We should absolutely stop foreign aid and support our own communities first starting with the elderly, infirm and those in financial desperation. It is a parents solemn duty to feed their children and the government allows for this via benefits and income support for those on low incomes . Priorities remain priorities and first and foremost you feed your kids, then you pay for the roof over your head, then you pay for gas electricity and other utilities and then you fook off all the non essentials like debt, sky tv, mobiles, broadband etc. And be ever so nice Mr Baptist by not responding to name calling because as a so called right wing ghoul as I actually do care a great deal and have nothing to gain by espousing what I say. A parents first call of duty is to feed their children. Am I missing something because if I am then you have a solemn duty to tell me how it all really works ..without of course being insulting ?