are pretty much the same people who are moist with excitement at the protests in Libya!

Seems it's the "democratic" thing to protest and kill the Government in Libya, yet it's anarchy gone mad when we do a far milder version here.
Soulboy said:
Halfpenny said:

Ah! You got the point I was making!

The same people on here who are going mental about the protests yesterday, and how the police should have clamped down on them harder... are pretty much the same people who are moist with excitement at the protests in Libya!

Seems it's the "democratic" thing to protest and kill the Government in Libya, yet it's anarchy gone mad when we do a far milder version here.
Exactly mate, massive double standards.
Blue Smarties said:
Just got back, had no sleep since I last posted in this thread. Quality day and night, topped off with a slight telling off from tueartsboots! I haven't read the thread but I will say fuck you SWP's back. If you're wondering why, that's the fuck you directed at your posts blaming the students etc which I predict you've posted in here. Anyway, moving on. Like I said, quality. Trafalgar Square, one of the best adrenaline kicks I'll ever get.
I've not mentioned the damage or the students so await the apology thanks.<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:35 pm --<br /><br />
Soulboy said:
Halfpenny said:

Ah! You got the point I was making!

The same people on here who are going mental about the protests yesterday, and how the police should have clamped down on them harder... are pretty much the same people who are moist with excitement at the protests in Libya!

Seems it's the "democratic" thing to protest and kill the Government in Libya, yet it's anarchy gone mad when we do a far milder version here.
A ridiculous argument. No.1 Gadaffi has ruled out democracy, abolished elections and used a secret police to ensure protests were not allowed for 30 years. When that failed he used tanks and air power against his own people.

That is hardly the same thing is it? I also don't see anyone going mental about the riot part of the protest yesterday. Many, myself included just look on in amusement as always. The protests (and riot bit) will do the square root of fuck all, but I am happy they were able to exerciser their democratic right to protest.
KpxSte said:
BTH said:
I eagerly wait for the day when BB2 and co come whingeing on here that their friends or family can't get an ambulance or NHS treatment when they break a limb on a broken paving stone that was never fixed, can't get their streetlights repaired, can't get their bins collected or can't get their dead buried. That day is not as far away as these deeply embittered Tory apologists seem to think it is because they appear to believe the lies of Tory scum like Osborne, Cameron and his lying acolyte Clegg. Clegg's a busted flush anyway, but self-interested, smug, multi-millionaires Cameron and Osborne are a disgrace to humanity - like most Tories, if I'm being honest.......

Why is it then that the public services suddenly cant afford to offer basic services that used to be funded by much smaller budgets?
Funding for the NHS and council tax has doubled over the last decade and even with these government "savings", in real terms the spending will only be back to 2008 levels.

Why do Labour claim their will be cuts to the NHS even though the coalition have protected NHS spending which will actually increase over the next few years, when in fact Labour themselves made no such promise and in fact would have probably made cuts?

Why do Labour join in with people marching in protest about job losses when they themselves would be making "half" of those job losses immediately, and then 4 years down the line with the interest rate spiralling, would probably have to cut at least the other half as well?

Why do you call it a "march for the alternative" when nobody has a credible alternative?

Have you read the thread?
Did you listen to any of the interviews with the leading speakers yesterday?
Did you watch any of the coverage of the rally or the march?

if you had done ANY of the above, you would realise that there is a BETTER FAIRER WAY.
Rather than saqcrificing large swathes of the nation, rather than sacrificing a generation of our young people to a lifetime on benefits, rather than smashing all aspects of the public services that we ALL rely on to one degree or another, thealternative is for a fairer method of collecting taxation, make those that evade - avoid tax by dubious (maybe legal but certainly not moral) means pay their share to for the good of the nation.

New labour certainly made mistakes under both B.liar and Mr Broon, that cannot be denied, but this COALITION government will destroy the nation with their proposed cuts, that is why up to 500,000 people took to the streets to protest peacefully, sadly a small group with their own agenda broke away and caused trouble, but the government and especially the junior party in the coalition would be well advised to listen to the people, therwise more and more disenfranchised members of the electorate will decide that direct action (like UK UNCUT have been carrying out) is the only way to make a difference.

There are voices at the minute for a concerted campaign of industrial action, these voices will only get louder if cameron and clegg refuse to listen.

May 5th will be a very interesting day, and its aftermath will be resounding round the corridors of power for quite a while I fel.
law74 said:
Have you read the thread?
Did you listen to any of the interviews with the leading speakers yesterday?
Did you watch any of the coverage of the rally or the march?

if you had done ANY of the above, you would realise that there is a BETTER FAIRER WAY.
Rather than saqcrificing large swathes of the nation, rather than sacrificing a generation of our young people to a lifetime on benefits, rather than smashing all aspects of the public services that we ALL rely on to one degree or another, thealternative is for a fairer method of collecting taxation, make those that evade - avoid tax by dubious (maybe legal but certainly not moral) means pay their share to for the good of the nation.

New labour certainly made mistakes under both B.liar and Mr Broon, that cannot be denied, but this COALITION government will destroy the nation with their proposed cuts, that is why up to 500,000 people took to the streets to protest peacefully, sadly a small group with their own agenda broke away and caused trouble, but the government and especially the junior party in the coalition would be well advised to listen to the people, therwise more and more disenfranchised members of the electorate will decide that direct action (like UK UNCUT have been carrying out) is the only way to make a difference.

There are voices at the minute for a concerted campaign of industrial action, these voices will only get louder if cameron and clegg refuse to listen.

