Mark Clattenburg

I just wonder how many of the so-called 'elite' PiGMOL refs would have given that pen? If as many wouldn't as would, then it's inconclusive and it shouldn't be given.

We need to nail referees down and they should be required to explain every sending off and every penalty. Some of the sendings off and pens would be pretty obvious, but some, like the one yesterday would provide a very interesting explanation!!

Interviewer: Mark, can you talk us through the penalty decision?
Clattenburg: I thought it was a penalty but looking at the replay I clearly got it wrong and I apologise.
Interviewer: Thanks Mark

Fascinating stuff.
Just because of the sheer fact that pellegrini 'dug him out' post match tells you everything.
Don't think I've ever heard pellers speak bad of or criticise any ref or fellow manager.
Clattenburg likes big games to be about him.
Referees should go in front of the camera and explain their thought process behind the decision making.
And yesterday no matter my bias towards city.
the first question would have been where did the ball strike sterling for the penalty?
Waited for his answer and then showed a video replay and say well you were obviously guessing as you were in no position to see it and it clearly hits him in the ribs first then bounced up and skins his elbow.
Make him out to be the cheater he is. If the refs got interviewed like that after every contentious decision, We'd soon see fairer games.
But as theyre very well protected and believe they're God's gift they're allowed to make teams drop points without punishment.
But we know it will never happen as there's to much money in the sport
He needs investigating clatteringtwat , there has been racist allegations made against him this should have been investigated and the resulting findings
laid bare to public scrutiny either way somebody is guilty of at the very least bringing the game into disrepute. Although i suspect the corrupt FA like to push
this kind of thing under there carpet along with all the sordid secrets and money driven agendas .How many howlers do football supporters have to put up with /
The man is a gross incompatant and which makes his decision gross misconduct It might be a good idea for all football fans to be given some kind of judicating roll
on the appointment and dismissal of refs/ ?
Interviewer: Mark, can you talk us through the penalty decision?
Clattenburg: I thought it was a penalty but looking at the replay I clearly got it wrong and I apologise.
Interviewer: Thanks Mark

Fascinating stuff.
You didn't need a bloody replay to tell he had his back turned when the ball hit him!!!!!
Referees should go in front of the camera and explain their thought process behind the decision making.
And yesterday no matter my bias towards city.
the first question would have been where did the ball strike sterling for the penalty?
Waited for his answer and then showed a video replay and say well you were obviously guessing as you were in no position to see it and it clearly hits him in the ribs first then bounced up and skins his elbow.
Make him out to be the cheater he is. If the refs got interviewed like that after every contentious decision, We'd soon see fairer games.
But as theyre very well protected and believe they're God's gift they're allowed to make teams drop points without punishment.
But we know it will never happen as there's to much money in the sport

No, you'd see referees leaving the game in their droves for fear of being called a cheat for every single mistake they made.

A nonsense idea.
I'm sure you're a delightful chap, well educated and holding down an excellent position; sadly, as I don't know you personally I can only really go on the evidence to hand, you posted some drivel relating to a post that I had already responded to so forgive me for appearing short.
So you consider my post as "drivel" and therefore see fit to be insulting? You need to have a word with yourself.
You didn't need a bloody replay to tell he had his back turned when the ball hit him!!!!!

Oh good grief, in order for the referee to comment he would need to see a replay to decide conclusively that he'd made a mistake, are people really this dumb or is it some sort of convention you're organising?
Well I don't wish to labour the point but if there was a scrap of evidence pointing towards corruption in the game at this level then these very same journalists would be all over it in a heartbeat...a story like this would be career defining for any journalist and in these days of decreased 'paper sales it would be manna from heaven for the press.
Naive I think, a significant proportion of these so - called journalists are pretty much on the pay roll of the traditional big clubs, they act as mouthpieces for Rags, Dippers, Arse, Chelsea & Spuds, for them to call out corruption in football would open a can of worms. The media is as corrupt as many others in the establishment (just look at how they feed out the political agenda) never mind football.

Re yesterday, lot of smoke about Clattenberg in the past, he makes too many poor decisions against us & in favour of certain clubs in other matches for it to be incompetence or coincidence, as do a number of others Rag Taylor, Lee Mason , a Roger East.Etc...

As a club we should be clear & vocal in saying that he shouldn't be anywhere near our club on match day, that in itself may send out a statement to those other officials that we have had our bellyful of getting a raw deal, which this season & last we have had a shocking run of 'bad luck'

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