March for the Alternative-26th March

To quote Mark Corrigan in Peep Show: 'if it wasn't for the miracle of consumer capitalism you'd all be lying in your own shit, dying at 43 with rotten teeth.'

Without the profit motive the advances in medicine that we have benefited from in the last 100 years would not have occured.

That is why capitalism is wonderful. It can be harnessed as a force for good and when it is used in this way nothing can touch it. It is, in that sense, a miracle.
BTH said:
Ducado said:
A generation that left education under thatcher are still waiting for a job, a new generation are about toface the same future.
I find this offensive, I have stated the alternative to the cuts, either agree with me or not, but do not say in 5, 10, 15 or 20 years time that something should be done.

there is a better way.
There is a fairer way.
From each by their means.
To each by their needs.

You are being overtaken by time, socialism has never worked and never will, that's why it has been confined to the dustbin of history, it's a nice concept but it is flawed (not really the thread for this I know) however it is nice to know that there are still some people who beleive in something

You don't get it, do you? You say socialism hasn't worked, but you probably mean communism to which I would agree with. But then, capitalism hasn't worked either. That is why we have long had a mixed economy; and if you think that capitalism is the way ahead, just ask yourself this: why do you think local authorities were created in the first place if a laissez faire system is so good??? Cameron could learn from history. Despite his expensive education, this doesn't seem to have occurred to him or more likely it has but as he's so wealthy it won;t affect him so it doesn't, and never will, matter.

Furthermore - and I direct this at some people on here and many more in the wider world - to live in the 21st century and know that people are living in poverty not a million miles away or without a roof over their head for the night etc. and to come on here and boast about how wonderful capitalism is or about how well they did under Thatcherite/Tory policies is about as low as anyone can get. They should hang their heads in shame.[/quote]

Local Authorities (as we know them today) came from the Public Health Acts of 1870, there main purpose was to bury the dead and dispose of waste, nothing else everything else was done by charitable bodies, what's more they were staffed by the ex military (that's why you have Officers) nothing to do with economics

You have really gone over the top when you are asking people to be ashamed of their own beliefs, perhaps some of us have seen the damage that has been wrought to this country and others by successive labour Governments, perhaps some of us beleive that there is a better way, and perhaps you need to take a deep breath, and think that this politics buisiness may not be your cup of tea, you will advocating compulsory re-education in special camps next for those who don't see eye to eye with you, you need to take a step back and accept that there are those who disagree with you and they have there own reasons and life experience, we live in a democracy and we have the right to beleive what we want to beleive
gordondaviesmoustache said:
To quote Mark Corrigan in Peep Show: 'if it wasn't for the miracle of consumer capitalism you'd all be lying in your own shit, dying at 43 with rotten teeth.'

Without the profit motive the advances in medicine that we have benefited from in the last 100 years would not have occured.

That is why capitalism is wonderful. It can be harnessed as a force for good and when it is used in this way nothing can touch it. It is, in that sense, a miracle.
Advances in medicine that NICE refuse to pay for many products as they are obscenely over expensive and third world countries don't get a look in.
tueartsboots said:
aphex said:
i'm up for that.
Yesterday wasn't a riot, it was a kerfuffle.

the thing is, i'm caught in 2 minds at the moment

the job i do is picking up and getting back on track. 5 - 10 years ago foreign investors thought the market could be taken - but what they didn't count on is the lack of their skilled workforce, and the obvious acceleration of technology

hence, all the chinese are here now investing. learning from US

the government did nothing - a victory for the common working man.<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:04 pm --<br /><br />
gordondaviesmoustache said:
To quote Mark Corrigan in Peep Show: 'if it wasn't for the miracle of consumer capitalism you'd all be lying in your own shit, dying at 43 with rotten teeth.'

Without the profit motive the advances in medicine that we have benefited from in the last 100 years would not have occured.

That is why capitalism is wonderful. It can be harnessed as a force for good and when it is used in this way nothing can touch it. It is, in that sense, a miracle.

i used to think you were a good poster.
aphex said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Sorry, but socialism is the only way that a true and just society can operate.
The free market economy and free enterprise was given a chance, and got us into this mess.
there is an alternative, there is a better fairer way.
From each by their means, to each by their needs.

this is idealistic nonsense. why should I work my cods off and get no more than the scrotes smashing shop fronts in. the answer is I wouldn't

c'mon ronnie

socialism and capitalism are one and the same.

