Mario - I'll walk off pitch if faced with racism

SWP's back said:
AdamoTheGreat said:
Shocking bullshit being spewed about Polish people.

-- Wed May 30, 2012 6:34 pm --

EaglesFan said:
I dont know why are people making out Poland and Ukraine to be craddles of racism??!!

Please - someone update me. These countries had almost no exposure to slavery issues and had historically very limited exposure to other races in general - which actually eliminates any anymosity towards black people or other races in general.

So what is the reason? Because fucking Sol Campbell said so?

Most disgraceful statement by a professional athlete (Sol Campbell) to "advise" England fans not to go to the tournament as these two countries are "unsafe".

Do you even know where these countries are, Sol??? Or their history? Or are you just being ignorant?

I would fucking bring a lawsuit on his ass, if at all possible.

Cause this is ridiculous.

-- Wed May 30, 2012 4:27 pm --

People comparing Italy (ex-fascist country) or Spain (country with one of the biggest imperialistic histories in Europe) to fucking Poland are CLUELESS.

This amount of ignorance sickens me.

Great post. Truly embarrassed by some of the posts on here, clearly ignorant and bigoted themselves.
It isn't a great post at all and are you denying what I witnessed in the panorama video, and the SSN special?

Didnt see the video so my previous post was based on what I have personnaly experienced in few times there...

-- Thu May 31, 2012 5:13 pm --

mansour's tow ropes said:
EaglesFan said:
Challenger1978 said:
Eagles you need to watch the panorama documentary. The attack on the Asians wasn't just random as there were literally thousands and i do mean thousands of white supremacist at that match all doing the Nazi salute. In fact before the match the guy that did the documentary went of and did an interview with the leader of their group and he himself showed how nasty they are. Also the most worrying thing was the Ukrainian police high up that was interviewed denied that anything like that ever happened at any football match EVER. Even though the documentary team had footage showing all the Nazi/white supremacist shit going on at every single match they went to.

BTW the Asians were not fans of an opposing team they were actually their to support the white supremacist team. Also they were sat in the family stand as they thought they would be safe in there.

Wow, I might look that up then...if that's true it is fucking shocking beyond words at this day and age.
Now whos being ignorant? Youve commented on something you didnt have a clue about and have completely changed your view after finding out more.

Sol campbell watched a video of asians being beaten up for the colour of their skin in an unprovoked attack, and sol campbell says ethnic minorities shouldnt go for their own safety. You would be shocked to hear anything else

You cant be ignorant for not seeing a video, whereas you ARE ignorant if you base your opinion about a country/etnicity based on one fucking video. I said I would like to see it (as I didnt) but would still reserve my judgement about the entire country, unlike Sol.

I bet you could find same or similar video for almost any country in the world, what does that say?

Just calm down with judgements, people.
EaglesFan said:
I said I would like to see it (as I didnt) but would still reserve my judgement about the entire country, unlike Sol.

I bet you could find same or similar video for almost any country in the world, what does that say?

Just calm down with judgements, people.
Few things as we have had this discussion of the Panorama report on off topic:

1) Sol didn't judge an entire country, after watching the video and listening, he stated that he wouldn't advise ethnic minorities to travel there for the Euro's (something our own FA has advised caution over also), and who would argue with that after watching it.

2) You would not be able to find any video of similar at the football in England. Which is where Panorama was broadcast and aimed at ahead of the Euro's. Thousands of fans doing Nazi salutes in unison. Thousands singing "death to jews in unison". Fans of the same team attacking Asisans in the family stand during the game, for simply having a different colour skin. Big flags openly displayed, in front of police, wishing death to jews.

