Mason Greenwood released on bail

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Judging by the direction that it has taken in the last 40 years or so, no I'm not. Considering the reason why this thread exists, my thoughts are had this heinous crime been committed here in my country, Greenwood would be tried by social media and would plead and delay his way through our legal system till his crime faded from people's memories and was essentially forgotten by all but the parties involved.
Besides, as you've stated previously, you gave us our legal system glad we did away with the powdered wigs. :-)
You have massively politicised the Supreme Court though despite having the 'separation of powers' written into the first three articles of your Constitution.
You have massively politicised the Supreme Court though despite having the 'separation of powers' written into the first three articles of your Constitution.
This case would never get to the SCOTUS, I'm not a fan of what has become of our legal system or the political shananigans that envelop it. I try my very best to steer clear of it, enjoying a reasonably quiet life of retirement, enjoying a couple of pints or an occasional bottle of good wine and leaving my discontent to the use of and manipulation of the interpretation of the laws of the game in the VAR building at Stockly Park.
My red mate and his son got Greenwood's shirt after their last game at the swamp and posted it on Facebook. I've sent him a message saying he's probably got his last ever shirt. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing. He''s not replied!
The other half works for a wholesale/retailer, who have a excellent returns policy, periodically they allow an outside company to display and sell signed sport shirts. Yesterday a Greenwood shirt was returned !
I wouldn’t be so sure, got a feeling they will try and settle it out of court and brush this under the carpet. He should be made an example of as should Mendy!
I don't think that's possible nowadays. The law changed. It's the prosecutor that decides whether to proceed with the case, not the victim. Too many victims were being intimidated by their assailants and retracting their claims.
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