Mario incident sat night

Kinkyboots10 said:
He did try and open the car door and then pulled his pants down and slapped his arse 19 times while screaming obscenities at Mario. An acquaintance (no longer) posted on facebook that they were with him when he did it. The plastic twats were on a twitter 'meet up', a bunch of armchairs all out together wanking over the shower of shite after the first match most of them have ever been to. They make me puke.
wtf?!!! Is he a pillow biter as well as a fat, bald, illiterate, kiddy-fiddling dwarf with a cone-shaped head?
I see dick heads like this cretin down the pub everytime Utd are on, he epitomises everything I hate about the red cunts. Horrible bunch.
LongsightM13 said:
Kinkyboots10 said:
He did try and open the car door and then pulled his pants down and slapped his arse 19 times while screaming obscenities at Mario. An acquaintance (no longer) posted on facebook that they were with him when he did it. The plastic twats were on a 'meet up', a bunch of armchairs all out together wanking over the shower of shite after the first match most of them have ever been to. They make me puke.
wtf?!!! Is he a pillow biter as well as a fat, bald, illiterate, kiddy-fiddling dwarf with a cone-shaped head?
Young mcfcliam just tweeted him, 'speak English you fucking shambles'. ahahahaha!!!!
Pigeonho said:
LongsightM13 said:
Kinkyboots10 said:
He did try and open the car door and then pulled his pants down and slapped his arse 19 times while screaming obscenities at Mario. An acquaintance (no longer) posted on facebook that they were with him when he did it. The plastic twats were on a 'meet up', a bunch of armchairs all out together wanking over the shower of shite after the first match most of them have ever been to. They make me puke.
wtf?!!! Is he a pillow biter as well as a fat, bald, illiterate, kiddy-fiddling dwarf with a cone-shaped head?
Young mcfcliam just tweeted him, 'speak English you fucking shambles'. ahahahaha!!!!

Nice one Liam but he's not even close to being good enough to be a shambles. Complete Wanker. If he's got half a brain he should be fucking terrified. Talk about coming on top........

You just know that coat stinks of broken biscuits and poo the backward tramp.
Pigeonho said:
He'll claim he's not, but I'm 100% certain this fat, bald fucking prick will currently have that butterflies feeling you get when you look back and think, 'fuck, I wish i'd not done that'. Hoe old do you reckon he is? 35/36? So here we have a mid-30's year old blabbing to the world on twittfuckinger that he's going to court, and that the police should know that 'we're United, we do what we want'?! Parents must be so proud.

If you're reading this you fat little ****, I bet all of what you say is complete bollocks. You're one of those aren't you who's life is that full of nothing, you resort to making stories up about pulling footballers out of a car. If you'd tried to do that, those years of pouring shite into your overweight sack of twat body would have taken it's toll, and you would've curled up in a ball suffering a mild heart attack whilst Mario and his bird spat on you before driving off. What a fucking massive, massive **** you are.

Take a bow son, couldnt have put it better :)

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