No. You couldn't find this shit in England and you shouldn't be able to find any of this shit in a country or countries about to host a major fucking tournament.

ps - If you are going to comment on a programme or comments made by someone in that programme, at least watch the fucking thing or risk looking idiotic.
There is certainly a problem with racism in Poland & Ukraine. BBC may have blown it out of proportion but there is no smoke without fire and the video where the asian fans were being attacked by their own teams 'ultras' was absolutely disgraceful.
just a quick question on racism. i was walking down stockport road levenshume with my city top on and a car car of asian lads drove past me and one of them popped his head out of the window and shouted i quote, " you white city bastard". whatever that means? is that racism? can they be arrested as would i if me and my friends did the opposite?
bazamancity3 said:
just a quick question on racism. i was walking down stockport road levenshume with my city top on and a car car of asian lads drove past me and one of them popped his head out of the window and shouted i quote, " you white city bastard". whatever that means? is that racism? can they be arrested as would i if me and my friends did the opposite?
i) It is racism yes.

ii) Yes they probably could as they used the colour of your skin in the pejorative.
SWP's back said:
bazamancity3 said:
just a quick question on racism. i was walking down stockport road levenshume with my city top on and a car car of asian lads drove past me and one of them popped his head out of the window and shouted i quote, " you white city bastard". whatever that means? is that racism? can they be arrested as would i if me and my friends did the opposite?
i) It is racism yes.

ii) Yes they probably could as they used the colour of your skin in the pejorative.
thankyou, next time ill get the reg, even though i dont think the police will do shit. think thats why people take it into there own hands.

Not so long ago there were riots on a mass scale in England (London particular). People were chased and beaten. Shops robbed and destroyed. There were looters everywhere. Arsonist put shops, cars and even private flats on fire. People been murdered over there as well!

Decision to let that backward (third world actually), filled with cave era troglodytes joke country hosting Olympic Games is just shocking!!!

Don`t go to London as you may come back in coffin!

Full picture?
Based on Britain general characteristic or isolated incidents?

Now think how you`ve been manipulated by BBC!

EaglesFan and AdamoTheGreat- cheers! It`s nice to see even a couple of people who are not ignorant and have an own opinion based not on biased BBS pseudo-doccumentary but on their own experiences of visiting Poland or/and Ukraine. Thumbs up for that guys!

Nazi salutes, beaten Asian students, banana throwing took place on Ukraine. I know that for many peoples that part of Europe is just one big blur but there are many diffrent countries in there with diffrent characteristics so it`s worth to at least recognise what you`re talking about

As far as I remember Balotelli was racially abused by Portugese and Italian fans, right? Or am i missing something?

Because not so long ago when we played with Italy in Wroclaw in a presence of 42k spectators,absolutely nothing innapropriate happened there. And Ballotelli scored a goal in that game.
So if Italian fans will abuse him and he walk off the pitch what will be the fault of hosting nation in that??

That shows how easily is to spread hysteria and hostility towards others when you do not have all your facts right!

If you think that the same guys that attends Lodz or Krakow derby will come to see games at Euros or that the beef that local rivals "share" have something in common with football on international level... then it`s just laughable stuff :)
UltraPoland said:

Not so long ago there were riots on a mass scale in England (London particular). People were chased and beaten. Shops robbed and destroyed. There were looters everywhere. Arsonist put shops, cars and even private flats on fire. People been murdered over there as well!

Decision to let that backward (third world actually), filled with cave era troglodytes joke country hosting Olympic Games is just shocking!!!

Don`t go to London as you may come back in coffin!

Full picture?
Based on Britain general characteristic or isolated incidents?

Now think how you`ve been manipulated by BBC!

EaglesFan and AdamoTheGreat- cheers! It`s nice to see even a couple of people who are not ignorant and have an own opinion based not on biased BBS pseudo-doccumentary but on their own experiences of visiting Poland or/and Ukraine. Thumbs up for that guys!

Nazi salutes, beaten Asian students, banana throwing took place on Ukraine. I know that for many peoples that part of Europe is just one big blur but there are many diffrent countries in there with diffrent characteristics so it`s worth to at least recognise what you`re talking about

As far as I remember Balotelli was racially abused by Portugese and Italian fans, right? Or am i missing something?

Because not so long ago when we played with Italy in Wroclaw in a presence of 42k spectators,absolutely nothing innapropriate happened there. And Ballotelli scored a goal in that game.
So if Italian fans will abuse him and he walk off the pitch what will be the fault of hosting nation in that??

That shows how easily is to spread hysteria and hostility towards others when you do not have all your facts right!

If you think that the same guys that attends Lodz or Krakow derby will come to see games at Euros or that the beef that local rivals "share" have something in common with football on international level... then it`s just laughable stuff :)
we are talking about racism not violence there was no racism in london causing riots?

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