May 5th will be a very interesting day, and its aftermath will be resounding round the corridors of power for quite a while I fel.

I said Credible!

"Sacraficing the nation" -by reducing public spending to the levels of 2008???

500000 is a high estimate and the fact is the majority of "normal" people in this country realise that the cuts need to be made. If the unions want a return to the 70's, they will be very disapointed.
law74 said:
KpxSte said:
Why is it then that the public services suddenly cant afford to offer basic services that used to be funded by much smaller budgets?
Funding for the NHS and council tax has doubled over the last decade and even with these government "savings", in real terms the spending will only be back to 2008 levels.

Why do Labour claim their will be cuts to the NHS even though the coalition have protected NHS spending which will actually increase over the next few years, when in fact Labour themselves made no such promise and in fact would have probably made cuts?

Why do Labour join in with people marching in protest about job losses when they themselves would be making "half" of those job losses immediately, and then 4 years down the line with the interest rate spiralling, would probably have to cut at least the other half as well?

Why do you call it a "march for the alternative" when nobody has a credible alternative?

Have you read the thread?
Did you listen to any of the interviews with the leading speakers yesterday?
Did you watch any of the coverage of the rally or the march?

if you had done ANY of the above, you would realise that there is a BETTER FAIRER WAY.
Rather than saqcrificing large swathes of the nation, rather than sacrificing a generation of our young people to a lifetime on benefits, rather than smashing all aspects of the public services that we ALL rely on to one degree or another, thealternative is for a fairer method of collecting taxation, make those that evade - avoid tax by dubious (maybe legal but certainly not moral) means pay their share to for the good of the nation.

New labour certainly made mistakes under both B.liar and Mr Broon, that cannot be denied, but this COALITION government will destroy the nation with their proposed cuts, that is why up to 500,000 people took to the streets to protest peacefully, sadly a small group with their own agenda broke away and caused trouble, but the government and especially the junior party in the coalition would be well advised to listen to the people, therwise more and more disenfranchised members of the electorate will decide that direct action (like UK UNCUT have been carrying out) is the only way to make a difference.

There are voices at the minute for a concerted campaign of industrial action, these voices will only get louder if cameron and clegg refuse to listen.

May 5th will be a very interesting day, and its aftermath will be resounding round the corridors of power for quite a while I fel.

I dont think any right minded person would be against companies or individuals paying their fair share of taxation, however a lot of people are using these cuts as a way of pushing their political beliefs.

If we are ever going to get a fairer society then those on the left would have to concede that anyone not pulling their weight both rich and poor need to be targeted.

i also think unions and some local government workers are overstating the amount of cuts to protect themselves
hilts said:
law74 said:
Have you read the thread?
Did you listen to any of the interviews with the leading speakers yesterday?
Did you watch any of the coverage of the rally or the march?

if you had done ANY of the above, you would realise that there is a BETTER FAIRER WAY.
Rather than saqcrificing large swathes of the nation, rather than sacrificing a generation of our young people to a lifetime on benefits, rather than smashing all aspects of the public services that we ALL rely on to one degree or another, thealternative is for a fairer method of collecting taxation, make those that evade - avoid tax by dubious (maybe legal but certainly not moral) means pay their share to for the good of the nation.

New labour certainly made mistakes under both B.liar and Mr Broon, that cannot be denied, but this COALITION government will destroy the nation with their proposed cuts, that is why up to 500,000 people took to the streets to protest peacefully, sadly a small group with their own agenda broke away and caused trouble, but the government and especially the junior party in the coalition would be well advised to listen to the people, therwise more and more disenfranchised members of the electorate will decide that direct action (like UK UNCUT have been carrying out) is the only way to make a difference.

There are voices at the minute for a concerted campaign of industrial action, these voices will only get louder if cameron and clegg refuse to listen.

May 5th will be a very interesting day, and its aftermath will be resounding round the corridors of power for quite a while I fel.

I dont think any right minded person would be against companies or individuals paying their fair share of taxation, however a lot of people are using these cuts as a way of pushing their political beliefs.

If we are ever going to get a fairer society then those on the left would have to concede that anyone not pulling their weight both rich and poor need to be targeted.

i also think unions and some local government workers are overstating the amount of cuts to protect themselves

obviously just like the government will do like wise its the way the games played.
KpxSte said:
I said Credible!

"Sacraficing the nation" -by reducing public spending to the levels of 2008???

500000 is a high estimate and the fact is the majority of "normal" people in this country realise that the cuts need to be made. If the unions want a return to the 70's, they will be very disapointed.

Sorry if my previous post was a bit condescending, but this is something I feel VERY strongly about.

Barclays bank paid between 1% and 2.5% tax on massive profits, I feel this is wrong.
Vodaphone negotiated a settlement with HMRC that seen a £6 BILLION tax bill reduced to £850,000 up front and £450,000 over 5 years, I feel this is wrong.
Boots moved its financial headquarters to Switzerland and seen its tax bill of £120,000,000 per annum wiped out, I feel this is wrong.
a swathe of UK companies ship goods to the channel Islands so that they can sell them online VAT free, costing the treasury over £150,000,000 per annum, I feel this is wrong.
Sir Philip Green of the Arcadia group paid his £1.2 Billion dividend in 2005 to his wife who lives in Monaco, depriving the public purse of £285,000,000, I feel that this is wrong.
There is a credible alternative, there is a better fairer way.
(& that is before I start on other financial institutions and companis that are ripping off the British public.)
Facts and figures supplied by PCS and NIPSA.

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