Mason Greenwood released on bail

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If the “evidence” (pictures and audio) that is public is shown to be related to Greenwood’s actions against her, then it’s almost an open and shut case.

That the girl recorded herself saying she did not want sex (at least twice), and he continues ordering her to do things, then threatens her if she pushes him away again, only serves to bolster the case for her injuries.

IF it all ties together, and his lawyers can find no extenuating circumstances, it does not bode well for him.

IF he is found guilty, I hope he spends at least the bulk of his prime playing years in jail and is a pariah thereafter.

Fwiw, the same goes for Mendy.

There is no place in society for sexual violence. It is a cancer that needs eradicating.
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In fairness, we paid £100m for Grealish. Not having a dig at Grealish but I think it was fairly common opinion that this piece of shit was destined for the very top. He was certainly thought to have a far higher ceiling than Grealish. All irrelevant now, as he’ll likely never earn a penny again from what is likely his only talent. Thankfully.
I wouldn’t be so sure, got a feeling they will try and settle it out of court and brush this under the carpet. He should be made an example of as should Mendy!
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