Matador gored through his throat *GRAPHIC*

Lucas North said:
LongsightM13 said:
Like I posted earlier in the thread, it is, for better or for worse, a huge part of Spanish culture and will never be banned. But unlike the American rodeo tradition, the bullfighter has the deck stacked in his favour
Course he fucking has , he's not daft , he's human, the stupid dumb Bull doesn't realise that though .
Ha! Good comeback mi amigo!
PJMCC1UK said:
It was me who labelled you tool. No harm meant just a lil slagging.

No harm done, mate ,its just banter , l've got thick skin , like a Bull.

Anyway, you're not the tool anymore, LateBlue is and for fucks sake someone teach him how to use the 'quote' function properly .
dude, im not being funny or anything - but if your first language is ´espana´, then you´d probably know that ´espana´ actually means spain, and ´espanol´ means spanish.

but, as you were...
manchesterchica said:
dude, im not being funny or anything - but if your first language is ´espana´, then you´d probably know that ´espana´ actually means spain, and ´espanol´ means spanish.

but, as you were...

lt actually means ' from Spain ' ,its a derivative .
Lucas North said:
manchesterchica said:
dude, im not being funny or anything - but if your first language is ´espana´, then you´d probably know that ´espana´ actually means spain, and ´espanol´ means spanish.

but, as you were...

lt actually means ' from Spain ' ,its a derivative .

it actually doesn´t.. that would be ´de espana´..
manchesterchica said:
Lucas North said:
lt actually means ' from Spain ' ,its a derivative .

it actually doesn´t.. that would be ´de espana´..

Not in the context of speaking the language in a different Country, anyway, my Espanol has fucking lapsed and l now specialize in English swearing, bad grammar and Northern colloquilisms .

Jinky's on ...
Lucas North said:
PJMCC1UK said:
And how is that offensive and arrogant you tool?
Arrogant to believe only the matador should have support. Brits just like the underdog

Well listening to all the ignoramusses eulogising over the stength, muscle and power of the 2 ton Bull, l would have thought the Matador was the tool .

Thats before we even get into respecting local history, traditions and culture .

Of course, we all know if Bullfighting was a Muslim tradition and custom no-one would dare say boo .

Without doubt the most ridiculous statement i've ever seen on BM.
Spain are still in the dark ages in a lot of respects, this being a good example along with the racism!

I wish the bull killed him, they deserve it, its a really disgusting 'sport'.

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