Match fixing confirmed (including in England)

Prestwich_Blue said:
The cookie monster said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
As far as I'm aware a report was presented to the FA that linked dubious decisions each of them made to suspicious betting patterns. What those specific decisions were I don't exactly know as I haven't seen the report.

A similar one was presented about 12 months or so ago and this one I had advance notice of. I told some trusted people on here that Mason wouldn't be refereeing us again. And sure enough he was withdrawn from two of our games at short notice.

I'd like to ask people like Cookie Monster & Pigeonho a question. You clearly think this is all a load of bollocks, which is your prerogative, but why are you so persistent with your sarcastic postings? You must have posted far more than me on these threads which makes me very suspicious about your motives.

I have no idea what you are going on about
You've made it clear you think the idea of corruption in the PL is a load of bollocks yet you've posted on this thread something like 15 times. I started it, on a subject I'm very interested in, and have answered some questions and I've only posted 12 times I think. I suspect you've posted more on this thread than anyone else yet you have no interest in this subject.

Now if I've got no interest in a subject being discussed on a thread I'll either not bother or have my say and leave it. Yet you come on these threads time and time again mocking anyone who wants to discuss it seriously and intelligently. You clearly have a motive in trying to disrupt these threads. So I ask myself what it is and why you feel the need to pursue it so obsessively?

I see you have avoided taking on nf as he has posted just as much as me,and also states its bollocks
Is that because he tore you a new arse the other day,and you see me as an easier target?
I also have posted on the muffin/barm thread about 200 times telling people its not a fucking barm,i must have a motive on there too
I tell you why p'b because you tried to make a few of us look likes cunts on some of the agenda threads which you were spouting your shit on
Then you start a thread calling us twats and expect no response
You have clearly got the hump because the super story you promised us has not materialised.
Prestwich_Blue said:
The cookie monster said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
As far as I'm aware a report was presented to the FA that linked dubious decisions each of them made to suspicious betting patterns. What those specific decisions were I don't exactly know as I haven't seen the report.

A similar one was presented about 12 months or so ago and this one I had advance notice of. I told some trusted people on here that Mason wouldn't be refereeing us again. And sure enough he was withdrawn from two of our games at short notice.

I'd like to ask people like Cookie Monster & Pigeonho a question. You clearly think this is all a load of bollocks, which is your prerogative, but why are you so persistent with your sarcastic postings? You must have posted far more than me on these threads which makes me very suspicious about your motives.

I have no idea what you are going on about
You've made it clear you think the idea of corruption in the PL is a load of bollocks yet you've posted on this thread something like 15 times. I started it, on a subject I'm very interested in, and have answered some questions and I've only posted 12 times I think. I suspect you've posted more on this thread than anyone else yet you have no interest in this subject.

Now if I've got no interest in a subject being discussed on a thread I'll either not bother or have my say and leave it. Yet you come on these threads time and time again mocking anyone who wants to discuss it seriously and intelligently. You clearly have a motive in trying to disrupt these threads. So I ask myself what it is and why you feel the need to pursue it so obsessively?

I notice you chose to ignore my reply,but no matter - I shall gatecrash this one instead.
It may come as something of a shock to you,but it is possible to be just as interested in the possibility of corruption within the game without adopting your viewpoint.
As someone who has been following football generally and City in particular for 40 odd years,why wouldn't it?
As I said before,I am open minded regarding the issue,but mocking is a two-way street,and myself and others have had a dog's abuse on threads like these before for not towing the party line,and having the audacity to suspend our judgement until such allegations are established as fact.
You don't have a monopoly on what constitutes 'serious and intelligent discussion',because some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories on here simply defy logical analysis,and render ridicule-by-humour as the only possible response.
Or are you actually trying to rid the forum of humour?
It would seem ironic,given that it was the only thing that kept us sane when we were truly shite.
I just don't know why you have such a bee in your bonnet about this.
It's all been lighthearted banter - no name calling,no death threats,no hissy fits.
If you are so sure that you will be vindicated,then you will have the last laugh anyway.
So why not just let folk carry on posting what they want until such time as Armageddon arrives,the waste products collide with the air conditioning, and the Talking Scrotum is wheeled away by officers of the law in a straightjacket?
That's a very good point PB.

It seems that having people believe that there is no corruption and no agenda is the most important thing in the world to them.

Very odd.
edgecroft said:
That's a very good point PB.

It seems that having people believe that there is no corruption and no agenda is the most important thing in the world to them.

Very odd.

If everybody had the same belief or ideas this would be a very boring forum.
Piss taking is fine as far as I'm concerned,providing it doesn't get nasty.
Anyway cookie,still believe the premier league is bullet proof or are you having some doubts? :-)
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
The cookie monster said:
I have no idea what you are going on about
You've made it clear you think the idea of corruption in the PL is a load of bollocks yet you've posted on this thread something like 15 times. I started it, on a subject I'm very interested in, and have answered some questions and I've only posted 12 times I think. I suspect you've posted more on this thread than anyone else yet you have no interest in this subject.

Now if I've got no interest in a subject being discussed on a thread I'll either not bother or have my say and leave it. Yet you come on these threads time and time again mocking anyone who wants to discuss it seriously and intelligently. You clearly have a motive in trying to disrupt these threads. So I ask myself what it is and why you feel the need to pursue it so obsessively?

