Match Thread | Chelsea vs Man City (27/10/13)

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Kazzydeyna said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Hungarian blue said:
Two things..take a look at the table..take aook at our away form..whos the idiot..he is not the.manager to take us forward..dress it up all you like..we are so fucking predictable

Agreed. But at least Joe hart and edin dzeko will be happy that they can play shite and be tugged off in the showers afterwards.

You only have to read fergusons book to see why he was so successful. YOU MUST NEVER EVER EVER ALLOW THE PLAYERS TO DICTATE TO THE CLUB ABOUT WHO THE MANAGER SHOULD BE.

Doubt many Sunderland fans would agree with that...
jimharri said:
Has Lescott been caught up to his taters in Mrs Pellegrini? Just wondering, as he's obviously done something to piss Manuell off big time

Nah, Pelle doesn't get angry. We could be 5-0 down and all taking his Mrs up the wrong 'un and all he would say was 'meh'
waspish said:
Any top team are going to beat us we are not disciplined enough and sorry to say the manager ain't good enough we will win fuck all lets hope we finish top 4 then get rid!
Christ on a bike
Some right queens on here
Suze9320 said:
I must admit I am getting fed up of dominating possession and then losing......not that is over yet. we need to be far more clinical -we are still trying to walk the ball in. That is what people complained about Mancini's City but nothing has changed - only our defence is now not as tight as it was. we need a radical overhaul at half time or my concern is that people will start to question Pellegrini's tactical nouse against the Jose's and Pep's of this world......

A lack of clinical ruthlessness has long been an issue with this group of players.
Rocket Sauce said:
Kazzydeyna said:
But I AM a conspiracy theorist in general.


You're not a conspiracy theorist. You're a fucking moron. Sorry...but that shit you just posted is some of the dumbest knee-jerk bullshit I've seen in the last 5 minutes.

Put on your big boy pants. We are only down 1 at half. The sky has not fallen. Chelsea are playing well. We just need to play better.

So, have a Coke, a smile...and shut the fuck up.

A trawl through Kazzydeyna's previous posts will reveal this piece of bunko to be but the latest in a long line..........
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