Marina (from the GU) lays into our Garry

There was a reason Cook reached the higher echelons of Nike, one of the World's most recongnised brands, and now is the chief executive at the World's richest football club, his talent. There's a reason this failed journalist attempts to attack those with more talent and business savvy than her via an internet blog, of all places, whilst attempting to prove how 'intelligent' she is by writing such things as "bowdlerised Nietzsche" in a snooty "I know what it means, why don't you?" kind of way, limited intelect.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Zeus, fair enough taking issue with the point about Jordan, it's a bit crass, but the thrust of the article is about Cook's less than diginified behaviour following the collapse of the deal and his attempts to break the world spin record.

I'm not sure whether a daft point, and it is daft, about Michael Jordan, takes away from the thrust of it.

she built her case for Mr. Cook's moral bankruptcy on it.

And Berlusconi, whilst an unpleasant man and not someone to be given any credit, has not been the one coming out in public attempting to degrade City and paint them as fools. So why expect any sort of comment about him. The only thing he has been guilty of in this case is dithering and painting the outcome as a Milan victory (something every club would do). Compared to Cook's barrage of insults and degrading comments about Milan and kaka's men it's not even noteworthy

well she specifically commented on Cook's comments on the Milan hierarchy's behavior, which obviously means Berlusconi, and chides Cook for daring to try to claim the high ground vs. the Milan management. she has somewhat of a point that he worked for Frank but really, how much better is Silvio Buymeajury than Frank? not much. i find her attitude of "how dare Cook take that tone in regard to Milan" highly offensive, and she distorts his words. from what *i* read, Cook never claimed that City were on a primarily humanitarian mission, just that Mr. Leite wasn't interested in that aspect. the gist of what i read (in the Guardian, no less) was that the primary issue Cook had with Leite was over Leite's refusal to discuss image rights (which in the kind of deal Cook was hinting at, would directly impact compensation and even be structured as part of it, that's how Beckham hit that astronomical number with LA.)
Matty said:
There was a reason Cook reached the higher echelons of Nike, one of the World's most recongnised brands, and now is the chief executive at the World's richest football club, his talent. There's a reason this failed journalist attempts to attack those with more talent and business savvy than her via an internet blog, of all places, whilst attempting to prove how 'intelligent' she is by writing such things as "bowdlerised Nietzsche" in a snooty "I know what it means, why don't you?" kind of way, limited intelect.


what he said.
zeusbheld said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Zeus, fair enough taking issue with the point about Jordan, it's a bit crass, but the thrust of the article is about Cook's less than diginified behaviour following the collapse of the deal and his attempts to break the world spin record.

I'm not sure whether a daft point, and it is daft, about Michael Jordan, takes away from the thrust of it.

she built her case for Mr. Cook's moral bankruptcy on it.

And Berlusconi, whilst an unpleasant man and not someone to be given any credit, has not been the one coming out in public attempting to degrade City and paint them as fools. So why expect any sort of comment about him. The only thing he has been guilty of in this case is dithering and painting the outcome as a Milan victory (something every club would do). Compared to Cook's barrage of insults and degrading comments about Milan and kaka's men it's not even noteworthy

well she specifically commented on Cook's comments on the Milan hierarchy's behavior, which obviously means Berlusconi, and chides Cook for daring to try to claim the high ground vs. the Milan management. she has somewhat of a point that he worked for Frank but really, how much better is Silvio Buymeajury than Frank? not much. i find her attitude of "how dare Cook take that tone in regard to Milan" highly offensive, and she distorts his words. from what *i* read, Cook never claimed that City were on a primarily humanitarian mission, just that Mr. Leite wasn't interested in that aspect. the gist of what i read (in the Guardian, no less) was that the primary issue Cook had with Leite was over Leite's refusal to discuss image rights (which in the kind of deal Cook was hinting at, would directly impact compensation and even be structured as part of it, that's how Beckham hit that astronomical number with LA.)

Yes, Berlusconi is a nob in general. But why does tht excuse Cook's crass and insulting comments to all involved following the collapse of the deal? I don't see why you are dragging Berlusconi's past into it. That didn't impact on Cook deciding to make these unprofessional and childish "I'm great, everyone else is an amateur and bottlers" comments.

And I haven't heard any say Milan can't be questioned. What I have heard though is people put the fair point across that we went from behaving in a highly professional way to acting like a spoilt, insecure brat when it fell apart. Deals fall apart in business every day of the year. People don't go around tlking of "bottlers" "Amateurs" and how others are on board with their global humanitarian aims because of it.

Cook did and that is very poor imo. Especially when the hypocritical angle can be dragged up, as it is here, with his previous comments that hardly contrast with his attempts to be seen as a latter day saint, setting up all sorts of funds and having everyone's intersts at heart, now.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Yes, Berlusconi is a nob in general. But why does tht excuse Cook's crass and insulting comments to all involved following the collapse of the deal?
at no point have i excused Cook's whining. there were classy ways of blaming Milan and Bosco, that ain't i though. however, i think there is ample reason to believe that Monday past's "negotiations" weren't serious but were yet another Berlusconi publicity stunt designed to make him out to be the hero.

I don't see why you are dragging Berlusconi's past into it. That didn't impact on Cook deciding to make these unprofessional and childish "I'm great, everyone else is an amateur and bottlers" comments.
because Ms. Hyde not only dragged Mr. Cook's past into it, but built her case his association with the apparently unprincipled Mr. Jordan. and, given Mr. Berlusconi's track record, why would i believe their account over Cook's? Berlusconi's record is far worse than Cook's.

And I haven't heard any say Milan can't be questioned. What I have heard though is people put the fair point across that we went from behaving in a highly professional way to acting like a spoilt, insecure brat when it fell apart. Deals fall apart in business every day of the year. People don't go around tlking of "bottlers" "Amateurs" and how others are on board with their global humanitarian aims because of it.

i'd agree that all the crying was uncalled for, and probably painted the club in a bad light. but really, why the hell does Berlusconi's disingenuous, cynical manipulative crap about some things being more important than money get a free pass from the media (and you)? makes no sense to blame Cook and give that sleazebag a free ride.

Cook did and that is very poor imo. Especially when the hypocritical angle can be dragged up, as it is here, with his previous comments that hardly contrast with his attempts to be seen as a latter day saint, setting up all sorts of funds and having everyone's intersts at heart, now.

again, i fail to see how Berlusconi's hypocritical "money isn't everything" gets a free pass in the media, get a free pass whereas Cook's calling Berlusconi et al unprofessional deserves the derision it's getting. while he could have found a classier way to express it, how is it Cook's fault that Bosco for all of Kaka's apparent professed humanitarian leanings (to be fair i haven't seen any of these claims and don't know much about his charitable activity, except that it exists) only wanted to hear a cash money number and didn't show the least interest in charitable funds?
Marina said:
and nor did Michael Jordan tactitly endorse Jesse Helms. as for the Hitler
reference, words fail me....

Apologies Marina, my intent wasnt that your words fail you, rather they be shoved back down your throat. Its nice to know you noticed though...really nice.
Cook got to the echelons in Nike like all other corporates.

By being a cut-throat bastard and political spin-master.

Personally I like him, because now he's my cut-throat bastard. But he's still fair game. He'd be useless if had morals.

He's at city because they pay him a fat wad. If milan doubled his wages he'd be there. If not, then he'd be a retarded business man.
'this is satire'

Yes - I don't think she was looking for a pulitzer. She is not a journalist - she writes a sarcastic opinion column.

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