Matador gored through his throat *GRAPHIC*

oh the fact he'd been stabbing it with his sword makes him an underdog?

If he was wrestling it then yes I'd call him the underdog. tool. And you still haven't answered why cheering the bull is arrogant and offensive?

Traditions aren't always right. And yes I'd hate it if it was Muslim tradition too. Stop bringing stupid accusations over.

And please describe how a Bulls death is ''noble'' this way?
Obviously the Matadors sword evens up the fact that a Bull has 2 big fuck-off horns , you tool . Also , its ten times heavier and it goes out in a blaze of glory as opposed to being bored to death by the likes of you .
But Lucas, the matador only comes in at the end after the picadors have severed the tendons on the back of his neck from the higher ground of horseback. He can barely raise his head to fight back. As for that wanker from Salford who became a bullfighter, what's his tradition and culture? Shooting cats with an air rifle?
Lucas North said:
The Bulls used in Bullfights are usually between 3-5 years old . They are of the highest pedigree , bred on special ,dedicated farms and given the best of everything . They are given a contented life and then a noble death . Only the most courageous, spirited animals are chosen .

Otherwise, without the spectacle of the Bullfight they wouldn't exist .

Exactly. Most of the people who complain do so because they can't avoid it. The bullfight is death in your face with the man taking a risk. Very uncomfortable.

Not like the slippered dignity of battery farming and a nice bacon sandwich eh?
I bet me and the Bull would get on. I wouldn't be spearing it or stabbing it or goading it.
Perhaps if the matador didn't do it he wouldn't need the sword. The aim is to stay out of its way really. He can do that by not bothering. And get a dictionary look up noble. Nothing to do with death.
Lucas North said:
PJMCC1UK said:
And how is that offensive and arrogant you tool?
Arrogant to believe only the matador should have support. Brits just like the underdog

Well listening to all the ignoramusses eulogising over the stength, muscle and power of the 2 ton Bull, l would have thought the Matador was the tool .

Thats before we even get into respecting local history, traditions and culture .

Of course, we all know if Bullfighting was a Muslim tradition and custom no-one would dare say boo .

History and tradition? Just because something is part of a nation's past does not make it right. The British invented the lovely concentration camps made popular by those really nice people the Nazis. Do you think we should re-introduce that because it is part of our history. Or maybe we could also bring back apartheid, another of one our good ideas and part of our history.

By the way clever dick, it's ignoramuses not ignoramusses and it's strength not stength. Who's the fucking ignoramus now, knuckle head
LongsightM13 said:
But Lucas, the matador only comes in at the end after the picadors have severed the tendons on the back of his neck from the higher ground of horseback. He can barely raise his head to fight back. As for that wanker from Salford who became a bullfighter, what's his tradition and culture? Shooting cats with an air rifle?

The Matador is pure theatre, the coup-de-grace , the ultimate complement to a noble beast that has fought well but needs to be dispatched .<br /><br />-- Mon May 24, 2010 7:56 pm --<br /><br />
LateBlue said:
Lucas North said:
Well listening to all the ignoramusses eulogising over the stength, muscle and power of the 2 ton Bull, l would have thought the Matador was the tool .

Thats before we even get into respecting local history, traditions and culture .

Of course, we all know if Bullfighting was a Muslim tradition and custom no-one would dare say boo .

History and tradition? Just because something is part of a nation's past does not make it right. The British invented the lovely concentration camps made popular by those really nice people the Nazis. Do you think we should re-introduce that because it is part of our history. Or maybe we could also bring back apartheid, another of one our good ideas and part of our history.

By the way clever dick, it's ignoramuses not ignoramusses and it's strength not stength. Who's the fucking ignoramus now, knuckle head

Look , my first language is Espana , so, sorry if l make a few rudimentary errors in your language .

Although it is mainly down to keeping one eye on the football and trying to make arrangements to fuck an initial bevy of 5 birds off the wonderful invention that is .

Ooops , forgot the obligatory ' you tool ' or is that another bloke, l'm not taking it that seriously to be honest .
Like I posted earlier in the thread, it is, for better or for worse, a huge part of Spanish culture and will never be banned. But unlike the American rodeo tradition, the bullfighter has the deck stacked in his favour
LongsightM13 said:
Like I posted earlier in the thread, it is, for better or for worse, a huge part of Spanish culture and will never be banned. But unlike the American rodeo tradition, the bullfighter has the deck stacked in his favour

Course he fucking has , he's not daft , he's human, the stupid dumb Bull doesn't realise that though .
Look , my first language is Espana , so, sorry if l make a few rudimentary errors in your language .

Although it is mainly down to keeping one eye on the football and trying to make arrangements to fuck an initial bevy of 5 birds off the wonderful invention that is .

Ooops , forgot the obligatory ' you tool ' or is that another bloke, l'm not taking it that seriously to be honest .[/quote]

You clearly are taking this seriously or you wouldn't be defending this 'sport' (that's a laugh) of complete cruelty with such gusto.

I couldn't give a toss if your first language is Mongolian, you shouldn't come on to this site and call groups of people ignoramuses or any other derogatory name because they express an opinion that is contrary to yours.

Oh by the way I called you knuckle head not tool. However, I stand corrected you are a tool.

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