Mata ... Available ..... Really ?

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Davey - hello John would you like to play for United lad
Mata- who? My names Juan not John
Davey -ohh sorry John I mean Juan
Mata - it's ok :/
Davey - John, can you run like the clappers and constantly smash balls into the box for 90mins
Mata- .*hangs up*
Ja Salford Blue said:
I think Rooney will be going to Chelsea in the summer, that is the only reason I can think why no one else has bothered going in for Mata.

Obviously they would not sell to us (if we were interested). However i find it hard to believe that no other European teams have enquired, i think they will have been told to forget it as his is scum bound on the proviso that Rooney goes the other way.

May even happen in this window now that Torres is injured.

Chelsea need a stirker, maybe they are waiting for him to get 100% fit before putting a bid in. 8 days of the window left for them to use the Mata money.

Also who are these intermederies working on behalf of united? And why are united still denying making a bid whilst it's all over the place that they have?

somethings not quite adding up here

Maybe nobody else came in for him because they agreed to pay £7m over the top for him.
Malty said:
Heard rumours that United only got Mata and Chelsea to sell to a domestic rival because they agreed to sell Rooney to Chelsea in the summer.

Thats what i am thinking mate, but why would chelsea not insist on him going there now?

unless maybe this is the reason that they are paying £37m for him, Chelsea could have said stright swap for shrek (as was reported when this first broke), united have said no way, so chelsea respond with, £37m and fat boy at the end of the season then!
I don't understand Chelsea letting Mata go, other than to compensate another transfer shortly. Trying to strenghten United for the sake of trying to nick points of Arsenal and City is far fetched and not very realistic as their problems are bigger than Mata coming in. As it's probably too far fetched to think the "old top 4" are helping eachother out.

What I find hard to undertand is United breaking the clubrecord for a player who this season was warming the bench at Chelsea. In January when it's not a perfect time to buy a playe. And hope (in veign) he can transform the whole squad after trying (and failing) to bring in so many options last summer without a mention of this player, instead ending up with Fellaini.

However Kagawa was brilliant for Dortmund, but never shone for United. I'm sure Mata will be in his place and Kagawa might be looking to go back to Dortmund or look somewhere else. And with Rooney, Van Persie back soon and Mata, we will probably face a complete other United-team than the one that did a comedy-capers last night.

Maybe they will prove to be a match for us soon, because the derby-games were turning out to be a little bit one-sided and boring. I might say.
Very smart from Mourinho. Regardless of how talented Mata is he just doesn't fit in at Chelsea under Mourinho.

30 odd mil in the kitty in addition to the cash from de Bruyne (another brilliant piece of business) gives them a solid chest to get the one real weak link in their team, a striker.

As for Rooney with every month that passes his value drops. He is currently a 30/35mil player, in the summer he is 25mil, next Jan 15mil, following summer free. Chelsea knows they will get him; it is just a matter of when and for how much. My feeling is they will bid 20/25mil in the summer, Rooney will hand in a transfer request stating "lack of CL football for a player at his age" and United will be forced to accept.

Chelsea effectively gets Rooney plus 10/20mil from United in exchange for a benchwarmer. Great business.
Good player but £40 mill LMFAO they have gotten well and truly spanked. Chelsea must be laughing there arse's off.
Superb business from Chelsea's point. But £40 mill lol, can't get over how much there paying for him. This stinks of desperation to keep the rag fans happy.

They truly believe mata, will drag them to win the league this season.

Who said theres no value in the transfer market!!!!!! There full of bullshit, two faced bastards, up there.
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