Now now Aphex mate -be careful or you will be acused of being cynical lol
BTH said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Seeing as you asked, two years ago I lost my business that I had spent ten years building up and I went personally bankrupt as a result of about a million quids worth of personal guarantees I had given on that business. I am currently in full time education trying to re-build my life.

So I think it's safe to say I've shared a fair amount of pain in relation to this recession, wouldn't you?

Anyway nice to have you back.

Ah, so you've got a grudge against the world in general then? So glad it's not personal.

Personal against who?

I have no grudge with the world. I have a wonderful life. I am truly a very lucky person.

You asked a question and I answered it. BTW it is quite telling that your putative empathy for people who have suffered difficulties in the recession seems to dissipate when it is someone you disagree with. Would you ever accuse someone who had been made redundant of 'holding a grudge against the world' after asking him about his personal circumstances? I suspect not.<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:07 pm --<br /><br />
aphex said:
tueartsboots said:
Yesterday wasn't a riot, it was a kerfuffle.

the thing is, i'm caught in 2 minds at the moment

the job i do is picking up and getting back on track. 5 - 10 years ago foreign investors thought the market could be taken - but what they didn't count on is the lack of their skilled workforce, and the obvious acceleration of technology

hence, all the chinese are here now investing. learning from US

the government did nothing - a victory for the common working man.

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:04 pm --

gordondaviesmoustache said:
To quote Mark Corrigan in Peep Show: 'if it wasn't for the miracle of consumer capitalism you'd all be lying in your own shit, dying at 43 with rotten teeth.'

Without the profit motive the advances in medicine that we have benefited from in the last 100 years would not have occured.

That is why capitalism is wonderful. It can be harnessed as a force for good and when it is used in this way nothing can touch it. It is, in that sense, a miracle.

i used to think you were a good poster.

sorry to disappoint :(
gordondaviesmoustache said:
BTH said:
Ah, so you've got a grudge against the world in general then? So glad it's not personal.

Personal against who?

I have no grudge with the world. I have a wonderful life. I am truly a very lucky person.

You asked a question and I answered it. BTW it is quite telling that your putative empathy for people who have suffered difficulties in the recession seems to dissipate when it is someone you disagree with. Would you ever accuse someone who had been made redundant of 'holding a grudge against the world' after asking him about his personal circumstances? I suspect not.

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:07 pm --

aphex said:
the thing is, i'm caught in 2 minds at the moment

the job i do is picking up and getting back on track. 5 - 10 years ago foreign investors thought the market could be taken - but what they didn't count on is the lack of their skilled workforce, and the obvious acceleration of technology

hence, all the chinese are here now investing. learning from US

the government did nothing - a victory for the common working man.

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:04 pm --

i used to think you were a good poster.

sorry to disappoint :(


you're still a good poster...

but i have to disagree!
tueartsboots said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
To quote Mark Corrigan in Peep Show: 'if it wasn't for the miracle of consumer capitalism you'd all be lying in your own shit, dying at 43 with rotten teeth.'

Without the profit motive the advances in medicine that we have benefited from in the last 100 years would not have occured.

That is why capitalism is wonderful. It can be harnessed as a force for good and when it is used in this way nothing can touch it. It is, in that sense, a miracle.
Advances in medicine that NICE refuse to pay for many products as they are obscenely over expensive and third world countries don't get a look in.

I agree with all that you say here, and that is the flip side to the coin. When it is not harnessed then it invariably seems to default to being a force for evil. That is the key I guess, finding a way to manage it.

But without it, there would not be anything like the range of treatments on offer of that I am sure.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
tueartsboots said:
Advances in medicine that NICE refuse to pay for many products as they are obscenely over expensive and third world countries don't get a look in.

I agree with all that you say here, and that is the flip side to the coin. When it is not harnessed then it invariably seems to default to being a force for evil. That is the key I guess, finding a way to manage it.

But without it, there would not be anything like the range of treatments on offer of that I am sure.
So what you are saying is due to capitalism, huge breakthroughs in medicine have been achieved that nobody can afford ? Of course, though, America can, through the individual paying for it personally-if you can personally afford it, if not-oh well
tueartsboots said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I agree with all that you say here, and that is the flip side to the coin. When it is not harnessed then it invariably seems to default to being a force for evil. That is the key I guess, finding a way to manage it.

But without it, there would not be anything like the range of treatments on offer of that I am sure.
So what you are saying is due to capitalism, huge breakthroughs in medicine have been achieved that nobody can afford ? Of course, though, America can, through the individual paying for it personally-if you can personally afford it, if not-oh well

Unless that is, you live in a system with a national health service. A system that the majority pay into and all benefit from.

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