Masturbation have you ever been caught? Men and Women

As it goes...17 years of age, pissed

come home, mum and dad out in the pub

thought about it while watching telly

flicked on the 10 min preview on X tv

thought about it a bit more

next thing woke up with my pants down in front of the telly and my dad pissing himself laughing...never knew if i wangled one off to this day..

never ever came up in conv after.
Thought i wud smash one out over the porn late doors on the tele.

Next thing i know i wake up the house is empty and i have a bru and toast next to me that i deffo didnt make :L

Never mentioned out about it since
Everyone knows about my recent porno story so i wont go in to that. When i was 17, was on porn and was having a wank, didnt know my mum was at the door staring at me for like a minute. When i turned i shit myself, she acted like she didnt see a thing but i could tell at the time she seen it coz of the way she was stuttering in her speech. Also she told my dad, my dad was taking piss out of me for a month straight, not a good time.

Apart from that never been caught :)

Every time someone has a wank, God kills a kitten
Robbo. said:
Stories here....discuss

You seen the new craze?

nervious wanks?

teenager will go in bed room, get goin! wait till climax (jus about 2 squirt) then shout MUMMMM HELPP!!! he's then gota blow his load and clean up b4 he gets caught!

Try it ;)

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