
I reckon it's his arrogant stance with regard to the milner situation and he has more than likely been told to fuck off by Villa.
He like Moyes thinks he's so much bigger than the club and will always, as Moyes does speak on behalf of the club, when he hasn't got enough to back up for his motor mouth.
No fucking sympathy and maybe as he's manager in waiting for the Trafford scum, the timing might be good.
Fergies clever rant last season 'City won't finish higher than Utd, not in my lifetime', might just come back to haunt the scots twat, love to see it unfold and him be pushing up the daisies by this time next year!
Re: MON resigns

BenchillBlue said:
Martin O'Neill has resigned from Villa, wonder if this will scuper the MIlner deal.

Milner still wants out. So the problem is that the club owner may want to pocket more of the fee as his profit than MON wanted him to, so MON waned to spend the fee. Just speculation.
Thats a huge blow to Villa great manager I think the lack of funds made him walk. In a ideal world they would of tried to sign McGeady as a replacement for Milner. Now I dont know what this means for Ireland / Milner as I dont think Ireland will want to go to Villa not knowing who will be in charge. There would of been a high chance IF O ' Neill was still there as he is a great manager.
I cant see him out of work for much longer and I expect a number of clubs to be looking at O ' Neill as there new manager I would say Liverpool may be kicking themselfs as O ' Neill was there so called first choice.
I have a strong feeling Liverpool or Spurs have come in for Ashley Young and a decisions been made over his head.

Poor old Dunney monster, worked for all the managers under the sun!!

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