Match Day: Aston Villa v. Manchester City FC

bumble said:
Dunn and Collins wer magnificent and fought like lions, I would have them both in our side today.

Didn't need them to be fair, defence was generally fine, it was a mistake by Joe that cost us.
ElanJo said:
santasa said:
For this Villa 90 min. catenaccio you really need some visionary playmaker to feed striker !
Otherwise its hopeless.


My biggest disappointment tonight, along with the tactics which either didn't exist of was taking some very bizarre turns.

Never thought Silva would be "so invisible" tonight, it was terrible.
LoveCity said:
bumble said:
Dunn and Collins wer magnificent and fought like lions, I would have them both in our side today.

Didn't need them to be fair, defence was generally fine, it was a mistake by Joe that cost us.

A defensive mistake, I thought Joe did all he could. Chaps, get used to the idea that these players are only human. Silva (again :) I can not find any excuse for, however hard I try, nor can I believe that Mancini didn't notice Silva wasn't even there and did nothing about it...
wanderer72 said:
ElanJo said:

My biggest disappointment tonight, along with the tactics which either didn't exist of was taking some very bizarre turns.

Never thought Silva would be "so invisible" tonight, it was terrible.

Their are a number of players who got in his way, Tevez, Boat, Yaya, Barry, even NDJ were all in the same space today, adding needless nowhere passing between them, even Kolowno & Komps were driving through the same space he needs. Considering our number of passes, we were not creating the angles.
Sunny Coast Blue said:
wanderer72 said:
My biggest disappointment tonight, along with the tactics which either didn't exist of was taking some very bizarre turns.

Never thought Silva would be "so invisible" tonight, it was terrible.

Their are a number of players who got in his way, Tevez, Boat, Yaya, Barry, even NDJ were all in the same space today, adding needless nowhere passing between them, even Kolowno & Komps were driving through the same space he needs. Considering our number of passes, we were not creating the angles.

Tevez was trying to be everywhere at once and just kept bumping into the opposition...Dzeko out wide on the left what was that one point he was playing as left back...
wanderer72 said:
LoveCity said:
Didn't need them to be fair, defence was generally fine, it was a mistake by Joe that cost us.

A defensive mistake, I thought Joe did all he could. Chaps, get used to the idea that these players are only human. Silva (again :) I can not find any excuse for, however hard I try, nor can I believe that Mancini didn't notice Silva wasn't even there and did nothing about it...

This. We cannot find a scapegoat as to why we lost today, it was down to them. They scored from a counter attack, and defended well for the rest of the 72 minutes. It was exactly how we played a few years back, it's frustrating but that's life.

Villa are bitter towards Barry because he came through their academy and then turned his back on them ala Ashley Cole / Arsenal. Milner didn't he came through at Leeds and the scum knew the score with Tevez.
mike channon´s windmill said:
Expect the same at St Andrews

Nice while it lasted

Nowt´s really changed has it? If you want to be the very best you don´t lose games like that

The replay has cost us with Hart to blame on both occasions

How can we be so toothless up front?

Oh and fook off Dunney - see you saved your best against us once more you fat fook

You need to be quiet.
I apologıze in advance as Im wrıtıng thıs from abroad and the local keyboards make ıt damn near ımpossıble to use apostrophes commas or the letter ı normally.

Ill try to keep ıt short. Vılla scored an early goal off of ımo combıned poor play by Kolo and Hart. It was a tap ın really no skıll ınvolved from Bent so ıtll be frustratıng to see the headlınes ın the comıng days. Eıther way that set the tone for the game because after that they could afford to play ultra defensıvely.

After that I thınk a few problems wıth our squad proved fatal ın tryıng to break them down. Yes we domınated possesıon but for all that we dıdnt really have that many solıd shots on goal so ıt was hardly Inter Barca lıke someone had suggested.

One thıng that was key ıs that we really dont seem to have anyone ın thıs squad capable of crossıng the ball ın from the rıght. Boateng ıs a natural CB and you can tell. Barry... no. Johnson has some wheels but hıs tımıng and decısıon makıng ıs way off. Ironıcally Dzeko mıght have done the best job of the bunch.

Speakıng of Dzeko ı dont see why all the complaınıng about hım playıng left and rıght. Hım and Tevez basıcally swıtched roles whıch ıs why he was all over the place. He was one of Cıtys best players ın the second half ıf not the best.

The real problem ıs 1 that we had no wıdth on the rıght and 2 that the mıdfıeld was overloaded wıth defensıve mınded players ın a game where we had to take ıt to the opponent. Sılva defınıtely had an off day perhaps hes not match fıt yet but there was really no other creatıve force worth mentıonıng to pıck up the slack.

Those are my two cents or at least what ı could see from thıs shıtty stream.

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