March for the Alternative-26th March

you'd be first to find a flaw in socialism ronnie you invented exploitation didn't you mate

Forget what you've seen on the BBC and Sky about yesterday's protest/"riot" in Trafalgar Square; the New Statesman's Laurie Penny was on the barricades (and apparently, there was a moment when the barricades were on her), and she's seen something altogether different from what the mainstream coverage depicts. If you read only one account of the protests, make it this one (and you should really read more than one!).

Minutes after the fights begin in Trafalgar square, so does the backlash. Radio broadcasters imply that anyone who left the pre-ordained march route is a hooligan, and police chiefs rush to assure the public that this "mindless violence" has "nothing to do with protest."

The young people being battered in Trafalgar square, however, are neither mindless nor violent. In front of the lines, a teenage girl is crying and shaking after being shoved to the ground. "I'm not moving, I'm not moving," she mutters, her face smeared with tears and makeup. "I've been on every protest, I won't let this government destroy our future without a fight. I won't stand back, I'm not moving." A police officer charges, smacking her with his baton as she flings up her hands.

The cops cram us further back into the square, pushing people off the plinths where they have tried to scramble for safety. By now there are about 150 young people left in the square, and only one trained medic, who has just been batoned in the face; his friends hold him up as he blacks out, and carry him to the police lines, but they won't let him leave. By the makeshift fire, I meet the young man whose attempted arrest started all this. "I feel responsible," he said, "I never wanted any of this. None of us did"
Ronnie the Rep said:
law74 said:
Capatilsiam only works for the Rich it has done sfa for me

Sorry, but socialism is the only way that a true and just society can operate.
The free market economy and free enterprise was given a chance, and got us into this mess.
there is an alternative, there is a better fairer way.
From each by their means, to each by their needs.
Under a fair society there would be no ned for scroates to smash shop windows in

this is idealistic nonsense. why should I work my cods off and get no more than the scrotes smashing shop fronts in. the answer is I wouldn't[/quote]
cyberblue said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Sorry, but socialism is the only way that a true and just society can operate.
The free market economy and free enterprise was given a chance, and got us into this mess.
there is an alternative, there is a better fairer way.
From each by their means, to each by their needs.
Under a fair society there would be no ned for scroates to smash shop windows in

this is idealistic nonsense. why should I work my cods off and get no more than the scrotes smashing shop fronts in. the answer is I wouldn't

Christ you've changed. Didn't you kidnap a Tory cabinet minister during a protest at Prestwich Hospital back in the day?
aphex said:
law74 said:
Its not that I give him any credance, but others might, so I feel that it is my duty to serve and protect the wishes and needs of a nation by countering the whims of an idiot.

the man is a deity

if his views resonate with someone, then they are surely beyond any help you or i could give..
i think he has mental health problems
BTH said:
stonerblue said:
did you go 'private' when you were whining to the police the other day?

Good point. BB2 does idiots a disservice.

And look, here comes another one...

KpxSte said:
I said Credible!

"Sacraficing the nation" -by reducing public spending to the levels of 2008???

500000 is a high estimate and the fact is the majority of "normal" people in this country realise that the cuts need to be made. If the unions want a return to the 70's, they will be very disapointed.

Bullshit. You've asked all the "normal" people in the country have you to qualify your "fact"? I reckon I speak to more people than you do given that I'm knocking on people's doors most day, because I'm committed to getting shut of the Tories/Lid Dems and guess what? Most people do not think this at all. Not any more. Not since Christmas as the cuts have bitten deeper. And not since New Year when VAT was upped.

I was there yesterday; I don't suppose you were? There were so many people there they couldn't accurately be counted. We were being counted in 50,000s and 100,000s. That's a hell of a lot by anyone's standards. Except yours... probably, with an agenda that only BB2 and a handful of others on here would recognise. Of that, there were about 500 anarchists/Black Bloc; sorry to disappoint you but the rest as far I could ascertain were "normal" people.

And as for your comment that "if the unions want a return to the 70's, they will be very disappointed" you're clearly not a trade unionist if you actually think this. In fact, the unions don't want strikes at all, assuming this is what you are referring to. Far from it. Most unions and members want the right to work, not the threat of strike action, even if the far left are agitating for a general strike.

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:15 pm --

gordondaviesmoustache said:
This is right. All these nay-sayers on here saying that British society will cease to function as a result of these cuts are deluded.

There will be a few years of pain (sadly more for some than others) and then we'll come through the other side intact and good to go.

You're the deluded one if you really think this. Just out of interest, given that you patently won't be experiencing any of the pain you are so sad to see inflicted on many others, what do you actually do for a living? When you're not on your high horse, of course.

Seeing as you asked, two years ago I lost my business that I had spent ten years building up and I went personally bankrupt as a result of about a million quids worth of personal guarantees I had given on that business. I am currently in full time education trying to re-build my life.

So I think it's safe to say I've shared a fair amount of pain in relation to this recession, wouldn't you?

Anyway nice to have you back.
Swales lives said:
cyberblue said:
Under a fair society there would be no ned for scroates to smash shop windows in

this is idealistic nonsense. why should I work my cods off and get no more than the scrotes smashing shop fronts in. the answer is I wouldn't

Christ you've changed. Didn't you kidnap a Tory cabinet minister during a protest at Prestwich Hospital back in the day?[/quote] my quoate was under a fair society there would be no need to smash shop windows .Dont no what you meen "honest" about "kidnapping a cabinet minister " but i heard Keneth Clarke shit himself
cyberblue said:

Christ you've changed. Didn't you kidnap a Tory cabinet minister during a protest at Prestwich Hospital back in the day?
my quoate was under a fair society there would be no need to smash shop windows .Dont no what you meen "honest" about "kidnapping a cabinet minister " but i heard Keneth Clarke shit himself[/quote]

Hahaaha nice one mate.
cyberblue said:

Christ you've changed. Didn't you kidnap a Tory cabinet minister during a protest at Prestwich Hospital back in the day?
my quoate was under a fair society there would be no need to smash shop windows .Dont no what you meen "honest" about "kidnapping a cabinet minister " but i heard Keneth Clarke shit himself[/quote]
i bet he did,i'd rather be kidnapped by the IRA than you Don!

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