I notice you chose to ignore my reply,but no matter - I shall gatecrash this one instead.
It may come as something of a shock to you,but it is possible to be just as interested in the possibility of corruption within the game without adopting your viewpoint.
As someone who has been following football generally and City in particular for 40 odd years,why wouldn't it?
As I said before,I am open minded regarding the issue,but mocking is a two-way street,and myself and others have had a dog's abuse on threads like these before for not towing the party line,and having the audacity to suspend our judgement until such allegations are established as fact.
You don't have a monopoly on what constitutes 'serious and intelligent discussion',because some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories on here simply defy logical analysis,and render ridicule-by-humour as the only possible response.
Or are you actually trying to rid the forum of humour?
It would seem ironic,given that it was the only thing that kept us sane when we were truly shite.
I just don't know why you have such a bee in your bonnet about this.
It's all been lighthearted banter - no name calling,no death threats,no hissy fits.
If you are so sure that you will be vindicated,then you will have the last laugh anyway.
So why not just let folk carry on posting what they want until such time as Armageddon arrives,the waste products collide with the air conditioning, and the Talking Scrotum is wheeled away by officers of the law in a straightjacket?

How dare you challenge the status quo!

Ever since these “corruption/agenda” threads began to surface, my replies, in the main, have been to those people suggesting the main aim of these threads are either “anti-City” or “pro-United”.

I’m not, and never have been, naive enough to hold the opinion that it’s impossible that football or indeed the Premier League is open to corruption. All I have ever argued is against those suggesting that such corruption is in place to either hinder City, help United, or a combination of both. As of now, I am still to be shown or come across any evidence which has made me rethink my stance on the matter.

The results of this EUROPOL investigation doesn’t really surprise me. We know Italy have been found guilty in the past and it doesn’t surprise me one bit that similar activites have been going on, in the main, throughout leagues with a lower reputation than the Premier League, such as Turkey for example.

Also, when people starting coming out with, IMO, outlandish claims such as 6/10 Premier League games a week are corrupt to some degree, then I will continue to disagree with such claims and again, until the evidence is there, I will maintain that stance.

I’m also keen to hear the reasons behind why Riley, Bennett, Styles and the like ended their careers the way they did, since some people have given their suggestions on the matter. Were they corrupt? Was this proven? Is their evidence of this or are the people who are saying these officials were, in no uncertain terms, moved on because of their links to dodgy betting patterns saying such, because they’re strong believers that the English game is corrupt anyway, whether it’s favouring United or not.

As for those who are getting their knickers in a twist because a few people are sticking to their stance of waiting until evidence materialises, unlucky. We’re not doing it to WUM, nor are we smug, sarcastic and twatty in maintaining such a stance.
lust overlord said:
edgecroft said:
That's a very good point PB.

It seems that having people believe that there is no corruption and no agenda is the most important thing in the world to them.

Very odd.

If everybody had the same belief or ideas this would be a very boring forum.
Piss taking is fine as far as I'm concerned,providing it doesn't get nasty.
Anyway cookie,still believe the premier league is bullet proof or are you having some doubts? :-)

I did see a throw in given the wrong way between the rags and fulham at the weekend..
So maybe it really is as bent as people are saying :)
Shit,another post on this thread ive made.
strongbowholic said:
PB - you mentioned in the other thread about two separate exposés. Is what we have seen from Europol the sum total of both or is there still another to come at some point?

In terms of corruption, I've always assumed refs would be quite sly rather than obvious, however there have been three decisions that have been so bad as to make you really wonder.

The first - and I'm not saying this because it was a decision that favoured the rags - is the goal that should have been vs Spurs at the swamp. I still find it incredulous that Clattenburg (ref that day) and/or Rob Lewis (liner) failed to spot the ball had gone that far over the line.

The second is the infamous ghost goal from Watford vs Reading, as refereed by Stuart Attwell. I mean, for fuck's sake, the ball went WIDE of the goal!!! How could any official get something so fundamentally wrong?

Finally is our old friend Graham Poll and the debacle that was Australia vs Croatia where he booked the same player 3 times?

These are staggering examples of extreme incompetence by our officials which makes you seriously consider if something is afoot afterall?

Clattenburg and Attwell are still refereeing in spite of those incidents and Poll continued to referee for another 12 months after his horror show.

I wonder if PGMOL will now move towards transparency (ie how a ref is chosen per game, who is on the panel to appoint them etc)? I won't hold my breath though.
If there is corruption the examples pointing to it will be much, much less obvious than the ones you cite here.
without a dream said:
Clearly I've not got hard evidence but I find it hard to believe people think there's nothing untoward about Walton and Mason in particular.
Personally, since the first time I saw Mason referee a game, I just thought he was incompetent, and without being able to be specific, he's been incompetent for a lot more clubs than just City.

Walton and Bennett however were always suspicious with regard us, because I saw them have decent games refereeing other clubs.
without a dream said:
Clearly I've not got hard evidence but I find it hard to believe people think there's nothing untoward about Walton and Mason in particular.

Mason reffing us is the equivalent of our opponents having just signed Messi, Ronaldo and Cleverley.

Dodgy as fuck last season and weird how he was pulled from our games at short notice.

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